In the application, an error occurred


In the application, an error occurred

Android system is improving every year. However, there are still unpleasant bugs and errors in it. One of these - errors in the application. What is it connected and how to fix it - read below. error

The application with this name is a system component that is responsible for the multimedia files on the device. Accordingly, the problems occur in case of incorrect work with this type of data: incorrect removal, an attempt to open the downloaded roller or a song, as well as the installation of incompatible applications. You can correct the error in several ways.

Method 1: Clearing Cache "Download Manager" and "Multimedia Storage"

Since the lion's share of problems appears due to incorrect file system application settings, cleaning their cache and data will help to overcome this error.

  1. Open the "Settings" application by any convenient way - for example, a button in the device curtain.
  2. Open settings through the shutter of the smartphone

  3. In the "General Settings" group there is an application "Appendix" (or "Application Manager"). Go to it.
  4. Application Manager menu item in smartphone settings

  5. Go to the "All" tab, find an application called "Download Manager" (or just "downloads"). Tap it 1 time.
  6. Downloads Manager in the tab of all smartphone settings applications

  7. Wait until the system calculates the amount of data and cache created by the component. When this happens, click on the "Clear Cache" button. Then - to "Clean the data".
  8. Clearing cache and download manager data in the smartphone settings

  9. In the same tab, find the application "Multimedia Storage". Going on his page, do the steps described in step 4.
  10. Clear Cache and Multimedia Storage Data in Smartphone Settings

  11. Restart the device by any available method. After its launch, the problem must eliminate.
  12. As a rule, after these actions, the process of checking the media files will earn as it should. If the error remains, then it should be used in another way.

Method 2: Clearing Cache Google Services Framework and Play Market

This method is suitable if the first method did not solve the problem.

  1. Do steps 1 - 3 of the first method, but instead of the Download Manager application, find "Google Services Framework". Go to the application page and sequentially clean the data and cache component, then click Stop.

    Clearing Files and Google Services Framework Stop in Smartphone Settings

    In the confirmation window, click "Yes."

  2. Confirmation of the Google Services Framework applies in the smartphone settings

  3. Do the same with the "Play Market" app.
  4. Stop the Play Web application in the smartphone settings

  5. Restart the device and check if "Google Services Framework" and "Play Market" turned on. If not, turn them on by pressing the appropriate button.
  6. An error will most likely no longer appear.
  7. This method corrects incorrect data on multimedia files that use the user-installed applications, so we recommend using it in addition to the first method.

Method 3: Replace SD Card

The worst script at which this error appears is a memory card malfunction. As a rule, besides errors in the process of, others occur - for example, files from this memory card refuse to open. If you encountered such symptoms, then, most likely, you will have to replace the flash drive to a new one (we recommend using only the products of proven brands). Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the materials of correcting memory card errors.

Read more:

What if the smartphone or tablet does not see the SD card

All methods of formatting memory cards

The manual in case the memory card is not formatted.

Memory card restoration instructions

Finally, we note the next fact - with the errors of the component. It is most often encountered by users working under the Android version 4.2 and below, so that currently the problem becomes becoming less relevant.

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