Computer voice control in Windows 7


Voice control in Windows 7

The development of technology does not stand still, providing more and more opportunities to users. One of these features, which from the category of new products has already become going to our daily life, is voice control of devices. She enjoys particularly popular with people with disabilities. Let's find out, with what methods you can enter commands to voice on computers with Windows 7.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the developers are currently not supported by the TYPLE program and it cannot be downloaded on the official website. In addition, the correct recognition of Russian speech is not always observed.

Method 2: Speaker

The next application that will help manage the computer voice is called Speaker.

Download Speaker

  1. After downloading, start the installation file. A welcome window "Wizard Installation" will appear SPEAKER applications. Here just press "Next."
  2. Welcome window Wizard SPEAKER program installation in Windows 7

  3. A shell of acceptance of the license agreement appears. If there is a desire, then read it, and then put the radio button to the "I accept ..." position and click Next.
  4. Adoption of the license agreement in the SPEAKER program installation wizard window in Windows 7

  5. In the next window, you can specify the installation directory. By default, this is a standard application directory and no need to change this parameter. Click "Next".
  6. Specifying the program installation directory in the Speaker Installation Wizard window in Windows 7

  7. Next, the window opens where you can set the name of the application icons in the "Start" menu. By default, this "SPEAKER". You can leave this name or replace any other. Then click "Next".
  8. Specifying the name of the program shortcut in the start menu in the SPEAKER program installation wizard window in Windows 7

  9. Now the window opens, where the installation of the mark is the set of the program on the "desktop". If you do not need it, remove the tick and press "Next".
  10. Using the application label on the desktop in the SPEAKER program installation wizard window in Windows 7

  11. Thereafter, a window will open where the brief characteristics of the installation parameters based on the information that we entered at the previous steps will be given. To activate the installation, click "Set".
  12. Run an application installation in the SPEAKER program installation wizard window in Windows 7

  13. The SPEAKER installation procedure will be performed.
  14. Application Installation Procedure In the Speaker Installation Wizard window in Windows 7

  15. After completing it in the "Installation Wizard", a message about successful installation will be displayed. If it is necessary that the program is activated immediately after closing the installer, then leave the mark near the corresponding position. Click "complete".
  16. Completing the application installation in the Speaker Installation Wizard window in Windows 7

  17. After that, the SPEAKER application window will start. It will be said that for voice recognition, you need to click on the middle mouse button (scroll) or the Ctrl key. To add new commands, click on the "+" sign in this window.
  18. Transition to adding a new command in Speaker's program in Windows 7

  19. The window of adding a new command phrase opens. The principles of action in it are similar to those we considered in the previous program, but with wider functionality. First of all, select the type of action you are going to perform. This can be done by clicking on the field with a drop-down list.
  20. Switch to the selection of action in the Speaker program in Windows 7

  21. The following options will be in discontinuing list:
    • Turn off computer;
    • To restart a computer;
    • Change the layout (language) of the keyboard;
    • Make a screenshot of the screen;
    • I add a link or file.
  22. Selecting an action from the drop-down list in the Speaker program in Windows 7

  23. If the first four actions do not require additional clarification, then when you select the last option, you want to specify which link or file you want to open. In this case, you need to drag the object in the above field, which is going to open the voice command (executable file, document, etc.) or enter a link to the site. In this case, the address will be opened in the default browser.
  24. Introduction Links to the site in the field in the SPEAKER program in Windows 7

  25. Next, enter the command phrase located in the window located in the right window, after the pronouncement of which you will be executed. Click on the "Add" button.
  26. Enter a command to perform an action in the Speaker program in Windows 7

  27. After that, the command will be added. In this way, you can add a practically unlimited number of different command phrases. You can view their list by clicking on the inscription "My Commands".
  28. Go to the list of entered commands in the Speaker program in Windows 7

  29. A window opens with a list of command expressions. If necessary, you can clear the list from any of them by clicking on the "Delete" inscription.
  30. List of commands in the SPEAKER program in Windows 7

  31. The program will work in the tray and in order to perform an action that has been previously entered into the command list, you need to click Ctrl or the mouse wheel and say the corresponding code expression. The necessary action will be executed.

Unfortunately, this program, like the previous one, is at the moment no longer supported by manufacturers and it cannot be downloaded on the official website. Also, the minuses include the fact that the application recognizes the voice command with the text information made, and not according to the preliminary patch, as it was with TYPLE. This means that there will be more time to perform the operation. In addition, SPEAKER is distinguished by instability in operation and may not function correctly on all systems. But in general, it gives much more computer management opportunities than TYPLE does.

Method 3: Laitis

The following program, the purpose of which consists in managing the voice of computers to Windows 7, is called Laitis.

Download laitis

  1. Laitis is good because it is enough just to activate the installation file and the entire installation procedure will be performed in the background without your direct participation. In addition, this tool, in contrast to previous applications, provides a rather large list of already ready-made command expressions, which are much varied than that of the competitions described above. For example, you can navigate through the page. To view a list of harvested phrases, go to the "Commands" tab.
  2. Go to the Laitis Commands tab in Windows 7

  3. In the window that opens, all commands are divided into collections that meet a specific program or area of ​​action:
    • Google Chrome (41 team);
    • VKontakte (82);
    • Windows program (62);
    • Windows Hotkes (30);
    • Skype (5);
    • YouTube HTML5 (55);
    • Work with text (20);
    • Websites (23);
    • Laitis settings (16);
    • Adaptive commands (4);
    • Services (9);
    • Mouse and keyboard (44);
    • Communication (0);
    • Auto Plant (0);
    • Word 2017 Rus (107).

    Each collection, in turn, is divided into categories. The commands themselves are written in the categories, and it is possible to perform the same effect by saying several options for command expressions.

  4. Team tab with a set of broken commands in category Laitis in Windows 7

  5. When you click on a command in a pop-up window, a complete list of the voice expressions that correspond to it and the actions caused by it are displayed. And when you click on the pencil icon, you can edit it.
  6. Go to editing a command in Laitis program in Windows 7

  7. All command phrases that are displayed in the window are available for execution immediately after launching Laitis. To do this, it is enough to simply say the corresponding expression into the microphone. But if necessary, the user can add new collections, categories and commands by clicking on the "+" sign in the appropriate places.
  8. Transition to adding a collection of category and commands in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  9. To add a new command phrase in the window that opens under the inscription "Voice commands", enter the expression, with the pronunciation of which the action is initiated.
  10. Adding a command in the commands tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  11. Immediately all possible combinations of this expression will be automatically added. Click on the "Condition" icon.
  12. Go to adding condition in the commands tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  13. A list of conditions will be opened, where you can choose the appropriate.
  14. Selecting the appropriate condition in the command tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  15. After the condition appears in the shell, press the "Action" icon or "Web action", depending on the purpose.
  16. Go to the selection of action in the commands tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  17. From the list that has opened, select a specific action.
  18. Selecting actions from the list in the commands tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  19. If you selected the transition to the web page, you will have to additionally specify its address. After all the necessary manipulations are manufactured, press "Save Changes".
  20. Saving changes in the commands tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  21. Command phrase will be added to the list and ready for use. For this, it is enough just to pronounce it in the microphone.
  22. The command is added to the list in the Commands tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

  23. In addition, by going to the "Settings" tab, you can choose from the lists of the text recognition service and voice pronunciation service. This is useful if the current services that are installed by default do not cope with the load or for another reason are not available at this time. Immediately you can also specify some other parameters.

Changing application settings in the Settings tab in the Laitis program in Windows 7

In general, it should be noted that the use of Laitis to control the voice of Windows 7 provides much more PC manipulating opportunities than the use of all other described in this program article. Using the specified tool, you can specify almost any action on your computer. Also important is the fact that developers are currently actively supporting and updated this software.

Method 4: "Alice"

One of the new developments that allow you to organize the management of Windows with 7 votes is the voice assistant from Yandex - Alice.

Download "Alice"

  1. Run the program installation file. It will execute the installation and configuration procedure in the background without your direct participation.
  2. Installing Alice Voice Assistant in Windows 7

  3. After completing the installation procedure on the "Toolbar", the area "Alice" will appear.
  4. The area of ​​Alice program on the toolbar in Windows 7

  5. To activate the voice helper, you need to click on the microphone form icon or say: "Hi, Alice."
  6. Activation of the Alice program on the toolbar in Windows 7

  7. After that, the window will open, where it will be suggested to pronounce a voice in a voice.
  8. Waiting for the team in Alice in Windows 7

  9. To familiarize yourself with the list of commands that this program can perform, you need to click on an intercession mark in the current window.
  10. Go to the list of commands in Alice in Windows 7

  11. The list of features will open. To find out what phrase you need to prone to perform a specific action, click on the appropriate list item.
  12. Selecting an action in Alice in Windows 7

  13. A list of commands that need to be prone to a microphone to perform a specific action will be displayed. Unfortunately, the addition of new vocal expressions and the corresponding action in the actual version of "Alice" is not provided. Therefore, you will have to use only those options that are currently. But Yandex constantly develops and improves this product, and therefore, it is quite possible, it is soon worth expecting new opportunities from him.

List of teams in Alice in Windows 7

Despite the fact that in Windows 7, the developers did not provide a built-in computer control mechanism, this feature can be implemented using third-party software. For these purposes there are many applications. Some of them are as simple as possible and are provided to perform the most frequent manipulations. The other programs, on the contrary, are very advanced and contain a huge base of command expressions, but also allow you to add more new phrases and actions, thereby functionably easily approaching the voice control to standard control via the mouse and keyboard. The choice of a specific application depends on what purpose and how often you intend to use it.

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