How to send a file or folder by email


How to send a file or folder by email

Under some circumstances, you like a user may need to send any data by using postal services. About how you can send documents or a whole folder, we will also tell us further along the course of this article.

Send files and folders by email

By affecting the topic of transmission of various kinds of data through the operation of the mail exchange services, it is impossible not to mention the fact that this possibility is literally on each resource of the appropriate type. At the same time, in terms of use, the functionality can differ very much, even the experienced users in a dead end.

Not all messaging services are capable of working with full-fledged file directories.

Pay attention to the fact that we have already affected the topic of data transfer through the mail. In particular, it concerns videos and various kinds of images.

If you need to transmit documents of this species, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the relevant articles on our website.

Yandex mail service still limits its users regarding the maximum amount of data and the speed of unloading.

Another way to send data is to use documents previously added to the Yandex disk. At the same time, entire directories with many folders can also be attached to the letter.

Do not forget to pre-activate the Yandex drive and place the data sent there.

  1. Being in the prepared message, next to the previously mentioned icon, find and click the "Attach files from the disk" button.
  2. Go to the selection of files from the disk on the Yandex Mail service website

  3. In the context window, select the desired information.
  4. The process of selecting a folder from the disk on the site of the Yandex Mail service

  5. Use the button with the signature "Attach".
  6. The process of attaching the folder with files on the Yandex Mail service website

  7. Wait until the documents or directories are added to the temporary storage.
  8. Waiting for download folders with disk files on the Yandex Mail service website

  9. After adding you get the ability to download or delete this data within the letter.
  10. The ability to delete and download files from the disk on the website of the Yandex Mail service

The third and the last method is more additive and directly depends on the activity of the disk. This method is to use once sent data from other messages.

  1. For twice mentioned panel, use an element with a pop-up signature "Attach files from the mail".
  2. Go to add files from mail on the Yandex Mail service website

  3. In the discontinued dialog box, go to the folder with letters that have attachments.
  4. The process of selecting folder with letters on the Yandex Mail service website

    The name of the sections is automatically translated into the Latin.

  5. Having found the document sent, click on it to highlight and click the "Attach" button.
  6. The process of attaching a file from mail on the Yandex Mail service website

    In a time you can add only one file.

  7. After completing the addition of data, and in general, work with attachments, use the "Send" key to forward the letter.
  8. The process of sending files and folders on the Yandex Mail service website

    It is not recommended to simultaneously attach documents and folders, as this can cause data displays from the recipient.

  9. The user who received your letter can download, add files to your disk or get acquainted with the documents.
  10. Successfully received letter with files on the Yandex Mail service website

You can only see the contents of the folder with other files.

Due to the lack of any other means of sending documents with the analysis of this topic, it can be completed.

Mail.Ru mail in its functional structure is not very different from the previously mentioned service. As a consequence, in the process of using this e-mailbox to send documents, you will not have additional problems.

The administration of this site does not provide users with the ability to download file directories.

In total, Mail.Ru has two full-fledged unloading methods and one extra.

  1. On the first page of in the upper side, click on the lettering "Write a letter".
  2. The process of transition to the form of creating a letter on the Mail.Ru service website

  3. If necessary, by completing the preparation of the letter to be sent, find the data load panel under the "Theme" block.
  4. File downloads panel search process on Mail.Ru Mail

  5. Take advantage of the first link to "attach the file".
  6. The process of transition to downloading a file with a PC on the Mail.Ru Mail service site

  7. Using the conductor, select the document being added and click on the button "Open".
  8. The process of selecting files for download from a PC on the Mail.Ru service website

    In this case, the data multiplier is supported.

  9. Mail.Ru does not support the attachment of empty documents.
  10. Ban on adding an empty file on the Mail.Ru Mail service site

  11. The data unloading speed does not allow you to instantly add files, since the mail service has a basic restriction set.
  12. Waiting for download files from a PC on the Mail.Ru service website

  13. After adding data, some of them can be opened directly in the Internet browser.
  14. Successful added files with PC on the Mail.Ru Mail service website

  15. Sometimes processing error can occur associated with the problems of the document itself.
  16. File processing error with PC on the Mail.Ru service website

For example, an empty archive cannot be processed by the system.

In the case of the second method, you will need to start the cloud and add files that require attachments. To familiarize yourself with this functionality, you can read the appropriate article.

  1. Under the line of entry themes click on the inscription "from the cloud".
  2. Transition to the selection of files from the cloud on the Mail.Ru service website

  3. Using the navigation menu and the document viewing window, find the information you need.
  4. The process of selecting a document from the cloud on the Mail.Ru service website

    At the same time, you can choose several documents at once.

  5. Click the "Attach" key to embed the data from the cloud in the letter.
  6. The process of attaching files from the cloud on the Mail.Ru service website

  7. Upon completion of the adding process, the document will appear in the list of other files.
  8. Successfully added file from the cloud on the Mail.Ru service site

The latter, but for many users, a fairly useful method will require the presence of previously sent mail with nested data. Moreover, in order to attach documents, obtained, not sent messages.

  1. Using the data unloading toolbar in the letter, click on the "Mail" link.
  2. The process of transition to downloading files from mail on the Mail.Ru service website

  3. In the built-in window that opens, select the allocation opposite each document requiring the addition to the message being created.
  4. The process of selecting files from mail on the Mail.Ru service website

  5. Click the "Attach" button to start the data unloading process.
  6. The process of attaching files from mail on the Mail.Ru service website

  7. After executing the recommendations, use the "Send" key to send the letter.
  8. The process of sending a letter with files on the Mail.Ru Mail service site

The recipient has the ability to perform some actions on files, depending on its format and variety:

  • Download;
  • Add to the cloud;
  • Look;
  • Edit.

The process of viewing files in a letter on the Mail.Ru service website

Also, the user can perform several general manipulations on the data, for example, archive and download.

The process of packaging files in the archive on the Mail.Ru service website

We hope you happened to deal with the process of sending files using mail from


Mail service from Google although compatible with the rest of the well-known resources, but still has a lot of differences. This is especially true for downloading, adding and using files within the messages.

Gmail is more versatile, as all services from Google are interconnected.

The most convenient PC users is the method of sending data through the download of documents to the message.

  1. Open Gmail Mail and expand the letter creation form using the interface element with the "Write" signature.
  2. The process of transition to writing a letter on the Gmail service website

  3. Switch the editor to a more convenient mode of operation.
  4. The editor switching process in full screen mode on the Gmail service website

  5. By filling out all the basic fields of the letter, on the bottom panel, click on the signature "Attach files".
  6. The process of going to download files from a PC on the Gmail service website

  7. In Windows Explorer, specify the path to the attached data and click on the Open button.
  8. The process of selecting files from a PC on the Gmail service website

  9. Now attachments are displayed in a special block.

    The process of unloading files from a PC letter on the Gmail service website

  10. Some documents can be blocked for any other reasons.
  11. Blocked file when booting with PC on the Gmail service website

To clarify the details, we recommend using the built-in help.

Be careful by performing the shipment of large in terms of data. The service has some restrictions on the maximum attachment size.

The second way is more suitable for those people who have already used to use the services from Google, including the Google Drive cloud storage.

  1. Use the text signature button "Insert links to files in Google Drive."
  2. Go to add files from Google Disc on the Gmail service website

  3. Through the navigation menu, switch to the "Load" tab.
  4. The process of switching to the Load tab on the Gmail service website

  5. Using the boot capabilities provided in the window, add data to Google Disc.
  6. Ability to download files to Google Disc on the Gmail service website

  7. To add a folder, drag the desired directory to the download area.
  8. Folder loading process through dragging on the Gmail service website

  9. Anyway, the files will still be added separately.
  10. Waiting for download files on Google disk on the Gmail service website

  11. Upon completion of the unloading, the documents will be placed in the image of links to the main body's body.
  12. Successful Added Files from Google Disc On the Gmail service website

  13. You can also attach using the available data on Google disk.
  14. Ability to add early files from Google Disc on the Gmail service website

  15. Finally, finishing the process of downloading the attached information, use the "Send" button.
  16. The process of sending a letter with files on the site Gmail service

  17. After receiving the user, all sent data will be available with some options.
  18. Successful letter received with files on the Gmail service website

This method is the last way to send data via an electronic box from Google. Consequently, work with this postal service can be completed.


Service Rambler on the Russian-speaking market of similar resources is little in demand and provides the minimum number of features for the average user. Of course, this directly concerns sending various types of documents by e-mail.

Sending folders by mail Rambler, unfortunately, is impossible.

To date, the resource under consideration provides only one method of data sending.

  1. Enter your email and click on the "Write" inscription.
  2. Go to the creation page of the letter on the Rambler Mail service website

  3. Fill in the title fields, then locate and click on the "Attach File" link.
  4. The process of transition to the selection of files from a PC on the Rambler service service website

  5. In the Explorer window, perform a selection of one or more documents and use the Open key.
  6. The process of selection of files Conductor Conductor on the Rambler Mail service website

  7. Wait for the process for adding data to a letter.
  8. Waiting for download files from a PC on the Rambler Mail service website

    In this case, the speed of unloading is minimal.

  9. To send mail, use the appropriate button with the signature "Send a letter".
  10. The process of sending a letter with files on the service site Rambler Mail

  11. The recipient after opening the message will be able to download each filed file.
  12. Successfully received letter with files on the Rambler Mail service site

No more remarkable functional does not offer this mail resource.

In addition, it is important for all the information specified in the article to see that if necessary, you can attach a folder with data regardless of the site used. Any archiver, such as WinRar, can help you help this.

Packing and sending documents with a single file, the recipient will be able to download and unpack the archive. In this case, the initial structure of the directory is saved, and the general damage to the data will be minimal.

READ ALSO: Free Competitors for WinRar Archiver

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