Collecting data on users in Google


Collecting data on users in Google

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who is unknown about Google Corporation, which is one of the world's largest. Services of this company were tightly implemented in our daily life. Search engine, navigation, translator, operating system, multiple applications and so on - that's all we use every day. However, not everyone knows that the data that is constantly processed in most of these services, do not disappear after the completion of work and remain on the company servers.

The fact is that there is a special service in which all information about the user's actions in Google's companies are stored. It is about this service that will be discussed in this article.

Google Service My Actions

As mentioned above, this service is designed to collect information about all the actions of the company's users. However, the question arises: "Why is it necessary?". Important: Do not worry about your privacy and security, since all the data collected only is available to the company's neural networks and their owner, that is, you. Nobody who stranger cannot familiarize themselves with them, even representatives of the executive.

Google May Activiti

The main purpose of this product is to improve the quality of services that are provided by the company. Automatic selection of routes in navigation, autofill in the Google search bar, recommendations, issuing the necessary advertising proposals - this is all implemented precisely using this service. In general, about everything in order.

Types of data collected by the company

All information that concentrates in my actions is divided into three main types:

  1. Personal user data:
  • Name and surname;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Floor;
  • Phone number;
  • Location;
  • Passwords and addresses of electronic boxes.
  • Actions in Google Services:
    • All search queries;
    • Routes for which the user moved;
    • Viewed video and sites;
    • Announcements that are interested in the user.
  • Produced Content:
    • Sent and received letters;
    • All information on Google Disk (Tables, Text Documents, Presentations I.T.D);
    • Calendar;
    • Contacts.

    Google My Activity

    In general, we can say that the company owns practically all information about you on the network. However, as mentioned earlier, you should not worry about this. They are not included in their interests. Moreover, even if the attacker tries to paint it, he will not come out of anything, because the corporation uses the most efficient and actual protection system. Plus, even if the police or other services request this data, they will not be issued.

    Lesson: How to Exit Google Account

    The role of information about users in improving services

    How does the data about you allow to improve the products produced by the company? About everything in order.

    Search for efficient routes on the map

    Many constantly enjoy maps to search for routes. Due to the fact that the data of all users anonymously goes to the company's servers, where successfully processed, real-time navigator studies the road situation and selects the most efficient routes for users.

    Google navigation My actions

    For example, if several cars are immediately, the drivers of which are used by cards, slowly move on one road, the program understands that the movement is difficult there and trying to build a new route with a detour of this road.

    Autocomplete Google Search

    Anyone who has been looking for some information in search engines knows about it. It is only worth starting to enter your request, the system immediately offers popular options, and also corrects typos. Of course, it is also achieved through the service under consideration.

    Google search google my actions

    Formation of recommendations on YouTube

    This also faced many. When we look at various videos on the YouTube platform, the system forms our preferences and selects videos that are somehow related to already viewed. Thus, motorists are always issued video about cars, athletes about sports, gamers about games and so on.

    YouTube Google My actions

    Just popular videos may also appear in the recommendations that do not seem to be related to your interests, but they looked at many people with your interests. Thus, the system assumes that this content will like you.

    Formation of advertising proposals

    Most likely, you also noticed that on the sites you are invited to advertise such products that can be interested in anyway. Again, all thanks to Google service my actions.

    Advertising in Google

    These are only the main spheres that improve with this service. In fact, almost any aspect of the entire corporation directly depends on this service, because it allows you to evaluate the quality of services and improve them in the right direction.

    View your actions

    If necessary, the user can enter the site of this service and independently view all the information collected about it. Also, you can delete it and prohibit the data collection service. On the main page of the service there are all the latest user actions in their chronological order.

    Main menu My actions Google

    Also available is available by keywords. Thus, you can find certain actions at a certain period of time. Plus, it is implemented to install special filters.

    Search for my deiction Google

    Delete data

    If you decide to clear the data about you, it is also available. You must go to the "Select Delete Settings" tab, where you can set all the necessary settings to remove information. If you need to delete everything completely, it is enough to choose the item "all time".

    Delete in Google my actions


    In conclusion, it is necessary to recall that this service is used in good use. All user security is most thought out, so do not worry about it. If you want to get rid of it anyway, you can set all the necessary settings to delete all the data. However, be prepared for the fact that all the services you use will immediately worsen the quality of your work, because you will lose information from which you can work.

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