How to update Origin.


How to update Origin.

If you do not update the Origin client on time, you can encounter an incorrect job of the application or even with its failure to start. But in this case, the user will not be able to use programs that require launch through the official client. In this article we will look at how to update the origin to the latest version.

How to update Origin

As a rule, Origin monitors the relevance of its version and is updated independently. This process does not require user intervention. But sometimes for any reason this does not occur and various problems begin.

Method 1: network connection check

You may simply have no connection to the network, so the client cannot download the update. Connect the Internet and restart the application.

No connection icon

Method 2: Enabling automatic update

The application may not look for updates yourself, if you remove the checkbox from the "Auto-update" when installing or in the settings. In this case, you can turn on the auto-update again and forget about the problem. Consider how to do it:

  1. Run the application and go to your profile. In the control panel at the top of the window, click on the "ORIGIN" section, and then select "Application Settings".

    Origin Application Settings

  2. Here, in the "Appendix" tab, find the "Update program" section. Opposite the "Update Origin automatically" item, move the switch to the location.

    Origin program update

  3. Restart the client to start downloading new files.

Method 3: Casha Cleaning

Help solve the problem can and complete cleaning the cache program. The longer you use Origin, the more files keep the cache. Over time, it starts slowing down the job of the application, and sometimes it can cause various errors. Consider how to get rid of all temporary files:

  1. Close Origin if it is open.
  2. Now you need to delete the contents of the following folders:

    C: \ Users \ User_Name \ AppData \ Local \ Origin \ Origin

    C: \ Users \ User_Name \ AppData \ Roaming \ Origin

    C: \ ProgramData \ Origin (not to be confused with ProgramFiles!)

    Where user_name is your username.


    You may not find these directories if the display of hidden elements is not included. How to view hidden folders, you can find out in the following article:

    Lesson: how to open hidden folders

    Orgin Deleting the contents of the ORIGIN folder

  3. Run the client and wait until the file check is completed.

In general, this procedure is recommended to spend once a couple of months to avoid various problems. After cleaning the cache, an application update should start. Otherwise, go to the next item.

Method 4: Reinstalling the Client

And finally, a method that helps almost always - reinstalling the program. This method can be used if none of the above helps and the client is defective or you just reluctance to deal with the causes of the problem.

First you need to completely remove the origin from the computer. You can do this both through the application itself and with the help of additional software. On our site previously published an article on this topic:

Read more:

How to delete a program from a computer

How to Delete Games in Origin

Origin Official Site Download Program

After uninstalling, download the latest version of the program from the official site and re-install it, follow the instructions of the wizard installation. This method helps most of the users and helps to get rid of almost any error.

As you can see, there are a lot of problems that may interfere with Uroigin update. It is not always possible to figure out what exactly the cause is a problem, and the customer itself is quite capricious. We hope we could help you correct the error and you can again play your favorite games.

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