How to change the phone number in the style


How to change the phone number in Steam Logo

Some Steam users use the Steam Guard mobile authenticator that allows you to increase the degree of protection of your account. Steam Guard is a rigid steam account binding to the phone, but you can get into a situation where the phone number is lost and at the same time this number was tied to the account. To enter your account, you must have a lost phone number. Thus, it turns out a kind of vicious circle. In order to change the phone number to which Steam account is attached, you need to cancel binding to the current phone number, which was lost as a result of the loss of a SIM card or the phone itself. Read further to learn how to change the phone number that is tied to the Steam account.

Imagine the following situation: You downloaded the Steam Guard application to your mobile phone, tied Steam account to this phone number, and then lost this phone. After you purchased a new phone to replace lost. Now you need to bind a new phone to your Steam account, but at the same time you do not have SIM cards on which there was an old number. What to do in this case?

Steam phone number change

First, you need to go to the following link. Then enter your username, email address or phone number that has been tied to the account.

Enter login to disable the mobile authenticator in Steam when it is turned off

If you have entered your data correctly, you will be offered several options with which you can restore your access to the account. Select the appropriate option.

Selecting a way to disable Mobile Authenticator in Steam

If you remember, you needed to write a Steam Guard recovery code during its creation. If you remember this code, click the appropriate item. The form of deleting mobile from the Steam indicator will appear, which is tied to your lost phone number.

Deleting Mobile Authenticator Steam Guard using the recovery code

Enter this code in the upper field on the form. In the bottom field, you must enter the current password from your account. If you do not remember the password from your account, you can restore it to read this article. After you enter the recovery code and your password, click the Delete Mobile Authenticator button. After that, the binding to your lost phone number will be deleted. Accordingly, you can easily create a new STEAM Guard binding to your new phone number. And how to bind the Steam account to the mobile phone you can read here.

If you do not remember the recovery code, it was not recorded anywhere and did not save it anywhere, then you will need to choose another option when choosing. Then the Steam Guard Guide page opens with this option.

How to remove Steam Guard if the phone is lost

Read the advice that is written on this page, it can really help. You can install your Mobile Operator SIM card which serves you after restore the SIM card with the same number that you had. You can easily change the phone number, which will be tied to your Steam account. To do this, it will be enough to go along the same link that is presented at the beginning of the article, and then select the first option with the recovery code as expelled as an SMS message.

Also, this option will be useful for those who did not lose their SIM card and simply wants to change the number that is attached to the account. If you do not want to install a SIM card, then you will have to contact the technical support teams with accounts. About how to contact Steam Technical Support, you can read here, their answer will not take much time. This is a pretty effective option for changing the phone in Steam. After changing the phone number attached to your Steam account, you will have to go to your account using a mobile authenticator tied to your new number.

Now you know how you can change the phone number in the style.

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