How to make a collage of photos in photoshop


how to make a collage of photos in photoshop

Collages from photographs are used everywhere and often look quite attractive, if, of course, they are made professionally and creatively.

Compilation of collages - an interesting and fascinating occupation. Selection of photos, their location on canvas, design ...

This can be engaged in almost any editor and Photoshop no exception.

Today's lesson will consist of two parts. In the first we will make a classic collage from the snapshot set, and in the second we will master the reception of creating a collage from one photo.

Before making photo collage in Photoshop, you need to pick up pictures that will comply with the criteria. In our case, it will be the subject of the landscapes of St. Petersburg. The photo should be similar by lighting (day-night), the time of year and theme (buildings-monuments-people-landscape).

For the background, choose a picture that also corresponds to the subject.

Create a collage in Photoshop

To draw up a collage, take some pictures with scenery of St. Petersburg. For personal convenience considerations, it is better to put them in a separate folder.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Let's start creating a collage.

Open the background image in Photoshop.

Then we open the folder with the pictures, we allocate everything and drag them to the workspace.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Next, we remove the visibility from all layers, except the lowest. This concerns only the photo that have been added, but not a background image.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Go to the bottom layer with a photo, and twice click on it. The Style Settings window opens.

Here we need to customize the stroke and shadow. The stroke will become a frame for our photos, and the shadow will allow separating the pictures one from the other.

Stroke settings: White color, size - "on the eye", position - inside.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Shadow settings are not constant. We only need to set this style, and subsequently the parameters can be adjusted. The main point is opacity. This value is set 100%. Offset - 0.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Press OK.

Move the snapshot. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + T. And drag the photo and, if necessary, turn.

Create a collage in Photoshop

The first shot is decorated. Now you need to transfer styles to the next.

Clamp Alt. , sum up the cursor to the word "Effects" , Press the LKM and drag on the next (upper) layer.

Create a collage in Photoshop

We include visibility for the next snapshot and place it in the right place with free transformation ( Ctrl + T.).

Create a collage in Photoshop

Next by the algorithm. Thinking styles with a pinch key Alt. , turn on visibility, move. Upon completion, see.

Create a collage in Photoshop

On this compilation of the collage could be considered to be finished, but if you decide to arrange fewer snapshots on the canvas, and the background image is open on a large area, then its (background) needs to be blurred.

Go to the layer with the background, go to the menu "Filter - Blur - Blur in Gauss" . We swallow.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Collage ready.

The second part of the lesson will be a little more interesting. Now let's create a collage of one (!) Snapshot.

First, we will select the right photo. It is desirable that it was as small as possible non-informative sites (a large area of ​​grass or sand, for example, that is, without people, machines, tasks, etc.). The more fragments you plan to place, the more there should be small objects.

This will quite fit.

Create a collage in Photoshop

First you need to create a copy of the background layer by pressing the keyboard key Ctrl + J..

Create a collage in Photoshop

Then create another empty layer,

Create a collage in Photoshop

Select tool "Fill"

Create a collage in Photoshop

And pour it with white.

Create a collage in Photoshop

The resulting layer is placed between layers with the image. With the background to take visibility.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Now create the first fragment.

Go to the top layer and choose the tool "Rectangle".

Create a collage in Photoshop

Draw a fragment.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Next, move the layer with a rectangle under the layer with the image.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Click key Alt. And click on the border between the upper layer and a layer with a rectangle (the cursor during the hovering should be swapped). Create a clipping mask.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Then, being on a rectangle (tool "Rectangle" It should be activated) We go to the top panel of the settings and adjust the barcode.

Color white, solid line. Size select the slider. This will be a photo frame.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Create a collage in Photoshop

Next twice click on a layer with a rectangle. In the window that opens, choose the "Shadow" settings window and configure it.

Opacity exhibit 100%, Bias - 0. The remaining parameters ( Size and scope ) - "approximately". The shadow must be a bit hypertrophored.

Create a collage in Photoshop

After the style is configured, click OK . Then clamp Ctrl and click on the upper layer, thereby highlighting it (two layers are now highlighted), and click Ctrl + G. , combining them into the group.

Create a collage in Photoshop

The first basic fragment is ready.

Let's do it in its move.

To move the fragment, it is enough to move the rectangle.

Open the created group, go to the layer with a rectangle and click Ctrl + T..

Create a collage in Photoshop

With this frame, you can not only move the fragment on the canvas, but also rotate. Dimensions are not recommended. If you do this, you will have to reinstate the shadow and frame.

Create a collage in Photoshop

The following fragments are created very simply. Close the group (so as not to be interfered) and create it a copy of the key combination Ctrl + J..

Create a collage in Photoshop

Next, everything is on the template. Open a group, go on a layer with a rectangle, click Ctrl + T. and move (turn).

All obtained groups in the layers palette can be "mixed".

Create a collage in Photoshop

Such collages are better looking at a dark background. Such a background can be created, bay (see above) White background layer Dark color, or place a picture with another background.

Create a collage in Photoshop

To achieve a more acceptable result, you can slightly reduce the size or scope of the shadow in the styles of each rectangle separately.

Create a collage in Photoshop

A small addition. Let us give our collage some realism.

Create a new layer on top of all, click SHIFT + F5. and hill it 50% gray.

Create a collage in Photoshop

Then go to the menu "Filter - noise - add noise" . Customize the filter on the same grain:

Create a collage in Photoshop

Then change the overlay mode for this layer on "Soft light" And play with opacity.

Create a collage in Photoshop

The result of our lesson:

Create a collage in Photoshop

Interesting reception, isn't it? With it, you can create collages in photoshop, which will look very interesting and unusual.

The lesson is over. Create, create collages, good luck in your work!

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