What to do if you hacked mail


What to do if you hacked mail

Many users of various resources on the Internet are faced with such a problem as a hacking of an account or some attacks on the part of unfriendliers. In this case, it should be guided by the main rules for using sites, which, of course, also extends to all existing mail services.

Frame hacking mail

The first thing to draw your attention is the presence of a different kind of malfunction with a system of any mail service. That is, in some cases it may be that the password you specified is deleted by the system, setting the need to perform data recovery.

It happens in an extremely rare number of cases and, as a rule, many users immediately.

In addition to the above, in the case of suspected hacking of an electronic box, as well as due to the impossibility of authorization in the account, additional measures should be taken. In particular, this concerns the temporary replacement of an Internet browser or an integer operating system.

In the absence of any problems with the data in the table, it is safe to say that there was no time hacking a profile. However, in both cases, for loyalty, you still have to change the active code, increasing its complexity.

  1. Guided by the previously proposed instructions, go back to the Safety section.
  2. Return process to Safety section on the Yandex Mail service website

  3. In the appropriate unit, click on the "Change Password" link.
  4. The transition process to the password change on the Yandex Mail service website

  5. Fill in the main text fields in accordance with the requirements of the system.
  6. The process of changing the old password on the website of the Yandex Mail service

  7. Finally, click on the Save button to apply a new password.
  8. The process of saving a new password on the Yandex Mail service website

If you have not changed the basic settings of Yandex Mail, the system automatically performs an output from the account on all devices. Otherwise, the possibility of hacking will remain.

In case of circumstances in which you cannot enter your mail, you will need to execute the recovery procedure.

Read more: How to restore password on Yandex

  1. On the page with the form of authorization, click on the link "Can't Log in."
  2. The password recovery process on the Yandex Mail service website

  3. In the next window "Access Recovery" fill in the basic graph in accordance with your login.
  4. The login entry process for recovery on the Yandex Mail service website

  5. Enter the code from the picture and click the Next button.
  6. Continue restoring access on the Yandex Mail service website

  7. Depending on the degree of fullness of your account you will be offered the most convenient recovery method.
  8. Password recovery opportunity on the Yandex Mail service website

    It can be both a confirmation with the help of the phone and the processing of the secret question.

  9. If you for some reason you cannot perform recovery, it is necessary to urgently contact customer support.

Read more: How to write to tech support Yandex.poste

In general, this can be completed for the liquidation of the burglary of the box in the framework of the mail service from Yandex. However, it is important as a supplement to make several comments in case of suspected hacking:

  • Carefully examine your data for change;
  • Do not allow third-party bindings to the box;
  • Watch that your accounts are not created on the change of some data that requires your personal confirmation on behalf of your account.

Do not forget to periodically change the data from your e-mailbox to avoid this kind of problem in the future.


In fact, postal service from Mail.ru is not much different from the same resource considered by us early. But even so this site has a lot of its features, other location of sections and so on.

Mail.Ru mail, due to in-depth integration with other services, it is much more often exposed to successful attacks than any other resource.

In the event that due to a clear hacking, you have lost access to the mailbox, you must immediately perform the recovery procedure. But in most cases it can only be helped when your mobile phone was enshrined behind the attacked account.

Read more: How to restore password from Mail.Ru

  1. In the Mail.Ru Mail Authorization window, click the "Forgot password" link.
  2. Transition to password recovery on the Mail.Ru service website

  3. Fill in the Count "Mailbox" according to data from your mail, specify the desired domain and click on the Restore button.
  4. The process of transition to the reset parameters on the Mail.Ru service website

  5. Now the special form of data reset from the entrance appears.
  6. The process of performing mail recovery on the Mail.Ru service website

    Without binding phone number, the process is complicated.

  7. After entering the correct data, you will be presented to the fields to specify a new password, and other sessions will be closed.

If, after hacking your main IP address was placed in the blacklist, you will need to urgently apply to technical support. At the same time, do not forget to describe the current situation as it may be more details by providing data from the account on request.

Then, when access to the account is still available, you should quickly change the active code from the e-mailbox.

Read more: How to change password from Mail.ru mail

  1. Open the basic mailbox settings using the main account menu.
  2. The process of transition to settings on the Mail.Ru service service website

  3. On the page that opens, select the "Password and Security" subsection.
  4. Go to the Password and Security section on the Mail.Ru Mail

  5. In the "Password" block, click on the "Edit" button.
  6. Go to enter a new password on the Mail.Ru service website

  7. Fill out each text box in accordance with the requirements.
  8. The process of confirmation of the new password on the Mail.Ru service website

  9. After all the actions performed, the data will be changed.

To prevent hacking in the future, be sure to add a phone number and, if possible, activate the "Two-Factory Authentication" functionality.

Adding additional data on the Mail.Ru service service website

As often as possible, check the log of visiting your account, which can be found in the same section, slightly below the discussed blocks.

Viewing the history of visits on the Mail.Ru service service website

If you have suspicion of hacking, but there is still access to the account, use the appropriate section on the "Help" page.

Ability to use assistance on the Mail.Ru Mail service website

At this point, you can finish consideration of actions when hacking mail Mail.Ru, since in any case everything comes down to the instructions described.


Although not often, but still there are users of services from Google than the account was hacked by ill-wishers. In this case, as a rule, you can lose access not only to Gmail mail and personal correspondence, but also by other subsidiaries of this company.

As usual, when registering is recommended to use a mobile phone!

First of all, having any assumptions on the fact of hacking, you must perform an in-depth check check. Thanks to this, you will probably find out if your profile has been attacked.

  1. Carefully inspect the interface for the presence of various kinds of notifications caused by not your actions.
  2. Make sure your gmail box is in working condition and is still consistent with mail.
  3. Be sure to inspect the previously used subsidiaries for change.

In addition to all this, it will not be superfluous to check the journal visits.

  1. Being on the Gmail website, expand the main menu by clicking on the profile avatar in the upper right corner.
  2. The process of disclosing the main menu on the Gmail service website

  3. In the window presented, click the "My Account" key.
  4. Using the My Account button on the Gmail service website

  5. On the next page in the "Security and Login" block, click on the "Actions on Devices and Account Safety" link.
  6. The process of transition to viewing activity on the website of the Gmail service

  7. Carefully learn the list, simply checking the service data with yours.
  8. The process of viewing the history of activity on the Gmail service site

If you have been detected by any third-party data, or you encountered notifications about making changes to parameters, immediately change the password.

Read more: How to change the password from Gmail

  1. Open the initial mail page and click on the gear icon in the upper corner.
  2. The process of disclosing the additional menu on the Gmail service website

  3. Through the submitted list of subsections, open the "Settings" page.
  4. The process of transition to the setup section on the Gmail service website

  5. Through the navigation menu, go to the Account and Import tab.
  6. Go to the password change page on the Gmail service website

  7. In the "Change Account Settings" block, click the "Edit Password" link.
  8. Transition process to the password change window on the Gmail service website

  9. Fill out each graph, guided by the preferred set of characters, and click on the "Change Password" key.
  10. The process of changes in the old password on the Gmail service website

    A new set of characters must be unique!

  11. As completion, follow the data verification procedure.
  12. Go to the data verification procedure on the Gmail service website

Unfortunately, but among users it is often encountered the problem of complete loss access to the profile. To resolve this situation, you need to recover.

Read more: How to restore password from Gmail

  1. On the logging code page on the Gmail service website, click the "Forgot Password" link.
  2. The process of transition by the link Forgot your password on the Gmail service website.

  3. The presented field fill in accordance with the previously active code.
  4. The process of entering an old password from mail on the Gmail service website

  5. Specify the date of mapping and click on the "Next" button.
  6. Date indication process Registering mail on the Gmail service website

  7. Now you will be presented in the fields for entering a new secret code.
  8. The process of entering an updated password on the Gmail service website

  9. By filling out the field and using the "Change Password" button, you will be redirected to the page, where you want to terminate active sessions.
  10. The process of termination of active sessions on the Gmail service website

As you can see, diagnose hacking and returning access to the Gmail drawer is not so difficult. Moreover, you can always create an appeal to technical support that will help in case of unforeseen situations.


Due to the fact that the mail service of Rambler is much less popular among users, the frequency of battements of the user account is extremely low. At the same time, if you still turned out to be among the hacked people, you need to perform several actions.

Rambler does not impose a phone binding, but still it is welcomed by the protection system.

In addition to all this, there are such hacks, in which access to the account is maintained. In this case, you need to replace the password.

Scribed actions are the only methods to eradicate account hacking in the framework of the Rambler Mail.

In conclusion, you can add that each postal service provides the ability to attach a spare box from other systems. It is recommended not to neglect this feature and specify the backup mail.

Read more: How to attach mail to another mail

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