How to change email address


How to change email address

In some circumstances, you like the owner of the e-mailbox may have the need to change the address of the account. In this case, you can enroll in several methods, pushing out the basic features offered by the mail service used.

Shift email addresses

The first thing to pay attention to is the lack of functionality to change the E-mail address on the overwhelming majority resources of the corresponding type. However, it is even so possible to make several sufficiently important recommendations regarding the issue of this topic.

Considering all the above, regardless of the mail used, the most comfortable change in the address will be the registration of a new account in the system. Do not forget that when changing the e-mailbox, it is important to configure the mail to automatically redirect the incoming mail.

Read more: How to attach mail to another mail

We also note that each user of postal services has an unlimited possibility of drawing up appeals to the site administration. Due to this, it is possible to find out about all the opportunities provided and try to agree on changing the E-mail address on certain or fixed conditions.

Yandex Mail

The service for exchanging emails from Yandex is by the right of the most popular resource of this species in Russia. Due to the increase in popularity, as well as due to the enhanced users of users, the developers of this postal service was implemented a partial change of e-mail address.

In this case, it is referred to in mind the possibility of changing the domain name of the electronic box.

If you are not enough of this kind of change, you can connect extra mail.

  1. In accordance with the instructions, create a new account in the Yandex. Wheel system or use a predetermined box with a preferred address.
  2. Ability to create new mail on the official website of the Yandex postal service

    Read more: How to register on Yandex.We

  3. Return to the parameters of the main profile and in the previously mentioned block, use the Reference "Edit".
  4. The process of transition to editing mail on the official website of the Yandex postal service

  5. On the Email Addresses tab, fill in the presented text box using a new e-mail with the subsequent confirmation using the Add Address button.
  6. The process of specifying an additional email address on the official website of the Yandex postal service

  7. Go to the specified mailbox and using the letter to confirm the activation of accounts.
  8. The process of confirmation of the reserve postal address on the official website of Yandex postal service

    About successful binding you will learn from the relevant notice.

  9. Return to the personal data settings affected in the first part of the instruction, and select an e-mail from the updated list.
  10. The process of selecting tied mail on the official website of the Yandex post service

  11. After saving the settings of the settings, all letters sent from the mailbox used will have the address of the specified mail.
  12. Successfully modified email address on the official website of the Yandex postal service

  13. To ensure stable receptions, also make the mailbox binding to each other through the message collection functionality.
  14. The process of connecting the collector of letters on the official website of Yandex postal service

This service can be finished with this service, since today the methods mentioned are the only possible options. However, if you have difficulty understanding the required actions, you can familiarize yourself with a more detailed article on this topic.

Read more: How to change login on Yandex.We

Quite difficult to arranged in terms of the functionality is another Russian postal service from Despite the change in the complexity of the parameters, this electronic box can even configure the newcomer on the Internet.

To date, the only relevant method of changing the E-mail address on the project is to create a new account with the subsequent collection of all messages. Immediately note that, unlike Yandex, the system of sending letters from the person of another user, unfortunately, is impossible.

Ability to create sending letters on the official website of Mail.Ru postal service

You can read more detail with other recommendations on this topic by reading the appropriate article on our website.

Read more: How to change mail address


By affecting the message of the account email address in the Gmail system, it is important to make a reservation that this feature is only available to a limited number of users in accordance with the rules of this resource. You can find more details about this on a special page dedicated to the description of the E-mail change.

Go to the description of the rule rules

Ban on the change of mail address on the official website of the Gmail post service

Despite the above, each Gmail email owner can create another additional account and subsequently tie it with the main one. Approaching the parameters with due relationship, it is possible to implement a whole network of related electronic boxes.

The ability to import account data on the official website of the Gmail post service

More details on this topic you can learn from a special article on our website.

Read more: How to change mail address in Gmail


In the Rambler service, you cannot change the account address of the account after registration. The only most relevant output is the process of registering an additional account and configuring automatic collection of letters through the "mail collection" functionality.

  1. Register a new mail on the Rambler website.
  2. The possibility of registration of new mail on the official website of the Rambler postal service

    Read more: How to register in Rambler / Mail

  3. Being within the framework of new mail, with the help of the main menu, go to the "Settings" section.
  4. Transition process to the setup section on the official website of the Rambler post service

  5. Switch to the subsidiary "Mail Collection" tab.
  6. The process of transition to the Mail Collection tab on the official website of the Rambler post service

  7. From the submitted range of services, select "Rambler / Mail".
  8. The process of selecting the service Rambler Mail on the official website of the Rambler postal service

  9. Fill out the window that has opened using the logging data from the early box.
  10. The process of entering data from early mail on the official website of the Rambler postal service

  11. Install the allocation opposite the item "Download Old Letters".
  12. Enabling the download of old letters on the official website of the Rambler postal service

  13. Using the "Connect" button, check the account.
  14. Connecting old mail to a new address on the official website of the Rambler postal service

Now every letter that came to your old e-mailbox will be instantly automatically redirected to a new one. Although it cannot be considered a full-fledged substitute for e-mail, as you will not have the opportunity to answer with the use of the old address, yet this is the only one currently relevant option.

In the course of the article, it is clearly seen that most of the services mentioned earlier does not provide the ability to change the e-mail. This is due to the fact that the address is usually used to register on third-party resources with their own closed database.

Thus, it should be understood that if the maid's creators provided a direct ability to change this kind of data, all your accounts attached to the mail would be inactive.

We hope you were able to find an answer to the question of interest to you from this instruction.

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