How to get root rights to Android


how to get root access on android

If you are using Android devices users often point out the impossibility of stopping the operation of some programs that overload the memory, or a problem with the inability to install the application not of the Play Market. Because of this, there is a need to expand the range of possible actions. You can do this rutirovav device.

Getting root permissions

To access the advanced features, the user will need to install on your mobile device or PC special software. This procedure can be dangerous to your phone, and result in the loss of stored data, and therefore the pre-store all the important information on separate media. Carry out the installation should be in accordance with the instructions, otherwise the phone just might turn into a "brick." To avoid such problems, it is useful to read the following article.

Read more: How to make a backup of the data on Android

We turn to how to get the Root-right on Android via computer or without his participation.

Step 1: Check for Root-rights

Before proceeding to the preparation method described below superuser should check their availability on the device. In some cases, the user may not know that the root is already there, and therefore should read the following article:

More: Check for root-rights

If the validation fails, review the following methods of obtaining the desired features.

Step 2: Preparing

Before starting rutirovanie device, you may need to install drivers for the firmware if you are using are not "pure» Android. It is required to ensure that the PC can communicate with the mobile device (important when using the software for firmware from your computer). The process itself should not cause a problem, because all the required files are often available on the website of the smartphone manufacturer. The user is to download them for installation. A detailed description of the procedure is given in the following article:

Lesson: How to install the driver for flashing Android

Step 3: Select program

The user can use the software directly to the mobile device or PC. Due to the nature of certain devices, use applications for your phone may not be effective (many manufacturers simply block the ability to install such programs), which is why we have to use the software for the PC.

Android applications

The first thing to consider applications that are installed directly on the mobile device. They are not so much, but this option may be a little bit easier for those who do not have free access to a PC.


framarut free download on Android

One simple applications that provide access to the root functions is Framaroot. However, this program is not an official app store for Android - Play Market, and download it to have a third-party site. Many devices with the latest versions of operating systems do not allow to install third-party .apk files, because of what difficulties may arise when working with the program, but it can be overridden. To learn how to work with this program and to conduct its installation, described in detail in the next article correctly:

Lesson: How to root using Framaroot


supersu download on the android in Russian

SuperSU - one of the few applications that can be downloaded from the Play Store and does not encounter problems during installation. However, the program is not so simple, and after the usual download of it will not be much sense, because in this format it performs functions of a manager root, and is intended primarily for rutirovannyh devices. However, the installer does not need to perform through the official resource that can be used as high-grade modified rekaveri like CWM Recovery or TWRP. Learn more about these ways of working with the program is written in a separate article:

Lesson: How to work with SuperSU

baidu Root

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Another application is to obtain root privileges, downloads from third party resources - Baidu Root. It may seem unusual, due to poor localization - of the phrases written in Chinese, but the basic buttons and symbols have been translated into Russian. The program is fast work - just a couple of minutes you can get all the necessary functions, while only need to press a couple of buttons. However, the procedure itself is not so harmless, and if used incorrectly can face serious problems. A detailed description of the program is already available on our website:

Lesson: How to use Baidu Root

PC program

In addition to installing software directly on your mobile device, you can use a PC. This method can be more convenient due to the simplicity in the management and the possibility to carry out the procedure from any connected device.


kingroot download on the PC in Russian

User-friendly interface and intuitive installation process - one of the main advantages KingROOT. The program previously downloaded and installed on your PC, after which it should connect your phone. To get started, you will need to open the settings and let the "debugging USB». Further actions are performed on the computer.

The program will analyze the connected device, and with the possibility of holding the ruting will notify this. The user will remain click on the appropriate button and wait for the end of the procedure. During this time, the phone can reboot several times, which is an integral installation attribute. After completing the program, the device will be ready to work.

Read more: Getting root using Kingroot

Root Genius.

Download Root Genius to Computer

Root Genius is one of the very effective programs that work on most of the devices. However, the significant disadvantage is the Chinese localization, which repels many users. At the same time, to understand the work of the program and get the necessary root rights can be quite simple, without deepening in the fineness of the program language. A detailed description of the work with it is given in a separate article:

Lesson: Obtaining the right of superuser with Root Genius

Kingo Root.

Kingo Root icon

The program name may seem similar to the first item from this list, but it differs from the previous one. The main advantage of Kingo root is a large range of supported devices, which is relevant if the previous programs were useless. The process of obtaining root rights is also quite simple. After downloading and installing the program, the user remains to connect the device to the USB cable to the PC and wait for the scan results of the program, and then press only one button to get the desired result.

Read more: Using Kingo Root to get root rights

The above information will help hold the routing of the smartphone without any problems. However, it is worth remembering that using the obtained functions should be careful to avoid problems.

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