Android does not connect to WiFi network


Android does not connect to WiFi network

Now, probably, and you will not get users who have not heard and have never used the Wi-Fi wireless Internet. This is the main source of communication with the World Wide Network for Mobile Devices. However, sometimes it happens that the phone or tablet on Android does not want to receive the Internet from the home router or any other wireless access point. Today we will try to figure out why this happens, and how to fix this problem.

Causes of impossibility Contact Wi-Fi and ways to solve it

This kind of behavior is atypically, and for the most part occurs due to software problems: incorrectly setting up the phone (tablet) or the router itself, as well as problems with the firmware and the other. There may also be a hardware incompatibility - this, alas, it happens. Let's go in order.

Cause 1: Incorrectly entered password from point

The most common cause of problems with Wi-Fi, which is caused by banal inattention. As a rule, the Android devices report that they cannot connect to the point if the password is entered incorrectly. It looks like this.

Incorrectly entered wi-fi password in Android

If you see a similar message, the algorithm of action is such.

  1. Come in "Settings" by any available method - for example, with a button in the status bar.
  2. Login to Android settings

  3. Looking for the connection settings, and in them the Wi-Fi item (as a rule, it is located first, so it is impossible not to notice it).

    Login to Wi-Fi settings in Android

    Tap it 1 time.

  4. Get a list of available networks. Find the right and make it a long tap. Get such a pop-up window.

    Change Wi-Fi Configuration Network for Android

    It should select the "Change network configuration" item.

  5. Get a window where the system will allow you to change the password. The latest android versions allow you to not enter it blindly - just tick the Password item.

    Enter and save a new Wi-Fi password for Android

    Enter the correct password and click "Save".

  6. After these actions, the device must correctly define the network and connect to it.

Successful Wi-Fi Connection in Android

If the problem is still observed, go to the following items.

Cause 2: Incorrectly configured type of protection in the router

Also a fairly frequent cause of problems with Wi-Fi. This is especially true for old routers, which may not support some types of protected compounds. You can fix this problem so.

  1. Type in the router's user manual, the entry address to the managing web interface. If there are no manuals, then, as a rule, a sticker with the specified address is present on the router. In most cases, it consists of numbers, and looks like, for example, so.

    192.168. *. *

    Instead of the characters "*" a digit will be present from 1 to 9.

  2. Open the browser (suitable any) and enter the address you learned in the address bar. Should upload a page like this.

    Login page in the router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

    Login and password for the web interface in most cases is the word "admin". If it does not fit, learn in detail the instructions and the router itself - the username and password must be specified there!

  3. Entering the system, get something like that.
  4. Router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Further actions: Find a Wi-Fi-link setup menu. As a rule, it is called "Wireless Lan", "WLAN Settings", simply "WLAN" or if the interface is Russified, "Wireless Network / Network".

    Go to WLAN settings in the router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

    Click on it 1 time with the mouse.

  6. A window will open like this.

    Wireless Settings in the router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

    Look in it a setup that contains the word "Encryption" or "Encryption Type". As a rule, it is combined with the drop-down menu.

    Selecting a different type encryption in the router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

    In this drop-down menu, select the type of protection "AES". Do not forget to save changes.

  7. Saving changes in the router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

  8. It may also need to restart the router. Make it can be directly from the web interface.

    Reloading the router in the router web interface in Mozilla Firefox

    It will help both the banal power supply of the router for 10-20 seconds.

If the cause of problems with Wi-Fi was in incorrect encryption, the next attachment attempt to connect the Android device to the point should be successful.

Cause 4: Problems with Android Firmware

Another frequent reason for the impossibility of connecting to the Wi-Fi-point is a custom firmware. The fact is that it is often a third-party system software to smartphones and tablets do not have proprietary certified drivers. At best, substitutes written in enthusiasts there, in worst - they may not be at all. Therefore, if you use a third-party firmware, we recommend that you first get acquainted with the list of possible bugs. If they found "inoperable Wi-Fi" or "interruptions in Wi-Fi" in them, then it is better to change such software. If you use the official firmware - perhaps it will help you to reset to factory settings.

Cause 5: Problems with the firmware of the router

Most modern routers also have their own firmware. If you already have such a long time, then, most likely, the old firmware is installed on it, which may be incompatible with the communication standards used in Android. The router is also amenable to self-firmware, but the actions algorithm differs for each device, so we do not give it here. If you are not sure that you can reflash the router yourself - refer to the specialists.

Cause 6: hardware breakdown

Rare, but the most unpleasant cause of problems. Check the router is simple - if the problems are with it, then other devices (for example, a desktop computer, a laptop or other phone, tablet) will not be able to connect. The malfunction of the Android device itself can be determined by the fact that neither reset to the factory settings nor the flashing did not give results. In the case of a broken router, it is easier to purchase and install a new one (trying to repair them unprofitable), and in the case of a faulty apparatus - to attribute it to the service.

Fortunately, most of the reasons described above are software, and are solved independently.

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