How to translate HTML in Word


How to translate HTML in Word

HTML is a standardized language of hypertext markup on the Internet. Most of the World Wide Web Pages contain a design markup, made on HTML or XHTML. At the same time, many users need to translate the HTML file to another, no less popular and demanded standard - Text document Microsoft Word. About how to do it, read further.

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There are several methods with which you can convert HTML to Word. At the same time, it is not necessary to download and install third-party software (but also this method is also). Actually, we will tell about all the available options, and how to use it, to solve only you.

Opening and energizing a file in a text editor

A text editor from Microsoft can work not only with its own Doc, DOCX formats and their varieties. In fact, in this program you can open the files of completely other formats, including HTML. Consequently, opening the document of this format, it will be possible to recover in the one you need at the output, namely - DOCX.

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1. Open the folder in which the HTML document is located.

HTML Document Folder

2. Click on it right mouse and select "To open with""Word".

Open with Word

3. The HTML file will be opened in the Word window exactly in the same form in which it would be displayed in the HTML editor or in the browser tab, but not on the finished web page.

HTML document is open in Word

Note: All tags that are in the document will be displayed, but will not perform your function. The thing is that the markup in the Word, as well as the formatting of the text, works at a different principle. The only question is whether you need these tags in the destination file, and the problem is that it is necessary to clean them manually.

4. Working on text formatting (if necessary), save the document:

  • Open tab "File" and select item in it "Save as";
  • Saving HTML in Word

  • Change the file name (optional), specify the path to save it;
  • Save HTML in Word

  • The most important thing is in the drop-down menu under the string with the file name, select Format "Word Document (* DOCX)" and click "Save".

Saving a document in Word

Thus, you managed to quickly and conveniently convert the HTML format file to the usual text document Word program. This is just one of the ways, but by no means the only one.

Using Total HTML Converter

Total Html Converter. - It is easy to use and a very convenient program to convert HTML files to other formats. There are including spreadsheets, scans, graphic files and text documents, including the so necessary Word. A small drawback is that the program converts HTML to Doc, and not in DOCX, but it can already be corrected directly in the Word.

Total Html Converter.

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You can find out in more detail about the features and features of HTML Converter, as well as the name of this program you can download the informational version on the official website.

Download Total HTML Converter

1. By downloading the program to your computer, install it, carefully following the instructions of the installer.

Open Total HTML Converter

2. Run HTML Converter and, using the built-in browser, located on the left, specify the path to the HTML file you want to convert to Word.

Select a file in Total HTML Converter

3. Install the box next to this file and click on the shortcut panel button with the DOC document icon.

Selection and preview in Total HTML Converter

Note: In the right window, you can see the contents of the file that you are going to convert.

4. Specify the path to save the converted file, if necessary, change its name.

Specify the way to HTML Converter

5. Press "Forward" You will move to the next window where you can perform conversion settings.

Conversion settings in HTML Converter

6. Clushing again "Forward" You can configure the exported document, but it will be better to leave the default values ​​there.

Export settings to HTML Converter

7. Next, you can set the size of the fields.

Field settings in HTML Converter

Lesson: How to set up fields in the Word

8. The long-awaited window will appear in front of you, in which it will be possible to start converting. Just press the button "Begin".

Start converting to HTML Converter

9. You will appear before you the successful conversion completion, the folder that you specified will automatically be opened to save the document.

The process is complete

Open the converted file in the Microsoft Word program.

HTML is open in Word

If required, edit the document, remove the tags (manually) and reduce it in DOCX format:

  • Go to the menu "File""Save as";
  • Set the file name, specify the path to save, in the drop-down menu under the name with the name, select "Word Document (* DOCX)";
  • Press the button "Save".

Save HTML in Word

In addition to converting HTML documents, the Total HTML Converter program allows you to translate a web page to a text document or any other supported file format. To do this, in the main window of the program, it is enough just to insert a link to the page into a special line, and then proceed to its conversion in the same way as described above.

Convert a web page

We looked at another possible method for converting HTML to Word, but this is not the last option.

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Using online converters

On endless Internet spaces there are many sites on which electronic documents can be converted. The ability to translate HTML to the Word on many of them is also present. Below are links to three convenient resources, just choose the one you like.




Consider the conversion methodology on the example of the ConvertFileOnline online converter.

1. Load the HTML document to the site. To do this, press the virtual button. "Select a file" specify the path to the file and click "Open".

Fast File Converter for ZIP, PDF, TXT, FB2, Doc, Docx, RTF, DJVU, HTM, HTML, TIF, TIFF, BMP, JPG

2. In the window below, select the format to which the document you want to convert. In our case, this is MS Word (DOCX). Press the button "Convert".

Selecting a format for conversion

3. The file transformation will begin, upon completion of which the window will be automatically open to save it. Specify the path, set the name, click "Save".


Now you can open a converted document in the Microsoft Word text editor and perform all the manipulations that can be done with the usual text document with it.

Protected view in Word

Note: The file will be opened in the secure view mode, in more detail you can learn from our material.

Read: Limited functionality mode in Word

To disable the secure view mode, simply click "Allow editing".

[Limited functionality mode] - Word

    Advice: Do not forget to save the document by finishing the work with it.

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Now we can finish exactly. From this article, you learned about three different methods, with the help of which you can quickly and conveniently convert the HTML file to the Word text document, be it doc or docx. Which of the methods described by us to choose to solve you.

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