How to choose a power supply for a computer


How to choose a power supply for a computer

The power supply supply is supplies with electricity all other components. It depends on the stability and reliability of the system, so it is not worth saving or negligently to choose. The power supply failure often threatens the failure of the rest of the details. In this article, we will analyze the basic principles for choosing a power supply, we describe their types and let's call some good manufacturers.

Select the power supply for the computer

Now there are many models from different manufacturers on the market. They differ not only by power and the presence of a certain number of connectors, but also have different values ​​of fans, quality certificates. When choosing, you must consider these parameters and a few more.

Calculating the required power supply power

First of all, it should be determined how much electricity consumes your system. Based on this, you will need to choose a suitable model. The calculation can be done manually, you will only need information about the components. The hard drive consumes 12 watts, SSD - 5 watts, a rash of RAM in the amount of one thing - 3 watts, and each separately taken fan is 6 watts. Read the capacities of the rest of the components on the official manufacturer's website or ask the sellers in the store. Add to the resulting result of approximately 30% to avoid problems with a sharp increase in electricity consumption.

Calculation of power supply power using online services

There are special sites of power supplies power calculators. You will need to select all the installed components of the system unit, so that the optimal power is displayed. The result takes into account additional 30% of the value, so you do not need to do it yourself, as described in the previous method.

Online power supply calculator calculator

On the Internet, there are many online calculators, they all work in the same principle, so you can choose any of them to calculate power.

Power Calculation Power Block Online

Certificates 80 Plus

All high-quality blocks have a 80 Plus certificate. Certified and Standard are assigned to the elementary level blocks, Bronze and Silver - Middle, Gold - High Class, Platinum, Titanium - the highest level. Entry-level computers designed for office tasks can work on the entry-level BP. Hourly iron requires greater power, stability and safety, so it will be reasonable to look at the high and top level.

80Plus certificate for power supply

Cooling power unit

Fans of various sizes are installed, most often found 80, 120 and 140 mm. The average variant shows itself the best, practically no noise, while coolly cools the system. This fan is also easier to find a replacement in the store in case it has failed.

Power supply fan

Present connectors

Each block has a set of mandatory and additional connectors. Let us consider it more:

  1. ATX 24 PIN. There is everywhere in the amount of one thing, it is necessary to connect the motherboard.
  2. CPU 4 PIN. Most blocks are equipped with one connector, but two pieces are found. Responsible for the power of the processor and connects directly to the motherboard.
  3. SATA. Connects to the hard disk. Many modern blocks have several SATA selected plumes, which makes it easier to connect several hard drives.
  4. PCI-E is required to connect the video card. The powerful gland will require two such connections, and if you are going to connect two video cards, then buy a block with four PCI-E connectors.
  5. Molex 4 PIN. Connecting old hard drives and drives was carried out using this connector, but now they will have their use. Additional coolers can be connected using Molex, so it is desirable to have several such connectors in the block just in case.

Power supply connectors

Semi-module and modular power supplies

In ordinary BP, the cables are not disconnected, but if you need to get rid of too much, we recommend paying attention to modular models. They allow you to disconnect any unnecessary cables for a while. In addition, semi-module models are present, they are removable only part of cables, but manufacturers are often called them modular, so it is worth carefully reading photos and clarify information from the seller before buying.

Modular power supply

Best manufacturers

Seasonic has established itself as one of the best power supplies on the market in the market, but their models are more expensive than competitors. If you are ready to overpay for quality and be sure that it will work stably for many years, take a look at Seasonic. It is impossible not to mention the very famous brands of thermaltake and Chieftec. They make excellent models according to the price / quality and are ideal for the game computer. The breakdowns are very rare, and also almost does not occur marriage. If you look after the budget, but the quality option is suitable for Coursar and Zalman. However, their cheapest models do not differ in particular reliability and quality assembly.

We hope that our article helped you decide on the choice of a reliable and high-quality power supply, which would be perfect for your system. We do not recommend buying a housing with a built-in BP, since there are most often unreliable models. Once again, I would like to note that this does not need to save, it is better to look after the model more expensive, but be confident in her quality.

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