How to put voice search Google on a computer


How to put voice search Google on a computer

Holders of mobile devices have long known about such a function as a voice search, but it appeared on computers not so long ago and was only recently brought to mind. Google has built a voice search in his Google Chrome browser, which allows you to manage voice commands now. How to enable and configure this tool in a web browser we will tell in this article.

First of all, it should be noted that the instrument only works in chrome, because it was designed specifically for him by Google. Previously, it was necessary to set the extension and include the search through the settings, but in the latest versions of the browser everything has changed. The whole process is carried out only a few steps:

Step 1: Browser update to the latest version

If you are using an old version of the web browser, then the search function can incorrectly and periodically fail, since it has been completely recycled. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to check the availability of updates, and in case of needing, it is necessary to implement them:

  1. Open the help pop-up menu and go to Google Chrome browser.
  2. About Google Chrome browser

  3. A automatic search for updates and their installation will start, if necessary.
  4. Google Chrome browser update

  5. If everything went successfully, the chrome will be rebooted, and then the microphone will be displayed on the right side of the search string.

Voice search in Google Chrome

Read more: How to update Google Chrome browser

Step 2: Enable microphone access

For security reasons, the browser blocks access to specific devices, such as a camera or microphone. It may happen that the restriction will affect and the pages with voice search. In this case, you will have a special notification when trying to execute a voice command where you need to rearrange the point to "always provide access to my microphone."

Include Google Chrome Microphone

Step 3: Final Voice Search Settings

At the second step, it would be possible to finish, since the voice command function now works properly and will always be enabled, but in some cases it is necessary to make additional setting of certain parameters. To perform it, you need to go to a special page editing page.

Go to Google search settings page

Here users are available to enable secure search, it will almost completely eliminate unacceptable and adult content. In addition, there is a set of link restrictions on one page and configuring voice search voice.

Google Chrome search

Pay attention to the language parameters. From its choice also depends on voicing voice commands and the overall display of results.

Google Chrome Search Language

See also:

How to set up a microphone

What to do if the microphone does not work

Using voice commands

Using voice commands, you can quickly open the necessary pages, perform various tasks, communicate with friends, get quick answers and use the navigation system. In more detail about each voice team written on the official Google Help Page. Almost all of them work in the Chrome version for computers.

Go to the page with the list of voice commands Google

On this installation and configuration of voice search is over. It is produced in just a few minutes and does not require any special knowledge or skills. Following our instructions, you can quickly install the necessary parameters and start using this function.

See also:

Voice search in Yandex.Browser

Computer management voice

Voice assistants for Android

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