How to use Viberi on a computer


How to use Viberi on a computer

The Viber application adapted for Windows significantly expands the ability to registered in the user information exchange system. Consider what opportunities are provided by the version of the messenger for computers and laptops, as well as demonstrate how to use available functions as efficiently as possible.

Configure Viber on a Windows Computer

Before any software tool can perform their functions at the proper level, it should be installed and configured. Difficulties are definitely not something that you will encounter when receiving and configuring the desktop version of the Viber application, but only if you correctly put the priorities for performing operations and witness to follow the recommendations.

Step 1: Mobile Viber Mobile Version Setup

In the case of a Vyber, designed to operate on a PC or laptop, we are not dealing with an autonomous application, but is largely a clone of a messenger operating on a mobile device. Therefore, the best solution will initially ensure efficiency and configure the service client on its smartphone.

Viber for Windows Setting up the mobile version of the application before using the PC Messenger

Read more: How to configure Viber on Android smartphone and iPhone

Step 2: Installation and Activation of Messenger on PC

The next step preceding the possibility of access to the functions of the messenger from the computer includes installation and activation of the Viber client application in the Windows environment. If you perform detailed instructions from the articles on the links below, there should be no problems in the process, we note only that Windows XP users should take the choice of the version of the distribution more carefully than the users of the current versions of Microsoft OS.

Viber for Windows Activation of the Messenger Client on the computer after installation

Read more:

How to install viber on a computer or laptop

Proper installation of the Viber Messenger in Windows XP

How to activate the Vaiber application on the computer

Step 3: Synchronization of desktop and mobile versions of the client application

Since the performance and the ability to perform many functions with a Viberian computer depend on the messenger's television version, the need to ensure the synchronization of the main (for Android or iOS) and affiliate (for Windows) applications is extremely important. Match the specified clients before the further use of the information exchange system from the PC, if it was not done immediately after activating the desktop version of Viber.

Viber for Windows Synchronization with a mobile version of the messenger for efficient client's work on PC

Read more: How to synchronize Viber on a PC and Android smartphone or iPhone

Step 4: Select VIBER Parameters for Windows

By and large by performing previous steps, you can start using the Viber desktop client. At the same time, in order to ensure the maximum possible level of comfort when working in the messenger from the computer, read the list of its settings, and override the parameters if necessary.

  1. Access to Weber settings for Windows can be obtained by three methods:
    • From the "Tools" menu, clicking in it "Parameters ...";
    • Viber for Windows Transition to the messenger settings from the Tools menu

    • Clicking on the "gear" icon at the top on the right in the main application window;
    • Viber for Windows Calling the messenger settings using the gear icon

    • By selecting the Settings item on the More Applications tab.
    • Viber for Windows Transition to the Messenger Settings from the More

  2. Opening the "Settings" window, you get into their first, more information section - "Account", where there is a single changeable option - "Run Viber when loading the system". Remove the checkbox from the checkbox near the specified item if you consider the place-loading of the messenger immediately after the Windows startup is launched.

    Viber for Windows Disconnecting the Messenger Startup option

  3. Setting up interface . The appearance of Viber for PC can be configured for the most comfortable perception by change:
    • Language on which each element of windows and application menu signed;

      Viber for Windows Change Application Interface Language

      Read more: How to switch the interface language in the Viber PC application

    • Interface design themes By choosing one of the three options from the section of the same name in "Parameters":
      • Open the section "Topics" in the application parameters window.
      • Viber for windows section theme section in the messenger parameters

      • Translate the position of radio pools in the field of "Topics" to the "Classic" position, "Navy" or "Black".
      • Viber for Windows Change Mission Decoration Theme

      • Evaluating the result of instant design shift, leave the most pretty design option for you.
      • Viber for Windows Selection of a classic Messenger Interface Topics

    • Background of dialogs and group chats where you will participate. To select a new substrate, click on the square area under the name "Set the default background" option.

      Viber for Windows Changes Background Dialogs and Group Chats

      Next, either click on the preview of the image in the list of supplied with the messenger,

      Viber for Windows Selection of the background (substrate) chat chats supplied with the messenger

      Either upload a photo to the PC disc on the disk by clicking on the area "Select Background or drag here."

      Viber for Windows Selection of photos for installation as a background of all chats from a PC disk

  4. If you are planning in addition to sharing text messages and files, via Viber PC voice and / or video calls or face problems when using this opportunity in the future, check the operation of the microphone and webcam in the application by clicking on the "Audio and Video" section of its settings.

    Viber for Windows Select audio and video settings to ensure the ability to make voice and video calls through the messenger

    You can choose the "microphone", "speakers" or "camera" using the drop-down lists (of course, if these devices are presented in the system not in a single instance). And here it is also possible to adjust the sensitivity of the voice recorder and the level of playback of all sounds coming from the messenger.

    After completing the redefinition of settings, close the "Parameters" window. Now Viber for a computer is considered to be prepared for further operation.

    Viber for computer Completing the setup of the messenger application

    How to use viber messenger from computer

    Upon completion of the installation, activation and configuration of the Viber application in a Windows environment, users of stationary PCs and laptops do not have any obstacles to effective interaction with one of the most popular information sharing system today. The functions of the desktop client of the messenger a lot, but to figure out how to perform one or another operation is easy.

    Text messaging

    Catching (chat) with another person physically located anywhere in the globe - this is probably the main thing that people set any messenger to their computer. Weber developers for PC took into account this fact - all elements of the interface that will be needed when creating a message and its dispatch, as well as to read incoming messages, are immediately available after the application is started.

    1. The list of open chat chats, obtained including from the Messenger installed on the smartphone "by synchronization, is almost always displayed in the left part of the Viber Desktop window, and if it is not so, it is easy to call it clicking on the" conversation "button.
    2. Viber for Windows Transition to the main section of the application - conversations

    3. To continue communicating in the previously created dialogue or open a group chat, the participant of which you are already, you only need to click on the name of the interlocutor or the name of the group on the left side of the application window.
    4. Viber for computer transition to an existing dialogue to continue correspondence

    5. To create a new chat, that is, write a participant Viber with which the correspondence has not yet been done, but its data is in the address book of the messenger, you can go one of the three ways.
      • Click on the "Create" button located next to the search field above the list of open conversations, which will open the list "Contacts".
      • Viber Button for creating a new chat above the list of conversation

      • Open the "Conversation" menu and select the item "New Talk ...".
      • Viber For Computer Menu Conversation - Point New Conversation ... To create a new chat

      • Go to the address book by clicking on the icon over the list of open chats

        Viber for computer Transition to the Contacts tab

        Or choosing "Show Contacts" in the View menu.

        Viber for computer call address book from the View menu

      Whatever action from the above you have made, the address book will open. Next, depending on the type of contact list displayed, simply click on the name of the future interlocutor, or check the checkbox in the checkbox near the desired user, and then click "Start Chat".

      Viber for computer Start correspondence (chat creation) with a user entered in the address book of the device

      Emoticons and stickers

      The text of the message transmitted via the Viber's desktop version can be very easy to "dilute" emoticons, as well as supplement or even replace the emotional picture with a "sticker", which is very popular today among the users of the messenger.

      1. To open the lists of the available smiles and stickers, click on the icon located close to the field input field on the left.
      2. Viber for computer how to add a smiley or cutting sticker

      3. To insert into the text of the emoticon message, click on it in the area that appeared on the right side of the window after the previous paragraph of these recommendations is fulfilled.
      4. Viber For Computer Insert Emoticon in Message

      5. To send a sticker:
        • Click on the button that turns the list of sets of stickers, which are available within the framework of the Viber account;
        • Viber for computer button unfolding a list of all stickerpackers available

        • In the "My Stickerpaci" area, click on the preview of the totality of the pictures containing the necessary;
        • Viber for computer Opening stickerpaca to select a selected sticker

        • The third click, already on the target sticker in the field of the window on the right, the operation of its sending to the interlocutor is completed.
        • Viber for computer sending sticker to the interlocutor

      It should be noted that the replenishment of its collection of stickers is possible only with the help of the mobile version of the messenger, with which the desktop client affiliates. And in the Vaiber version for Android, and among the functions of this in the IOS environment, there is a "sticker store" from which it is downloaded for static and animated "stickers".

      Viber for computer Adding stickers to the application by using the stickers store in the messenger on the smartphone

      To systematize the collection of stickers and delete those who have become unnecessary stickers from the application to the PC, use the instructions from the following material.

      Read more: How to remove Wireer Stickers for Computer

      Sending content with popular Internet resources

      In the attachment menu that you used above, to invoke the panel of emoticons and stickers, there is a "GIF" icon, which allows you to quickly find and send posted on the popular content websites without running a browser and copy information to a message sent through Viber for Computer.

      1. Open a conversation with another user and click on the "GIF" icon.

        Viber for computer icon GIF in the attachment menu in the message

      2. Select a resource in the list that opens.

        Viber for computer Selecting a site to search for content to send via Messenger

      3. Depending on the type of the selected website, further actions may be different - select the shipped, Srack list of offers, or write a search query.

        Viber for computer Sending content from websites found as a result of searching through the attachment menu

      4. By clicking on the appropriate search result,

        Viber for computer Sending content from websites found as a result of searching through the attachment menu

        You will instantly share a link with the interlocutor.

        Viber for computer Sending link to content from a popular web resource completed

      Voice messages

      Many users of messengers find convenient not to type messages from the keyboard, but to put a message to the microphone and send an entry of your voice to the interlocutor. The wiber desktop version allows you to create a "voice message" very easily and quickly transfer it to another account owner in the service under consideration.

      1. To start recording audio messages, press the round "Microphone" button to the right of the send text input field.
      2. Viber for computer start voice recording

      3. After completing to prove the message, click on the green button with the check mark near the timer.
      4. Viber for computer Completion of recording and sending voice messages through messenger

      5. After executing the previous point of instructions, the record is instantly transmitted to chat.

        Viber for computer voice message sent

      Sending files of various types

      Wires for Windows can become a very convenient tool for transmitting a variety of files, because it is on the computer most often users store most of the information. The only limit of the use of the messenger to send files is the size of the sent - when trying to transmit more than 200 MB of data, the application will give an error.

      1. In the attachment menu, consisting of three icons and to the right of the input field, there is a "+" button. By clicking on it, you initiate the opening of the file selection window.

        Viber for computer Sending files of various types through the messenger

      2. Run along the location of the data sent on the PC disk and select the file sent to another user. To start the transmission, click "Open".

        Viber for computer how to send any file via messenger

      3. Wait for the selection of the file selected in the previous step in the previous step.

        Viber for computer file transfer process via messenger

      4. Depending on the type, transmitted is displayed in the chat history in different ways.

        Viber for computer Sending files through the messenger completed

      The instruction proposed above describes not the only possible algorithm, following which you can quickly send the file to another participant in the information exchange system under consideration. In a separate article, our site describes other methods of implementing the procedure on the example of sending a photo, but you can use these techniques for any types of files.

      Read more: How to send a photo via Viber for PC

      Group chats

      Correspondence with one user as part of a separate conversation is not the only one where you can use the above-described desktop client functionality. You can at any time become a member of a group of three or more persons and, applying the same techniques as in a chat with a single user, send messages with emoticons, stickers, various content, voice messages, as well as files, but already adding several or many people.

      Viber for computer Create group chat in messenger

      Note that the group chat is very easy to organize independently.

      Viber for a computer How to quickly create a group from Mesenerger participants

      Read more: How to create a group in Vaibero from a computer

      Communities and public accounts

      Much popular among the users registered in Messenger acquired participation in communities and subscription to public accounts. On the search for a suitable resource of this type in Viber, including from a computer, as well as actions that need to be made to join a group or design a subscription to receive information from public pages, we told in a separate article on our website. To familiarize yourself with it, go to the following link.

      Viber for Windows accession to the community and subscription to public accounts through the messenger on PC

      Read more: How to find a community or public account in Vaibero from a computer

      Audio and video call

      Voice and video message as part of the service is the following in demand registered in Viber users after sharing short messages. In addition to the free, the popularity of this type of communication is due to simple, including from a computer, the implementation of the ringing process. The procedure for implementing audio calls using Vaiber in WINDOVS medium is described in the article below.

      Viber for Windows How to carry out the voice call of another Member Member

      Read more: How to make voice calls via Viber on a computer

      Video calls, as well as communication exclusively, to organize in the desktop version of Viber is easy.

      1. There are three methods of using the video call function:
        • Go to the chat with the called subscriber and click on the "Video Camera" icon.
        • Viber for Windows How to start a video call from the chat screen

        • Open "Contacts", click on the name of another Messenger user right-click and select "Video call" in the menu that opens.
        • Viber for computer video calls from list Contacts

        • Click Highlight the username in the list of open dialogs or the address book of the messenger, then open the "Call" menu and click it on the "Video call_name" item.
        • Viber for computer video call point in the call menu

      2. Any of the above steps will use your PC webcam and initiates the call to the selected subscriber. It remains only to wait for the answer, after which you will see the image from the camera's interlocutor's camera, but only if he has not forbidden to broadcast video.

        Viber for Windows video call via messenger

      3. In the process of video message, the call forwarding function is available to the Waiber client installed on your phone, which can be very convenient in separate situations. The "translation" of the video call on the smartphone is carried out by clicking on the button marked in the following screenshot.

        Viber for Windows forwarding video call on a smartphone

      4. Separately, we note the possibility of demonstrating the image of the screen of your computer to another Viber member during the video call. This is a very useful addition, if you need to get help with solving problems with various software for Windows. To use the option, you just need to click "broadcast the screen".

        Viber for Windows live screening of his PC to another user of the messenger

      Viber Out (calls from Messenger to any number)

      One of the peculiarities of Vaiber, which has a distinguished from analogs, is the ability to make calls not only within the messenger, but also on any phone numbers to all countries of the world. This service is called Viber Out. And it is provided on a paid basis, and you can find instructions for using it from a computer in the material on our website available on the following link.

      Viber for computer How to call from a computer via service Viberout

      Read more: How to use the Viber OUT service from a computer

      Increase productivity and convenience

      At the end of the description of the methods of calling and implementing the functions of Viber C PC, we will present several lifhacks, the use of which allows you to work more effectively in the messenger.

      • To have quick access to the most important contacts or groups, add them to "Favorites". To do this, click "+" in the same area over the list of open conversations and select a name in the address book that has opened.

        Viber for computer how to add user to favorites

      • Fast transformation of the dialog in group chat. Without closing the correspondence, from the list on the left of the Viber Desktop window, drag the name of the person who is designed to become another chat participant to its title. As a result, a group will be instantly created.

        Viber for computer Fast transformation of the dialog in group chat

      • Shipping contact. Data of any user can be quickly sent by dragging the title dialogue with it or his name from "contacts" to the chat area with a third party.

        Viber for computer Fast contacts from its address book in Chat

      • In order not to explain to the interlocutors, what exactly are you talking about, use the response function to the selected message. For this:

        Click on any message in correspondence with the right mouse button and select "Reply" in the menu that opens.

        Viber for computer quick response to any message from chat history

        "Write the answer ..." and click on the send button.

        Viber for a computer Reply to a specific message of the interlocutor in the chat or group

      • To quickly find the content of a specific type in the chat history, use the "Details" tab (called by clicking on the Icon "I" located to the right of the open dialogue or group header).

        Viber for computer Quick search for content in the Chat or Group Information menu

      Account deactivation, exit an application client and its removal from PC

      Temporary suspension of Weber operation for Windows is carried out by exiting the application. It is necessary to consider that by default, the medium in question always works in the background and, even by clicking on the button with the cross in the title of its windows, you do not close the messenger, but only you will drive it in the tray.

      Viber for Windows Deactivation of Messenger on Computer

      To complete the use of a computer as a means of accessing the capabilities of the information exchange system, you will need to deactivate the program on your PC and (optionally) uninstall it. Instructions for completing the three specified operations are already presented in materials on our website.

      Read more:

      How to fully close the Viber application for PC

      How to delete Vaiber application from a computer


      Viber for Windows may seem complex and long only at first glance. In fact, the considered application is simply and logical, and the process of using each function can be effective even if the user acts at an intuitive level.

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