How to make mail with your domain


How to make mail with your domain

Many owners of their own domains wondered, or at least would like their personal mail and letters from the users of the site to different electronic boxes depending on requests. You can do it in almost all known postal services, but only if you have already acquired a full-fledged site and know how to manage it.

Make mail with your domain

Before proceeding with the analysis of the main task, it is important to make a reservation to the fact that this article is intended only for those people who can easily understand what it is about and, that is important, to do everything right. If you have no experience in working with various domains on the Internet, then you will most likely come across many difficulties.

To connect the unique name of the site to the mailbox, it is desirable to have a domain of the first level with a maximum number of features. However, there are exceptions.

Please note that the most promising postal service when using the site name today is the post from Yandex. This is due to the overall demand, the ease of connection of domains, and also due to completely free, but at the same time quality services.

Yandex Mail

The postal service from Yandex is the perfect solution for you as for the owner of the personal name of the site. In particular, this is due to the fact that the company itself relates positively to the overwhelming majority of hosting and without any extra problems allows you to attach names for electronic boxes.

Yandex works only with those domains over which you as owner have complete control.

Read more: How to connect a domain using Yandex.Wef

  1. The first step you will need to go to the Special Page of Yandex, using the link provided by us.
  2. Go to Domain Connectivity page via Yandex

    The process of transition to the main page of the domain registration on Yandex website

  3. Referring to the advantages of the postal service under consideration, carefully read the text block "Why Yandex.mount for Domain" at the bottom of the open page.
  4. Viewing a block with the benefits of Yandex on the Yandex Mail service website

  5. In the center of the page, find the Count "Domain Name" and fill out in accordance with the data of your personal site.
  6. Possibility of filling the field name Domain on the Yandex Mail service website

  7. Use the "Add Domain" button next to the specified text field.
  8. The process of transition to a domain confirmation on the Yandex Mail service website

  9. Note that for registration you must be authorized on the Yandex Mail website.
  10. Requirement of authorization on the Yandex Mail service website

    Before registering it is recommended to perform the procedure for creating a new mailbox with the login that will be appropriate for your site. Otherwise, the domain will be tied to your basic login.

    Read more: How to register on Yandex.We

  11. After authorization, the first thing you see is notifying the absence of confirmation.
  12. Unconfirmed Domain for Mail on the Yandex Mail Service website

  13. To attach the mailbox to your site, you will need to fulfill the prescriptions specified in the "Step 1" block.
  14. Execution of actions from step 1 for a domain on the website of the Yandex Mail service

  15. You will need to configure MX records or delegate a domain to Yandex.
  16. Setting up MX records and domain delegation on the Yandex Mail service website

    What makes it easier to do, solve only you.

  17. For a better understanding of the requirements, we recommend using the built-in instructions from the Yandex postal service.
  18. Ability to use instructions for a domain on the Yandex Mail service website

  19. Upon execution of the written recommendations, use the "Check domain" button.
  20. Re-checking domain ownership on the Yandex Mail service site

If you have errors, check all the domain settings for compliance with the requirements of the service from Yandex.

In completing all the actions done, you will get a full-fledged mail on Yandex with your domain. The new address to which emails will be able to send, as well as used when authorized on the resource under consideration, will have the following structure:

Login @ domain

This instruction can be completed on this instruction, since all further actions are directly related to your personal domain and e-mailbox settings from Yandex.

In Russia, the postal service from Mail.Ru is the second, and for some people and the first, in popularity. As a result, it is easy to guess, the administration has developed a functionality of mailing mail using your personal domains. is significantly inferior to Yandex, as not all possibilities are provided free of charge.

Despite the presence of some paid elements, most of them can be refused.

  1. The first thing you need to do is go to the special page of Mail.Ru using the appropriate link.
  2. Go to Domain Connectivity page via Mail.Ru

    Transition to the main page of the domain connection on the Mail.Ru service website

  3. Carefully read the main sections of this project, which in particular concerns the "Tariffs" section.
  4. The process of studying the main sections on the Mail.Ru Mail service site

  5. In addition to the domain connection functionality, you can take advantage of some additional features.
  6. Additional options for connecting a domain on the Mail.Ru service service website

  7. Scroll through the open page to the "Connect your domain to" block.
  8. Domain Connection unit to Mail.Ru on the Mail.Ru service site

  9. In a nearby text box, enter the unique name of your site and use the "Connect" button.
  10. Transition to Domain Connection to Mail.Ru design on the Mail.Ru Mail service site

  11. Next, you will need to confirm the rights to possession of the specified domain name.
  12. The beginning of the domain confirmation procedure on the Mail.Ru service website

  13. Guided by personal preferences and knowledge in the field of possession of the site, select the type of confirmation of the rights to the specified name:
  • DNS check - if you still do not have a site on hosting;
  • HTML file - if the site is already placed on hosting and is in active condition;
  • Meta tag - also used for real-time sites.

The process of selecting a domain confirmation type on the Mail.Ru Mail service site

  • After performing the prescriptions of this service at the bottom of the page, find and click on the "Confirm" button.
  • The process of completing the confirmation of the domain on the Mail.Ru service website

    After completing the attachment of the domain name of your site to the postal service, you must apply settings for the MX record.

    1. Go to the Mail Domain Control Panel on Mail.Ru.
    2. The process of transition to the domain control panel on the Mail.Ru service website

    3. In the left part of the active web browser window, find the navigation menu and in the "Services" block, expand the "Mail" section.
    4. The transition process to the Mail section on the Mail.Ru service site

    5. Now you need to open the Server Status page.
    6. The process of going to view the status of the server on the Mail.Ru service website

    7. Return to your domain and configure the MX record in accordance with the prescriptions of this project.
    8. The process of viewing the correct MX record on the Mail.Ru service website

    9. After performing all the written recommendations, click the "Check all records" button at the top of the page or "Check now" in the block with a specific MX recording.
    10. The ability to verify the correctness of MX records on the Mail.Ru service website

    Due to the successful connection, you can use mail with the domain name that you have indicated. At the same time, the business project from Mail.Ru does not limit you in terms of connecting additional sites.


    Unlike the two above viewed postal services, the Gmail site is more focused on active users of the Google system. This is due to the fact that all subsidiaries of this company are closely related to each other.

    Mail is the basis of the account on the Google domain sites. Be careful by performing your site binding!

    As with other projects from Google, connecting your domain to mail, you can use some paid features.

    1. Go to Google's Guest Project Start page.
    2. Go to domain connection page via Google

      The transition process to the start page G Suite on the Gmail service site

    3. Click on the "Start here" button located on the right side of the top panel of this page.
    4. Using the button to start here on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    5. In general, the use of these capabilities is paid, but with a test period of 14 calendar days. Click the "Next" key to this kind of notification.
    6. Ability to use a test period on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    7. Fill in the field the main information about the company registered.
    8. Entering key data about the company on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    9. Each subsequent action will require you to enter certain data as if standard registration.
    10. Additional field when registering on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    11. At a certain point, you will need to enter the domain of your site.
    12. The process of entering the site domain on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    13. Confirm the use of a domain to configure your mailbox.
    14. Confirmation process to settings on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    15. Fill in the fields with data for the future to enter the account on the G Suite project.
    16. Entering data to enter the account on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    17. In the final stage, pass the antibot check and click the "Accept and Create Account" button.
    18. Completion of creating an account on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    Although the actions you are fulfilled and are basic, nevertheless you need to perform more in-depth service setting.

    1. After completing the registration, click on the "Go to Setup" key.
    2. The process of transition to the domain settings on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    3. Enter the domain administrator console using the previously specified account data.
    4. The entry process in the administrator console on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    5. If necessary, specify the phone number and follow the appropriate confirmation.
    6. The process of confirmation of the phone number on the G Suite on the Gmail service site.

    7. Adding users to the account.
    8. Adding users to an account on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    9. To complete the basic configuration, you will need to confirm the ownership of the ownership of the domain name. Make it you can according to the instructions attached to the settings.
    10. Confirmation of ownership of G Suite on the Gmail service website

    11. Having finished with all items, use the "Confirm the ownership of the domain and set up the mail".
    12. Completion of the domain name setting on G Suite on the Gmail service website

    Next steps come from your personal preferences, and not instructions, as a result of which this section can be completed.


    Unfortunately, to date, the Rambler postal service does not provide open opportunities for how to create corporate mail. At the same time, the service itself has an extensive list of settings and is likely to be implemented in the future in the future.

    As you notice, make mail with a domain in many ways, depending on your preferences and material opportunities. At the same time, remember that the created or attached domain is only available once within the same project.

    Deleting a domain from the account, as a rule, is performed on request in technical support.

    We hope you were able to deal with the task of the task without any problems.

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