Programs for reprieve text


Programs for reprieve text

Many authors who are engaged in rewritten on ready-made texts, are interested in various software that allows you to automate this process. In the list of desired functions, the following: Search and replace words with suitable synonyms, text comparison, spelling and syntax correction, etc. In this article, we will analyze the most popular programs and utilities designed for the objectives described above.


First, unlike other tools considered in this article, synonymika is not even a program. This is a macro written by the developer from Russia for the popular MS Word editor. Secondly, the script contains all the necessary functions and does not require installation, which gives it a serious advantage over other products.

Main menu Synonymika

Generating the Web.

As in the case of synonymaker, in the Generating The Web there is a possibility of displaying synonyms to all words. The main feature of the program is the automatic generation of all the options for the source text with the replacement of words. In addition, the developers have added the syntax correctness verification function.


Shingle Expert.

Schingles Ekspert has a single function - a comparison of two texts percentage of similarity. It is perfect for novice rewriters, which are often engaged in a similar comparison. The disadvantage of the program is that it does not displays specific fragments of articles that are the same. The result of the work is only the final percentage of coincidences.

Main menu Shingles Expert

As you can see, there are quite a few tools with which you can ease such a craft as rewriting texts. However, not all of them are really useful, on the contrary, some may even worsen the quality of your work. Therefore, the choice of such software must be approached more selectively and responsibly.

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