Why not send an email


Why not send an email

No project on the Internet, as you know, is not able to work stably at all users without exception for an endless period of time. Due to people emerging in people in the process of sending letters through postal services, the topic of the resolution of such difficulties becomes an urgent.

Email letters are sent

First of all, you need to draw your attention to the fact that mail services in the overwhelming majority do not have problems on the server side. That is, if you can't send any email letter, the reason for sure it lies in your actions and equipment, and is not related to the actions of technical resource specialists.

Before switching to detailed analysis of the problems of each most popular service, you should pre-perform several actions.

  1. Clean the history and cache files in the Internet browser used.
  2. The ability to clean the history and cache files through the settings in the Internet Observer

    Read more:

    How to Clean History in Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox

    How to remove cache in Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome, Opera, Mazil Firefox

  3. Complete multiple Internet connection speed tests, eliminating the problem with the network.
  4. Speed ​​Measurement Process in the Internet Speed ​​Measurement Program

    Read more:

    Programs for checking the speed of the Internet

    Online checking the speed of the Internet connection

  5. If necessary, optimize connection to the network, not forgetting about the Internet reboot.
  6. The process of setting the recommended configuration to increase the speed of the Internet in the operator browser

    Read more: How to increase Internet speed in Windows 7 and Windows 10

  7. You can try to temporarily replace the preferred browser on any other similar program.
  8. The process of choosing a browser from the most relevant Internet Observers

READ ALSO: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex.Browser

If, due to the fulfillment of all of the above recommendations, you did not manage to resolve problems with sending letters, you can proceed to the error analysis in each individual mail service.

Yandex Mail

By affecting Yandex's post service, it is important to note that this resource allows you to use the system connection system for your own domain name and send any messages from the face of the need. Due to the specified feature, any problems with sending mail with third-party domain can come from the invalidity of the registered address.

The possibility of sending a new letter on the official website of Yandex postal service

Read more: why letters do not send on Yandex.mount

In addition to the said, error when sending mail may well be associated with the termination of the domain operation, its locking or incorrect settings. Thus, if you encountered the difficulties of this kind during the use of your own domain, check it for working capacity.

The process of checking the availability of postal service with a third-party service

Problems with invalid domain name are also distributed to owners of ordinary mailboxes. However, the chance of the emergence of the user blocking in the Yandex system is extremely low.

As for common problems, errors with sending, most likely, originate from the browser or blocking from the recipient. It is possible to solve them by cleaning the browser and when eliminating the fact of the block on the destination side.

Ability to create a new handling of technical support on the official website of Yandex postal service

You can always seek help on problems of this kind to Technical Specialists Yandex. Goods.

Read more: How to write to tech support Yandex.poste


The service for the exchange of emails Mael.ru has problems with the delivery of messages to the addressee in the rare number of cases. In this case, almost any problem situations can be allowed to be one of the most faithful method - using special mail programs.

The possibility of sending a new letter on the official website of the Mail.Ru postal service

We draw your attention to the fact that with unsuccessful mail sending to another user may need to re-forward.

Often, such services as Gmail in automatic mode due to severe differences in the work will enter letters from the domain names of the Mail.Ru platform to the Spam folder at the recipient.

Ability to view the Spam folder on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

Many users also face difficulties on the soil of incorrect operation of the Internet browser used. How to get rid of it, we told at the beginning of this article.

If you do not have to solve the difficulties that arise, create an appeal to the technical support of Mail.ru post service.

The ability to address support on the official Mail.Ru postal service website

See also: What to do if mail Mail.ru does not open


Mail service from Google is known to be more aimed at people using mail to organize or work. In view of this, Gmail guarantees almost complete lack of problems with sending letters, which you can find out in the shortest possible time.

The possibility of sending a new letter on the official website of the Gmail postal service

If you were among those users of the Gmail service, whose messages stopped reaching a destination or to go to us, make recommendations for cleaning the browser.

You should also completely eliminate the possibility of common problems consisting, for example, to use non-existent data.

Using the correct data on the official website of the Gmail post service

Users who do not reach your letters will have some kind of restrictions on the electronic box. Often it boils down to automatic filtering of letters or due to the maximum number of stored mail to the mail account.

With unsuccessful attempts to avoid mistakes, it should be done in the most reasonable way - to contact the Gmail mail service technicians by providing appropriate screenshots.

The ability to address technical support on the official website of the Gmail postal service


Rambler's sentiment shipment service on a part of the problems arising from users is not very different from previously named resources. In particular, this applies to the need to pre-check the browser for stability in the work.

Ability to send a new letter on the official website of the Rambler postal service

A distinctive feature of the Rambler system is the presence of a box settings in a special section. Only when setting the settings properly you can avoid most problems with this service.

The process of exhibiting internal settings on the official website of the Rambler post service

If you have, despite the manipulation of the box, errors still occur, it is recommended to make an appeal to the technical support of the Rambler system.

Ability to appeal to technical support on the official website of the Rambler postal service

See also: why mail Rambler does not work

You can only say this article to complete this article that, for the most part, the problem with sending mail from various services is similar. Moreover, methods for resolving errors in one of the systems may well approach some other sites.

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