Origin is not included in the network


Origin is not included in the network

There are several reasons why Origin is not included in the network. We will look at the most popular ways to return to the customer working capacity. The following methods are effective only if you have a working Internet connection and you can enjoy them in other services.

Method 1: Disable TCP / IP Protocol

This method can help users who have Windows Vista and newer version of the OS. This is a rather old ORIGIN problem, which is still not corrected - the client does not always see the TCP / IP version 6. Consider how to disable IPv6 protocol:

  1. First you need to go to the registry editor. To do this, press the Win + R keys combination and enter the Regedit dialog box. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard or the "OK" button.

    Origin Run Regedit.

  2. Then go through the next way:


    You can open all branches manually or simply copy the path and paste into a special field at the top of the window.

    Origin registry editor Parameters

  3. Here you will see a parameter called DisableDComponents. Click on it right-click and select "Change".


    If there is no such parameter, you can create it yourself. Just right-click on the right side of the window and select the "Create" -> "DWORD parameter" string.

    Origin Registry Editor Creating Own Parameter
    Enter the name indicated above, observing the case of letters.

    Origin registry editor change parameter

  4. Now establish a new value - FF in a hexadecimal number system or 255 in decimal. Then click "OK" and restart the computer to change the changes.

    Origin Run Regedit.

  5. Now try to go back to Origin. If there are no connections, go to the next method.

Method 2: Disabling third-party connections

It may also be that the client is trying to connect one of those known, but at the moment invalid Internet connections. This is corrected by deleting unnecessary networks:

  1. First of all, go to the "Control Panel" in any way that you know (a universal version for all Windows - call the Win + R dialog box and enter Control there. Then click "OK").

    Origin Run Control

  2. Find the "Network and Internet" section and click on it.

    Origin Control Panel Network and Internet

  3. Then click on the "Network and Shared Access Center" item.

    Origin Control Panel Network Management Center

  4. Here, by right-clicking on all non-working connections alternately, disconnect them.

    Origin Control Panel Disable Connections

  5. Try to enter Origin again. If nothing happens - go on.

Method 3: RESET WINSOCK directory

Another reason is also associated with the TCP / IP protocol and WinSock. Due to the work of some malicious programs, the installation of incorrect network card drivers and other protocol settings could be moved. In this case, it is necessary to simply reset the parameters to the default values:

  1. Run the "command line" on behalf of the administrator (you can do it through the "search" by clicking on the PCM on the application and selecting the appropriate item).

    Origin Starting a command line on behalf of the administrator

  2. Now enter the following command:

    Netsh Winsock Reset.

    And press ENTER on the keyboard. You will see the following:

    Origin Command Row Reset WinSock Catalog

  3. Finally, restart the computer to complete the process of resetting the settings.

Method 4: Disable SSL protocol filtering

Another possible reason - the SSL protocol filtering function is enabled in your anti-virus. You can solve this problem by turning off the antivirus, turn off the filtering or adding EA.com certificates to exception. For each antivirus, this process is individual, so we recommend reading the article on the link below.

Read more: Adding objects to exclude antivirus

Method 5: Editing Hosts

Hosts is a system file that loves various malicious programs. Its purpose - assigning certain addresses of certain IP sites. The result of interference in this document may be blocking some sites and services. Consider how to clean the host:

  1. Go through the specified path or simply enter it in the conductor:

    C: / Windows / Systems32 / Drivers / etc

  2. Lay the HOSTS file and open it using any text editor (even the usual "Notepad" is suitable).

    HOST file


    You may not find this file if you have disabled display of hidden items. The article describes how to enable this feature:

    Lesson: how to open hidden folders

  3. Finally, delete all the contents of the file and insert the following text that is usually used by default:

    # Copyright (C) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.


    # This is a sample hosts file Used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows.


    # THIS File Contains The Mappings of IP Addresses to Host Names. Each.

    # Entry Should Be Kept On An Individual Line. The IP Address Should

    # Be Placed in the Corresponding Host Name # Be Placed In The First Column Followed by the CRESPONDING HOST NAME

    # The IP Address and The Host Name Should Be Separated by At Least One

    # Space.


    # Additionally, Comments (Such As These) May Be Inserted on Individual

    # Lines or Following The Machine Name Denoted by A '#' Symbol.




    # rhino.acme.com # Source Server

    # x.acme.com # x client host

    # Localhost Name Resolution Is Handle Within DNS ItSelf.

    # Localhost

    # :: 1 Localhost

The methods discussed above help return the origin of working capacity in 90% of cases. We hope we were able to help you deal with this problem and you can play your favorite games again.

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