Barcode reading programs


Barcode reading programs

Now there are several types of trademarks, for example, the most popular and innovative is currently considered to be the QR code. Information from codes using certain devices is read, but in some cases it is possible to get it using a special software. We will consider several similar programs in this article.

QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator

Read code in QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator is one of several available ways: by capturing the desktop part, from a webcam, clipboard or file. After the processing is completed, you will receive a decoding of the text that was saved in this trademark.

Reading Code QR Code Desktop Reader & Generator

In addition, the program provides users with manually create your own code. It is only necessary to insert the text in the string, and the software will automatically be a trademark. After it will be available to preserve PNG or JPEG or copying to the clipboard.

Barcode Descriptor.

The next representative was the Barcode Descriptor program that performs the task of reading a regular barcode. All actions are made in one window. You only need to enter numbers from the user, after which it will receive an image of a trademark and some information attached to it. Unfortunately, this is the entire functionality of the program and ends.

Main window Barcode Descriptor

In this we picked up two programs for reading two different types of trademarks. They coped perfectly with their task, processing does not take up much time and the user immediately receives information encrypted by this code.

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