How to send a playcaster to a friend in classmates


How to send a playcast in classmates

Playcaster is a kind of interactive postcards to which you can attach your text and some kind of music. These postcards can be sent to private messages to any user classmates.

On playcastics in classmates

Now in classmates implement the function of sending various interactive "gifts" and "postcards", which can be characterized as a playcaster. There is also the ability to create and send your own playcaster in specialized applications in classmates. However, this functionality is available only to users who bought VIP-status, or at least a lump sum payment for any "gift." Unfortunately, finding a free playcast in classmates becomes more complicated.

You can also send them from third-party services using a direct link. But it is worth remembering that the user from you will receive a link, for example, in private messages, which will have to go, and then view the playcast. In the event that standard "gifts" are used from classmates, the addressee gets the playcaster immediately, that is, it is not necessary to go anywhere.

Method 1: Sending a "Gift"

"Gifts" or "postcards", to which the user can add their text with music, cost enough, if you, of course, do not have a special VIP tariff. If you are ready to spend several dozen shackles, then use this instruction:

  1. Go to "guests" to a person who would like to send a playcast.
  2. Look at the list of actions located in the block under the avatar. From it, select "Make a Gift".
  3. How to send a playcaster to a friend in classmates 8826_2

  4. Together with a "gift" or "postcard", some music video went, pay attention to the block on the left. There you need to choose the item "Add a song".
  5. Music for gifts in classmates

  6. Choose the track that you consider appropriate. It is worth remembering that this pleasure will cost you at least 1 approx for the added track. Also in the list there are songs that cost 5 OK for adding.
  7. Adding music to a gift in classmates

  8. After you chose a song or songs, proceed to the choice of "Gift" or "Postcards". It is noteworthy that the present itself can be free, but for the music you add to it will have to pay. To speed up the search for a suitable present, use the menu on the left - it simplifies the search by category.
  9. Choosing a gift or postcard in classmates

  10. Click on the "Gift" you are interested in (this step concerns only "gifts"). A window will open where you can add any kind of message, a song (if you use this window to add music, then steps 3 and 4 can be skipped). You can also add any decorated text, but it will have to pay extra for it.
  11. Setting up a gift in classmates

  12. If you send a postcard, then the music you have chosen to 3 and 4 steps will be attached to it. Sending postcards and "Gifts" can be made by "private", that is, only the recipient will know the name of the sender. Check the box opposite the "private" if you consider it necessary, and click on "send".
  13. Specifying the privacy of gift in classmates

Method 2: Sending a playcaster from a third-party service

In this case, the user for viewing your playcaster will have to go to a special link, but at the same time you will not spend a penny on creating such a "gift" (although it depends on the service that you will use).

To send to the user from Odnoklassniki its playcast from third-party service, use this manual:

  1. Go to "Messages" and find the recipient.
  2. Now go to the service where the desired playcast is created and already saved. Pay attention to the address bar. You need to copy the link on which your "gift" is located.
  3. Copy Playcaster Links

  4. Insert the copied link to the message to another user and send it.
  5. Sending a playcaster in classmates

Method 3: Sending from the phone

Those who often come to classmates from the phone can also send playcastics without any restrictions. True, if you use a browser mobile version of the site or a special mobile application, the level of convenience of dispatch, compared to the PC version, will be slightly lower.

Let's look at how to send a playcast from a third-party service to any user of a social network classmates:

  1. Tap the "Messages" icon, which is in the bottom menu bar. Choose a user there, which are going to send the playcast.
  2. Messages in mobile classmates

  3. Go to the usual mobile browser, where you are already open to any playcaster. Find the address bar and copy the link to it. Depending on the version of the mobile OS and the browser, which you use, the location of the address bar can be both at the bottom and above.
  4. Copy Link to Playcaster from Mobile

  5. Insert the copied link to the message and send it to the final recipient.
  6. Sending a playcaster from mobile in classmates

Note that if the recipient is currently sitting from a mobile one at the moment, then with sending a playcaster, it is better to get better until the recipient is online with a PC. The thing is that some playkars from third-party services are bad or are not displayed at all from mobile. Even if you have no problems on your phone with view, it does not mean that the recipient also will also be played well, as a lot depends on the specifics of the phone and the site where the playkast is located.

As you can see, in sending playcists to other users of classmates there is nothing complicated. You also presented two options for sending - using classmates or third-party sites.

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