Clock widgets for Android


Clock Widget for Android

Keep track of time - a lot of business, busy person. However, wearing a watch on his hand is not always convenient, because the easiest way to look at the screen of the smartphone. But even such a momentary glance to fall on a nice widget, rather than the standard and boring numbers. This phone users on the Android operating system based platform superior to the other. It remains only to choose which programs of this type are best.

DIGI Clock

If you like these widgets that do not contain a bunch of unnecessary information, simple and yet beautiful enough, then this option is for you. Why is he? Probably because it is fully customizable by the user program, from the size to the font and background color. In this case it is shown only the current time and date. If you need an alarm clock settings, you should only click on the rectangular window. By the way, the transition itself can be set to your liking.

Widget DIGI Clock app

Download the DIGI Clock

Sense Flip

In contrast to the previous widget is Sense Flip. And different it is not his purpose and functional equipment. For example, with the help of it you can find out the current time, date, weather forecast, and even the number of expected precipitation. In other words, in one application fit just two. But the advantages do not end the program. Across the square widget has a special point, click on that open window, user-defined previously. Want to customize the Service, to learn weather forecast in various cities around the world, set the date and time, and all through your desktop? Easily!

Widget applications Sense Flip Clock

Download Sense Flip

Weather clock widget

If the previous widgets have similar structure and fits all the data on one rectangular window, then this application is characterized by its sparseness. Here alone the actual weather, separate forecasts for the week, but time itself is also detached. All in the hands of the user that something can be turned off, something combine. Some functions can be added, and some refuse. In addition, animated and quite stylish design will not disappoint the user for any of the above set of features.

Weather Widget and Watch for Android

Download Weather Widget and hours

Weather screen Widget, Clock

A huge variety of options for customizing the widget, geolocation connection and set the update rate - that's what this application can be described. It is not much different from its predecessors, except that there is quite an interesting design that can be changed to your liking and make it at least once a day.

Weather widget on the screen widget, clock

Download weather screen Widget Clock

One way or another, the widgets considered by us are similar to each other, although they differ slightly in design and opportunities. The choice of such an application is just a matter of taste.

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