Tile calculation programs


Tile calculation programs

Finishing work in the room is a very difficult event with its subtleties and nuances. One of the main tasks in repair is the calculation of the volume of materials necessary for its successful conduct. In this review, we consider several programs that help calculate the flow of coatings - tiles, wallpaper, laminate and others, as well as their cost.

Ceramic 3D

This program allows you to build virtual premises with ceramic tiles. The software has features of furniture and plumbing equipment, viewing in 3D mode to assess the appearance of the room after repair, and also helps produce calculations of tiles.

CERAMIC 3D Tile and Visualization Program

Tile Prof.

Cafe Prof is a more complex program. It makes it possible to count not only the number of elements, but also the volume of glue and grout. In addition, with the help of this software, it is possible to calculate the cost of both individual types of materials and the project, as well as preserve layouts to accelerate work. The main feature is a visualization function with light and shadow settings, saving to BMP files.

Program for calculating tiles Profess


The arquer is a very complex professional software designed to carry out accurate calculations of the volume and value of materials during the interior decoration. The program is capable of calculating the consumption of elements for the device of ceilings from various panels and drywall, flooring with a tile, laminate and linoleum, wall cladding plastic, GLC, MDF, wallpaper and tiles.

Program for calculating tile arquer

Visoft Premium.

This is a comprehensive software designed for 3D-design bathrooms. The program is equipped with modules that allow you to create photo-realistic images, use multi-scanners and scanners, interact with touchscreen.

Program for calculating Tiles Visoft Premium

The programs presented in this article help the user to determine the volume of various coatings during the repair of premises. The first two representatives work exclusively with ceramic tiles, the arquer is a more versatile tool, and Wispoft Premium is a powerful 3D package for designing the bathrooms.

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