View remote VKontakte pages


View remote VKontakte pages

Many users of the social network VKontakte for the fault of certain circumstances were forced once to remove account. As a result, especially if the profile was quite popular, it becomes an urgent such topic as viewing deactivated personal pages.

We view remote accounts

To date, to view deactivated accounts, VKontakte you will somehow need to refer to third-party means. In any possible case, you will also need access to the remote page, namely the user identifier.

Please note that most of the references and various functional elements are in working condition. However, this remark is relevant only when the profile is in deactivated state of a slight period of time.

View additional information remote page on the official search engine website Yandex

On this method, you can finish it, since if all the conditions have been followed, you will be able to find information about the remote page of the VK user page without any problems.

Method 2: Google Search

This method, unlike the first, is the easiest way to view once remote user profiles. However, despite all the simplicity, it has many shortcomings that have been sustained that you have no opportunity to see the user's detailed information.

In the Google search engine, as well as in the case of the Verserated Yandex, you can see the once automatically saved copy of the page.

Given the said, VKontakte profiles after deletion are quickly excluded from search queries, because of which you cannot see the information at any convenient time. This method will be the most acceptable method only in those situations where a person who has deleted the page still has a basic possibility of recovery for 7 months.

Now work with search engines, to view ever remote accounts, you can finish and move to a more radical method.

Method 3: Web Archive

This method, as well as preceding, requires that the user account is not hidden by special privacy settings. This is especially true of search engines, since almost any third-party search has a connection with them.

This method may well be applied not only to VC, but also to some other social networks.

If the user account fully complies with the requirements, you can switch to the use of a special service designed to view sites in the once saved state. It is immediately important to take into account the fact that not all pages of social. VKontakte networks have a previously saved copy.

Go to the web archive site

  1. While on Vkontakte website from the browser address bar, copy the URL of the user, information about which you want to see.
  2. The process of copying the URL address of the remote page of the user from the browser address row

  3. With the help of our suggested links, open the Internet archive in any web browser convenient for you.
  4. The process of transition to the main page of the site with the Internet archive

  5. In the center of the main page of the web archive, find the search string and insert the previously copied profile identifier there using the Ctrl + V key combination or the context menu of the browser.
  6. Process for finding a remote profile VKontakte on the website of the online archive

  7. Depending on the phosphors of privacy, you will receive:
  • Error message with a suggestion Save the specified URL in the Internet archive database;
  • Error message when searching for remote profile VKontakte on the site with the Internet archive

  • Scheduled data with the ability to view copies of the VKontakte site by a specific date.
  • Sucuno Inline Inscriptionpage by VKontakte on the site with the Internet Archive

  • To start viewing a page to start, you need to select the year of interest in the corresponding block.
  • The process of choosing a year on the site with the Internet archive to view the remote profile VKontakte

  • Now, after an automatic update, scroll down the page is slightly lower and using the calendar, select the exact date, which was indicated by the or another version of the account.
  • Date selection process on the site with the Internet archive to view the remote profile VKontakte

  • Note that each backlight of numbers has its value:
    • gray - the saved profile data is missing in the database;
    • Missing data on the site with the Internet archive to view the remote profile VKontakte

    • Blue - there is one or more record at a certain time of the day;
    • Several saved copies of the remote profile VKontakte on the site with the Internet archive

      Depending on the number of entries present on the same day, round allocation around the date increases.

    • Orange - there are damaged data.
    • Damaged data on the remote profile VKontakte on the site with the Internet archive

      Under the damaged data, there are those cases where the account cannot be available, for example, due to error 404.

  • Having understood with the main nuances, choose any of the date of interest, hover the mouse cursor on it, and on the drop-down list click on the link according to the desired time segment.
  • Transition process to view remote profile VKontakte on the site with the Internet archive

  • After executing the proposed recommendations within the site with the Internet archive, a user page will open, having the same kind that she had at the time of saving in the database.
  • The process of viewing the early version of the remote profile by VKontakte on the site with the Internet archive

    If you used a copy that was saved until the global update of the VKontakte site, then your use will be provided with an early VK interface.

  • Note that literally all items on the page are active. That is, you, for example, you can easily uncover detailed information.
  • View of Detailed information about the remote profile of VKontakte on the site with the Internet archive

    Using the service you are viewing accounts from the person of an unregistered user. At the same time, you cannot pass authorization and, for example, comment on any record.

    The main minus of this service is that it demonstrates the user profiles of VC in English due to the features of regional service settings.

    At the end of this method, it is important to pay attention to the fact that almost all references in the Internet archive are active and lead to the corresponding page saved in exactly the same time period. In this regard, you should always remember - not all accounts of the VKontakte social network have suitable copies in the web archive.

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