Windows 7 freezes when loading Welcome: what to do


Hanging when booting a welcome window in Windows 7

One of the problems with which you can meet when working at a computer are the freezing of the system when loading the welcome window "Welcome". Most users do not know what to do with this problem. We will try to find ways to solve it for PCs on Windows 7.

Causes of malfunctions and ways to eliminate

The reasons for hanging when loading the welcome window can be several. Among them should be allocated:
  • Problem with drivers;
  • Faults of the video card;
  • Conflict with installed applications;
  • Hard disk errors;
  • Violation of system file integrity;
  • Viral infection.

Naturally, a particular way to solve the problem depends on what exactly was the cause. But all the troubleshooting methods, although they are very different, there is one time. Due to the fact that in the standard mode, log in to the system, the computer should be included in safe mode. To do this, when it loads, you should press and hold the key or keyboard key. A specific combination depends not from the OS, but on the BIOS version of the PC. Most often it is the F8 function key, but there may be other options. Then in the window that opens, select the "Safe Mode" position on the keyboard and click Enter.

Next, we consider specific methods of solving the described problem.

Method 1: Deleting or reinstalling drivers

The most common reason that causes the computer hang on the welcome window is to install on a computer conflicting with the driver system. This option is necessary, first of all, check, as it causes the specified malfunction in the overwhelming majority of cases. To resume the normal functioning of the PC, delete or reinstall the problem elements. Most often it is the video card driver, less often a sound card or other device.

  1. Run the computer in secure mode and click on the Start button. Enter the control panel.
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Click "System and Security".
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. In the "System" block, go to the "Device Manager" inscription.
  6. Switch to the device manager window in the system group from the System and Security section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. The "Device Manager" is activated. Find the name "video adapter" and click on it.
  8. Switch to the video adapter section in the device manager window in Windows 7

  9. A list of video cards connected to a computer opens. There may be several of them. Excellent if you know after the installation of which equipment problems began to occur. But since most often the user does not know which of the drivers is a potential cause of a problem, the following procedure must be made with all the elements from the list of the list. So, click on the right mouse button (PCM) by the name of the device and select the option "Update Drivers ...".
  10. Go to updating the driver of the selected video card in the video adapter section in the Device Manager window through the context menu in Windows 7

  11. The driver update window opens. It offers two options:
    • To automatically search for drivers on the Internet;
    • Follow the search for drivers on the current PC.

    The second option is suitable only if you know exactly that on the computer there are the necessary drivers or you have an installation disk with them. In most cases, you need to choose the first option.

  12. Go to automatic search for drivers in the device manager window in Windows 7

  13. After that, you will search for drivers on the Internet and in case of detection of the desired update it will be installed on your PC. After installation, you must restart the computer and try to log in as usual.

But not always this method helps. In some cases, there are no compatible drivers with a system for a specific device. Then you need to remove them at all. After that, OS or establish its own analogues, or from a certain function will have to abandon the sake of the operability of the PC.

  1. Open the video adapter list in the Device Manager and click on one PCM one. Select "Properties".
  2. Go to the properties window of the selected video card in the video adapter section in the device manager window through the context menu in Windows 7

  3. In the Properties window, go to the Driver tab.
  4. Go to the Driver tab in the properties window of the selected video adapter in Windows 7

  5. Next click "Delete". If necessary, confirm deletion in the dialog box.
  6. Go to deleting the driver in the Driver tab in the properties window of the selected video adapter in Windows 7

  7. After that restart the PC and go to the system as usual.

If there are multiple video cards, you need to produce the above procedures with all them until the problem is eliminated. Also, the source of the fault can serve as incompatibility of sound card drivers. In this case, go to the "Sound Video and Gaming Devices" section and do the same manipulations that were described above for video adapters.

Go to Sound Video and Game Devices in the Device Manager window in Windows 7

There are also cases when the problem is related to installing drivers for other devices. The problematic device will need to perform exactly the same actions that were described above. But it is important to know, after installation, what kind of component there is a problem.

There is another solution to the problem. It is to update drivers using specialized programs, such as Driverpack Solution. This method is good by its automatism, as well as the fact that you do not even know where the problem is, but it does not guarantee that it is installing that the compatible element is installed, and not the native device driver that conflicts.

In addition, the problem with hanging when loading "Welcome" can be caused by a hardware problem in the video card itself. In this case, you need to replace the video adapter for a serviceable analog.

Lesson: Updating Drivers on a PC using Driverpack Solution

Method 2: Removing autorun programs

Regardless reason why the computer may hang at the welcome stage "Welcome", is a conflict with a system of a specific program added to autorun. To solve this problem, first of all, you should find which application conflicts from the OS.

  1. Call the "Run" window by typing on the Win + R keyboard. In the field, enter:


    Apply "OK".

  2. Transition to the system configuration window by entering the command to run in Windows 7

  3. The "System Configuration" shell opens. Move to the "Startup" section.
  4. Go to the Tabup tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  5. In the window that opens, press "Disable everything".
  6. Turning off the startup in the Startup tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  7. After that, all the marks near the list item in the current window must be removed. To change the changes, click "Apply", "OK", and then restart the computer.
  8. Application of the changes made in the Tubes tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  9. After rebooting, try entering the system as usual. If the input failed, then again start the PC in the "secure mode" and turn on all the startup elements disconnected at the previous stage. The problem is to look elsewhere. If the computer started normally, then this means that there was a conflict with some previously prescribed in the program. To find this application, go to the "System Configuration" again and in turn, set the checkboxes near the desired components, each time restarting the computer. If after turning on the specific item, the computer will again hang on a welcoming screensaver, then this means that the problem was wounded in this program. From its autoloading will need to refuse.

WINDOVS 7 has other ways to remove programs from the OS autorun. You can read about them in a separate topic.

Lesson: how to disable the autoload of applications in Windows 7

Method 3: Check HDD for errors

Another reason why freezing when loading a welcoming screensaver "Welcome" to Windows 7 is a hard disk malfunction. If you suggest this problem, you need to check the HDD for errors and, if possible, correct them. This can be done with the built-in OS utility.

  1. Click "Start". Choose "All Programs".
  2. Go to all programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Go to the "Standard" directory.
  4. Go to Catalog Standard via Start menu in Windows 7

  5. Lay the inscription "Command Line" and click on it PCM. Select the option "Run on the administrator".
  6. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in the standard directory using the context menu through the Start menu in Windows 7

  7. In the command line window that opens, enter such an expression:

    Chkdsk / F.

    Click ENTER.

  8. Run a disc check on errors with subsequent restoration by entering the command in the command line interface window in Windows 7

  9. Since that disc will be checked, where the OS is installed, then the "command line" will display a message in which the selected volume is used by another process. It will be prompted to check after the system is rebooted. In order to schedule this procedure, type the "Y" keyboard without quotes and click Enter.
  10. Confirmation of the consent of the disc check for errors with subsequent restoration after rebooting the system by entering the command in the command line interface window in Windows 7

  11. After that, close all programs and restart the computer in standard mode. To do this, click "Start", and then sequentially press the triangle to the right of the inscription "Completing work" and select "Reboot" in the list that appears. During the re-loading of the system, the disc will be checked for problems. In case of detection of logical errors, they will be automatically eliminated.

Go to restart the operating system through the Start menu in Windows 7

If the disk has lost full-fledged performance due to physical damage, then in this case this procedure will not help. It will be necessary either to give the Winchester to the workshop by a specialist, or change it to the working version.

Lesson: Check HDD for Errors in Windows 7

Method 4: Checking the integrity of the system files

The next reason that theoretically cause computer hangs during greetings is a violation of the integrity of the system files. From this it follows the conclusion that it is necessary to check this chance using the built-in windows utility, which is specifically designed for the specified target.

  1. Run the "Command line" with administrative authority. How to do this, it was described in detail when considering the previous method. Enter the expression:


    Apply Enter.

  2. Launch of system file checks with subsequent restoration by entering the command in the command line interface window in Windows 7

  3. The system file integrity check will begin. If its violation is detected, the utility will try to automatically make a recovery procedure without user participation. The main thing is not to close the "command line" until you see the result of the check.

The procedure for checking the purpose of system files with subsequent restoration in the command line interface window in Windows 7

Lesson: Scanning the integrity of the system files in Windows 7

Method 5: Virus Check

Do not discount and option that the system hangs happened because of the virus infection of the computer. Therefore, in any case, we recommend to progress and scan PC for malicious code.

Virus checking for viruses using Dr.Web Cureit anti-virus utility in Windows 7

The check should be made not with the help of a regular antivirus, which allegedly already missed the threat and cannot help, and applying one of the special antivirus utilities that do not require installation on the PC. In addition, it should be noted that it is recommended to produce a procedure either from another computer, or by performing the system boot using LiveCD (USB).

When the viral threat is detected, proceed according to the recommendations that will be displayed in its window. But even in the case of the destruction of the virus, it is also possible to also need to restore the integrity of the system objects described when considering the previous method, since malicious code could damage files.

Lesson: Computer Check for Viruses

Method 6: Recovery Point

If you have a recovery point on your computer, you can try to restore the system to the working state through it.

  1. Click "Start". Come in all programs.
  2. Go to all programs through the Start button in Windows 7

  3. Go to the "Standard" directory.
  4. Go to folder standard via Start button in Windows 7

  5. Come in the "Service" folder.
  6. Go to the service folder from the directory standard via the Start button in Windows 7

  7. Click "System Restore".
  8. Running system system recovery utility from the service folder via the Start button in Windows 7

  9. The starting window of the system utility designed to restore the OS is open. Click "Next".
  10. Start window of the system system recovery utility in Windows 7

  11. Then the window opens with a list of recovery points, if you have several on your computer. To see all the possible options, install the markup opposite the inscription "show others ...". Choose the most preferred option. This can be the last recovery point by time, which is formed before the problems with the loading of the system. After the procedure is performed, press "Next".
  12. Select the recovery point of the system system recovery utility in Windows 7

  13. Next, the window will open in which you can run directly the system recovery procedure by clicking the "Finish" button. But before you do it, close all programs, in order to avoid loss of unsaved data. After pressing the specified item, the PC will be rebooted and the OS recovery will be performed.
  14. Starting the system recovery system system recovery utility in Windows 7

    After performing this procedure, with a high probability, the problem with freezing on a welcoming window will disappear, unless hardware factors served as its cause. But the nuance is that the desired recovery point in the system may not be if you did not take care of creating it in advance.

The most common reason that one day your computer may hang on the welcome screensaver "Welcome" are the problems of operation of drivers. The correction of this situation is described in the method 1 of this article. But other possible causes of failure in the work should also not be thrown off. Especially dangerous hardware faults and viruses that can cause great damage to the functioning of the PC, and the problem under study is only one of the symptoms specified by "diseases".

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