How to create a ringtone on iPhone


How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

Standard call melodies on Apple devices are always recognizable and are very popular. However, if you want to put a favorite song as a ringtone, you will have to make some efforts. Today we will look at how you can create a ringtone for the iPhone, and then add it to the device.

Apple's call melodies have defined requirements: duration should not exceed 40 seconds, and the format must be M4R. Only subject to these conditions, the ringtone can be copied to the device.

Create a ringtone for iPhone

Below we will look at several ways to create a ringtone for your iPhone: using the online service, the iTunes brand program and the device itself.

Method 1: Online Service

Today, the Internet provides enough online services that allow in two accounts to create ringtones for an iPhone. The only nuance - to copy the finished melody, it will still need to use the ITYUNS program, but a little later.

  1. Go through this link to the MP3Cut service page, it is using it that we will create a ringtone. Click the "Open File" button and select a song that we will turn into a ringtone in the Windows Watch Explorer.
  2. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  3. After processing, a window will unfold on the screen. Below, select "Ringtone for iPhone".
  4. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  5. Using the sliders, set the start and end for the melody. Do not forget the window to use the play button in the left area to evaluate the result.
  6. Once again, we draw your attention that the ringtone duration should not exceed 40 seconds, so be sure to take into account this fact before proceeding.

    How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  7. In order to smooth out the shortcomings when starting and completing the ringtone, it is recommended to activate the "smooth start" and "smooth attenuation".
  8. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  9. Having finished working on the creation of the ringtone, click in the lower right corner along the "Trim" button.
  10. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  11. The service will start processing, after which you will be asked to download the finished result on the computer.

How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

On this, the creation of a ringtone with the help of the online service is completed.

Method 2: iTunes

We now turn directly to iTunes, namely the built-in tools of this program that allow us to create a ringtone.

  1. To do this, run iTunes, go to the "Music" tab of the program in the left, and open the "Songs" section in the left area of ​​the window.
  2. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  3. Click on the track that will be turned into a ringtone, right-click and in the displayed context menu, select "Details".
  4. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  5. In the window that opens, go to the "Parameters" tab. It contains "Start" and "End" items, near which you need to put ticks, and then specify the exact time of the beginning and the end of your ringtone.
  6. Note, you can specify any segment of the selected song, but the ringtone duration should not exceed 39 seconds.

    How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  7. For convenience, open the song in any other player, for example, in the standard Windows Media Player, to properly select the necessary time intervals. Having finished with an indication of the time, click on the "OK" button.
  8. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  9. Select the cropped track with one click of the mouse, and then click on the File tab and go to the "Convert" section - "Create a version in AAC format".

  11. In the list of tracks will appear two versions of your song: one source, and the other, respectively, cut. We need it.
  12. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  13. Right-click on the rington and in the displayed context menu, select "Show in Windows Explorer".
  14. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  15. Copy the ringtone and paste the copy at any convenient place on your computer, for example, by placing on your desktop. We will continue to work with this copy.
  16. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  17. If you look at the properties of the file, you will see that its M4A format. But in order for iTunes to recognize the ringtone, the file format must be changed to the M4R.
  18. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  19. To do this, open the "Control Panel" menu, in the upper right corner, set the "minor icons" viewer, and then open the "Explorer" (or "folder parameters" section).
  20. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  21. In the window that opens, go to the View tab, descend to the end of the list and remove the checkbox from the "Hide extensions for registered files" item. Save the changes.
  22. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  23. Return to a copy of the ringtone, which in our case is located on the desktop, right-click on it and in the pop-up context menu, click on the Rename button.
  24. How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

  25. Manually change the file extension from M4A to M4R, click the Enter key, and then agree with the changes.

How to make ringtone on iPhone in Aytyuns

Now everything is ready for copying the track on the iPhone.

Method 3: iPhone

Ringtone can be created and with the help of the iPhone itself, but here without a special application can not do. In this case, the smartphone will need to install Ringtonio.

Download Ringtonio.

  1. Run ringtonio. First of all, you will need to add a song to the app, which will later and become a ringtone. To do this, tap in the upper right corner on the icon with the folder, after which provide access to your musical collection.
  2. Adding a file to ringtonio

  3. From the list, select the desired song.
  4. Choosing a song in Ringtonio

  5. Now, spend your finger at the sound track, highlighting the area that does not enter the ringtone. To remove it, use the "Scissors" tool. Leave only the part that will become a ringtone call.
  6. Trimming music in Ringtonio

  7. The application will not save the ringtone until its duration is more than 40 seconds. As soon as this condition is respected - the "Save" button will become active.
  8. Conservation of Rington in Ringtonio

  9. To complete, if necessary, specify the name of the file.
  10. File name in Ringtonio

  11. The melody is stored in Ringtonio, but it will be required from the application to "pull out". To do this, connect the phone to the computer and run iTunes. When the device is determined in the program, click on the upper part of the window on the miniature iPhone icon.
  12. IPhone menu in iTunes

  13. In the left area of ​​the window, go to the "General Files" section. To the right to highlight the ringtonio mouse with one click.
  14. Shared files in iTunes

  15. The previously created ringtone will be seen to the right, which will be needed to simply drag from iTunes to any place on the computer, for example, on the desktop.

Export ringtone from iTunes to computer

Transfer Ringtone on the iPhone

So, using any of three ways, you will create a ringtone that will be stored on your computer. The point is left for small - add it to an iPhone through Aytyuns.

  1. Connect the gadget to the computer and run the aytyuns. Wait until the device is determined by the program, and then click on its thumbnail at the top of the window.
  2. IPhone control menu in iTunes

  3. In the left area, go to the "Sounds" tab. All you have to do is just drag the melody from the computer (in our case it is on the desktop) in this section. iTunes will automatically launch synchronization, after which the ringtone will be immediately moved to the device.
  4. Rington Transfer from Computer in iTunes

  5. Check: For this, open the settings on the phone, select the "Sounds" section, and then the Rington point. The first list will be visible our track.

Downloaded on iPhone Ringtone

Creating a ringtone for the iPhone for the first time it may seem like a fairly time-consuming. If you have the opportunity - use the convenient and free online services or applications, if there is no - iTunes will create the same ringtone, but the time to create it will take a little more.

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