All you need to know about Android Go


Android Go Logo.

Back in May 2017, a new version of Android was presented at the Google I / O developers with the Android OS with the GO Edition prefix (or simply Android Go). And the other day, access to the sources of the firmware was opened for OEM manufacturers, which will now be able to produce devices based on it. Well, as well as this same Android Go, we will briefly consider in this article.

Meet: Android Go

Despite the abundance of really inexpensive smartphones with quite worthy characteristics, the market of "ultra-juggirls" is still quite large. It was for such devices and a lightweight version of the green robot was developed - Android Go.

Desktop New OS from Google - Android Go

In order for the system to work smoothly on less productive gadgets, the California giant spent a thorough optimization of the Google Play Store, a number of own applications, as well as directly the operating system itself.

Easier and faster: how new os

Of course, in Google did not create a lightweight system from scratch, and found it on Android Oreo - the most relevant version of the mobile OS in 2017. The company claims that Android Go will be able not only to work well on devices with RAM of less than 1 GB, but in comparison with Android Nougat, it takes almost half of the internal memory. The latter, by the way, will allow the owners of ultrasound smartphones to freely dispose of the internal storage of the device.

It moved here and one of the main features of the full Android Oreo - all applications run 15% faster in contrast to the previous version of the platform. In addition, in the new OS, Google took care of saving mobile traffic, including the corresponding function in it.

Included in Anroid GO Function Data Saver

Simplified applications

Android Go developers were not limited to optimizing system components and issued included in the new platform a set of G Suite applications. In fact, it is the usual users of the package of pre-installed programs that require two times less space than their standard versions. In the number of such applications include Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube and Google Assistant - all with the "GO" console. In addition to them, the company introduced two new solutions - Google Go and Files Go.

Preset applications in Android GO OS

As explained in the company, Google Go is a separate version of the search application that allows users to search any data, applications or media files on the fly, using a minimum number of text. Files GO is the file manager and part-time tool for cleaning memory.

To third-party developers can also optimize their Android Go software, Google offers to everyone to familiarize themselves with the detailed instructions of Building for Billions.

Exclusive version of Play Market

Lightweight system and applications unambiguously accelerate the work of Android on weak devices. However, in reality, the user still may have several heavy programs to put his smartphone "on the blades".

Google Play Market for Android Go

To prevent such situations, Google has released a special version of the Play Store, which will first offer the owner of the device less demanding to the "hardware" software. Otherwise, this is the same android application store that provides the user with accessible content in full.

Who and when will get Android Go

The lightweight version of Android is already available for OEM manufacturers, however, you can say with confidence that the system available on the market will not receive this modification. Most likely, the first smartphones on Android Go will appear in early 2018 and are designed to be mainly for India. It is this market that is a priority for a new platform.

Almost immediately, after the Announcement of Android Go, such supporters of chipsets as Qualcomm and MediaTek said about his support. Thus, the first smartphones based on MTK with the "easy" OS are scheduled for the first quarter of 2018.

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