How to disable secure mode in YouTube


how to disable secure mode in YouTube

Safe mode on YouTube is designed to protect children from unwanted content, which due to its content can cause any damage. Developers are trying to improve this option so that nothing superfluous is leaked through the filter. But what to make an adult wishing to view the hidden before this record. It is enough just to disable secure mode. It is on how to do it and will be discussed in this article.

Disable secure mode

On YouTube there are two options for the secure mode. The first implies that the prohibition of its shutdown is not imposed. In this case, turn off it is quite simple. And the second, on the contrary, implies what the ban is imposed. Then a number of problems arise, which will be described in detail further on the text.

Method 1: no prohibition on shutdown

If, when you turn on the safe mode, you did not impose a ban on its shutdown, then in order to change the value of the option with "On" On "Off", you need:

  1. On the main page of the video hosting, click on the profile icon, which is located in the upper right corner.
  2. Profile Icon in YouTube

  3. In the menu that appears, select "Safe Mode".
  4. Item Safe mode in the profile menu on YouTube

  5. Set the switch to the "Off" position.
  6. Disable secure mode in YouTube

That's all. Safe mode is now disabled. You can notice this by comments under the rollers, because now they are displayed. Also appeared hidden up to this video. Now you can view absolutely the entire content that has ever been added on YouTube.

Method 2: When you prohibit shutdown

And now it's time to figure out how to disable secure mode on YouTube when the ban on it is turned on.

  1. Initially, you need to go to the settings of your account. To do this, click on the Profile icon and select "Settings" from the menu.
  2. Entrance to the Nuture profile in Youtube

  3. Now go down to the bottom and click on the "Safe Mode" button.
  4. Button Safe Mode ON on YouTube

  5. You will appear a menu in which you can disable this mode. We are interested in the inscription: "Remove the ban on disabling the safe regime in this browser." Click on it.
  6. Link Remove the ban on disabling safe mode in this browser in YouTube

  7. You will transfer to a page with a form for input, where you must enter your password from the account and click the "Login" button. It is necessary to protect it, because if your child wants to disable secure mode, it will not work it. The main thing is that he does not recognize the password.
  8. Login button on YouTube

Well, after clicking on the "Login" button, the safe mode will be in the disconnected state, and you can view the content that was hidden before that moment.

Disable secure mode on mobile devices

It is also worth paying attention to both mobile devices, since according to statistics, which was directly by Google, 60% of users enters Youtube from smartphones and tablets. It should be immediately noted that the example will use the official Youtube application from Google, and the instruction will only be applicable to it. In order to disable the presented mode on a mobile device through a regular browser, use the instruction that is described above (Method 1 and Method 2).

Download YouTube on Android

Download YouTube on iOS

  1. So, being on any page in Youtube, in addition to the moment when the video is played, open the application menu.
  2. YouTube application menu

  3. From the list that appears, select the "Settings" item.
  4. Log in to settings in Youtube Appendix

  5. Now you need to go to the "General" category.
  6. Login to Common Nutrition in Youtube Appendix

  7. Dogging the page just below, find the "Safe Mode" parameter and click on the switch to translate it into a disconnected mode.
  8. Turning off the secure mode in Youtube

After that, all videos and comments will be available for you. So, just four steps, you have disabled safe mode.


As you can see, to disable the YouTube's secure mode, both from a computer, through a browser and from the phone, using a special application from Google, you don't need to know much. In any case, for three or four steps you will have to include hidden content and enjoy your viewing. However, do not forget to include it when your child sits at a computer or takes a mobile device in hand to protect his rapid psyche from unwanted content.

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