The microphone does not work on a laptop with Windows 10


The microphone does not work on a laptop with Windows 10

In Windows 10, you can often encounter problems. This is due to the fact that the OS is only evolving. On our site you can find a solution to the most frequent problems. Directly in this article will describe the microphone problems correction tips.

Solving problems with a microphone on a laptop with Windows 10

The reason for which the microphone does not work on a computer or laptop, can be in drivers, software failure or physical breakdown, often the culprit becomes updates that this operating system gets quite often. All these problems, in addition to natural damage to the device, can be solved by system tools.

Method 1: troubleshooting utility

To begin with, it is worth trying to look for problems using the system utility. If it finds a problem, it will automatically eliminate it.

  1. Right-click on the Start icon.
  2. In the list, select "Control Panel".
  3. Opening the control panel in the context menu of the start menu in Windows 10

  4. In the category, open the "Search and Fix Problems" item.
  5. Transition to the search and correction of problems in the control panel Windows 10

  6. In "Equipment and Sound", open "Troubleshooting Sounds".
  7. Opening Troubleshooting Troubleshooting 10

  8. Select "Next".
  9. Launching utilities for troubleshooting problems with microphone in Windows 10

  10. Error search will begin.
  11. The search process and correction of problems with the recording of sound in Windows 10

  12. After graduation, you will be provided. You can view its details or close the utility.
  13. Report on the search and correction of problems with the microphone on a laptop with Windows operating system 10

Method 2: Microphone Setup

If the previous version did not give results, then you should check the microphone settings.

  1. Find the speaker icon in the tray and call the context menu on it.
  2. Select "Recording Devices".
  3. Transition to WINDOVS 10 recording devices

  4. In the "Record" tab, call the context menu on any empty place and check the ticks at two available items.
  5. Enabling display all available devices on a laptop with Windows 10

  6. If the microphone is not activated, turn it on in the context menu. If everything is fine, open the element by the double click of the left mouse button.
  7. In the "Levels" tab, place the Microphone and "Levels ..." above zero and apply the settings.
  8. Microphone setting and microphone strengthening in windows 10

Method 3: Advanced Microphone Settings

You can also try to configure the "default format" or disable "monopoly mode".

  1. In "Recording devices" in the context menu "Microphone", select "Properties".
  2. Opening of the properties of the microphone in Windows 10

  3. Go to "Advanced" and in the "Default format" switch "2-channel, 16-bit, 96000 Hz (Studio Quality)".
  4. Setting the default microphone format in Windows 10

  5. Apply settings.

There is another option:

  1. In the same tab, disable the "Allow Appendix ..." option.
  2. Turning off the monopoly mode in a laptop microphone with Windows 10

  3. If you have an item "Enable additional sound tools", then try to turn it off.
  4. Disconnecting additional means of sound in a microphone on a laptop with Windows 10

  5. Apply Changes.

Method 4: Reinstalling Drivers

This option should be applied when ordinary methods did not give results.

  1. In the context menu "Start", find and run "Device Manager".
  2. Opening Task Manager in Windsum 10

  3. Expand "Audio inputs and audio outputs".
  4. In the "Microphone ..." menu, click "Delete".
  5. Remove Microphone Drivers in Device Manager in Windows 10

  6. Confirm your solution.
  7. Now open the Action tab menu, select Refresh Equipment Configuration.
  8. Updating hardware configuration through device manager in Windows 10

  • If the device icon has a yellow exclamation mark, most likely, it is not involved. This can be done in the context menu.
  • If nothing helped, you should try to update the drivers. This can be done with standard tools, manually or using special utilities.

Read more:

The best programs for installing drivers

Find out which drivers need to be installed on a computer

Installing Drivers Standard Windows

So you can solve the problem with the microphone on a laptop with Windows 10. You can still use the recovery point to roll back the system to a stable state. The article featured light solutions and those that require little experience. If none of the methods worked, perhaps the microphone physically failed.

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