How to send an email email


How to send an email email

In modern realities, the majority of Internet users use, regardless of age categories. Because of this, the correct operating with the mail is necessary for any person who has obvious needs on the Internet and communication.

Sending letters by email

The process of writing and subsequent sending messages using any postal services is the first to read with each user. Further, in the course of the article, we will be disclosed by the topic of sending letters by email with some detailed clarifications.

In addition to this, it is worth noting that almost every postal service has unique features, the main functionality remains unchanged. This will, in turn, will allow you to be like a user, to solve difficulties without any problems when sending mail.

Remember that each sent message reaches the address almost instantly. Thus, edit or delete the letter after departure is impossible.

Yandex Mail

The postal service from the company Yandex demonstrates excellent indicators of stability in the work system of letters for many years. As a result, this e-mail is most recommended at least from Russian-speaking resources of this species.

We have already touched upon the topic of creating and further sending messages in the relevant article on the site.

Please note that Yandex.mount, like other similar services, provides the ability to automatically send the letter after the expiry of a predetermined period of time. At the same time, the framework can be established in full compliance with all possible sender preferences.

Ability to use later sending letters on the official website of Yandex postal service

In the process of editing in case of unstable operation of the service, when writing large letters, the drafts of the draft occurs. You can find them and continue sending subsequently in the appropriate section through the navigation menu of the mailbox.

Automatically saved draft on the official website of Yandex postal service

On this, all the existing capabilities of Yandex. Goods regarding the procedure for writing and sending letters ends.

If you compare mail service Mail.Ru for the provision of opportunities with other similar resources, the only notable detail is a fairly high data security level. Otherwise, all actions, in particular, writing letters, are not allocated to something special.

Read more: How to send a letter by mail Mail.Ru

  1. By completing the authorization procedure, go to the mailbox.
  2. Mail.Ru mail service on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

  3. In the upper left corner of the screen, under the main logo of the site, click on the "Write a letter" button.
  4. The process of transition to the writing window of the letter on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

  5. Text graph "To" need to be filled in accordance with the complete e-mail address of the recipient.
  6. The process of entering the recipient name on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

    The variety of destination mail used does not matter, since any postal services interact well with each other.

  7. You can also add another destination, using the automatic copy of the message to create a copy.
  8. Ability to create a copy of the message on the official website of Mail.Ru

  9. In the next represented Count "Theme" add a brief description of the causes of treatment.
  10. The process of entering the topic for the letter on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

  11. If necessary, you can download additional documents using the local data warehouse, [email protected] or other previously searched text messages with files.
  12. Ability to add files on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

  13. The main text block on the page located under the toolbar, you need to fill in text of the appeal.
  14. The process of filling out the text of the message on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

    The field can be completely empty, but with this situation, the meaning of sending mail is lost.

  15. Here, again, you can configure the system of notifications, reminders, as well as sending a letter at a certain period of time.
  16. The process of using additional features on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

  17. Having completed with the filling of the required blocks, in the upper left corner over the "To" field, click on the "Send" button.
  18. The process of sending a letter on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

  19. On the fact of sending the recipient will receive mail instantly if his box allows it properly.
  20. Successfully sent letter on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

As you can see, the mailbox from Mail.Ru is not very different from Yandex and is not able to cause special difficulties during operation.


The postal service from Google, unlike previously affected resources, has a unique interface structure, which is why newbies often arise difficulties with the development of basic possibilities. However, in this case, you just need to carefully read each detail on the screen, including pop-up tips.

In addition to this, it is important to draw your attention to the fact that Gmail can often become the only work postal service. It concerns this most specifically registration of the account on different sites, since the system handling system implemented here is actively interacting with other e-mail.

  1. Open the official post service website from Google and log in.
  2. The process of entering the Gmail website on the official website of the Gmail post service

  3. On the left side of the Internet browser window over the main unit with the navigation menu, find and use the Write button.
  4. The process of transition to the message of writing a message on the official website of the Gmail post service

  5. Now at the right side of the page you will be presented a basic form for creating a letter that can be deployed to the entire screen.
  6. The process of disclosing the writing form of the letter on the full screen on the official website of the Gmail post service

  7. Enter into the Text field "To" e-mail addresses of people who need to send this letter.
  8. The process of entering the address of the recipient of the letter on the official website of the Gmail postal service

    For multiple sending, use the separation of spaces between each specified destination.

  9. The graph "Theme", as before, is filled with the need to clarify the reasons for sending mail.
  10. The process of entering the topic of sending a letter on the official website of the Gmail postal service

  11. The main text field fill in accordance with your ideas, not forgetting to use the service features regarding the design of the post sent.
  12. Ability to use mail design on the official website of the Gmail post service

  13. Note that the message when editing is independently saved and notifies it.
  14. Alert to save the letter on the official website of the Gmail post service

  15. To send mail, click on the "Send" button in the lower left corner of the active window.
  16. The process of sending a letter on the official website of the Gmail post service

  17. Upon sending mail, you will be provided with a corresponding notice.
  18. Successfully sent letter on the official website of the Gmail postal service

Gmail, as far as possible, is more aimed at use in work, rather than to communicate with other people by mail.


The Rambler email box is extremely similar to Mail.Ru design style, but in this case the interface does not provide some features. In this regard, this post is more suitable for communication with users, and not the organization of the workspace or distribution.

  1. First of all, enter the official website of the Rambler mail and register with subsequent authorization.
  2. The process of transition to the mail Rambler on the official website of the Rambler post service

  3. Immediately under the top navigation panel for the site services Rambler, find the "Write a letter" button and click on it.
  4. The process of moving to the window of creating a letter on the official website of the Rambler post service

  5. Add an e-mail address to the "To" text box, regardless of the domain name.
  6. The process of entering the name of the recipient's letter on the official website of the Rambler postal service

  7. In the "Theme" block, insert a small description of the reasons for the appeal.
  8. The process of entering the topic of the sent letter on the official website of the Rambler postal service

  9. At its discretion, in accordance with desires, fill in the main part of the message creation interface using the toolbar if necessary.
  10. The process of filling the main field of the letter on the official website of the Rambler postal service

  11. If necessary, add any attachments using the "Attach file" button.
  12. Ability to add files to a letter on the official website of the Rambler post service

  13. Having finished creating an appeal, click on the button with the "Send Email" signature at the bottom left part of the web browser window.
  14. The process of sending a message created on the official website of the Rambler post service

  15. With a proper approach to creating a message, it will be successfully sent.
  16. Successfully sent letter on the official website of the Rambler post service

As can be seen, in the process of operation of the service, it is possible to avoid difficulties following the main recommendations.

At the end of this article, it is important to mention that each mail has a not particularly different functionality of the response to the once sent messages. In this case, the creation of an answer is made in a specially designated editor, in which, among other things, there is an early letter of the sender.

The ability to quickly answer the letter on the official website of the postal service

We hope you managed to deal with the possibilities of creating and sending letters through common postal services.

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