Programs to remove Kaspersky from a computer completely


Kaspersky Removal Programs

Kaspersky Anti-Virus is one of the most popular antiviruses. It provides reliable protection against malicious files, and the bases are constantly updated. However, it may sometimes be necessary to complete the removal of this program from the computer. Then special software comes to the rescue, whose representatives we will consider in this article.


The first on our list will be presented a simple free kavremover utility. Its functionality is exclusively removing Kaspersky Lab products. All actions are performed in the main window. From the user you only need to specify the product to delete, enter the captcha and wait for the completion of the process, after which it is recommended to restart the computer.

Deleting Kaspersky Kavremeover.

Crystalidea Uninstall Tool.

Crystalidea Uninstall Tool provides a large number of tools and functions to remove problem programs, in which Kaspersky Anti-Virus enters. The user will only need to select the software from the list or mark a few checkmarks, after which you need to start the removal process and wait for the completion. The program applies under license, but the demo version is available for download on the official website for free.

Removing programs in Uninstall Tool

Revo Uninstaller

The latest on our list will be a representative whose functionality is very similar to the previous program. Revo Uninstaller helps users to completely get rid of the unnecessary software on the computer. In addition, it provides Tools for managing autorun, cleaning traces on the Internet and creating recovery points.

Remove programs in Revo Uninstaller

This list it would be possible to include dozens of similar programs, but it does not make sense. All of them are similar to each other in functionality, perform the same tasks. We tried to select multiple representatives for you to help completely remove Kaspersky Anti-Virus from a computer.

See also: 6 best solutions for full program deletion

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