How to select RAM for Computer


How to select RAM for Computer

The set of basic computer components also includes RAM. It is used to store information during the execution of various tasks. The stability and speed of games and software depends on the type and basic characteristics of the RAM. Therefore, you need to choose this component carefully, after reviewing the recommendations.

Select RAM for Computer

In the choice of RAM there is nothing complicated, you only need to know its most important characteristics and consider only proven options, since more and more often in stores are forgery. Let's consider several parameters to pay attention to the purchase.

See also: How to check the operational memory for performance

The optimal amount of RAM memory

Performing various tasks requires different amounts of memory. PC for office work is enough 4 GB, which will also make it possible to work comfortably on the 64-bit OS. If you use a plank with a total volume of less than 4 GB, only 32-bit OS should be installed on the computer.

Optimal Number of RAM

Modern games require at least 8 GB of memory, so at the moment this value is optimal, but over time will have to buy a second cry if you are going to play new. If you plan to work with complex programs or collect a powerful gaming machine, it is recommended to use from 16 to 32 GB of memory. More than 32 GB is required extremely rarely, only when performing very complex tasks.

Type of RAM

Now the DDR SDRAM computer memory is now performed, and it is separated into several specifications. DDR and DDR2 - Outdated option, new system boards do not work with this type, and in stores it becomes difficult to find the memory of this type. DDR3 still continues to be actively used, works on many new models of system boards. DDR4 is the most relevant option, we recommend the acquisition of the RAM of exactly this type.

Size of the RAM

It is very important to pay attention to the overall size of the component in order to accidentally not acquire the wrong form factor. For a regular computer, the size of the DIMM is characterized, where contacts are located on both sides of the bar. And if you meet the SO prefix, the dice has other sizes and is used most often in laptops, but sometimes it can occur in monoblocks or small computers, since the dimensions of the system do not allow you to install DIMM.

RAM Form Form

Specified frequency

RAM frequency affects its speed, but it is worth paying attention to whether your motherboard supports the processor you need frequencies. If not, the frequency drops to one that will be compatible with the components, and you will simply overpare for the module.

At the moment, the most common in the market are models with frequencies of 2133 MHz and 2400 MHz, but their prices are practically no different, so it is not worth buying the first option. If you see a plank with a frequency above 2400 MHz, then it should be noted that this frequency is achieved through its automatic magnification using XMP technology (Extreme Memory Profile). Not all motherboards are supported, therefore it is worth being attentive during the choice and purchase.

Time between operations

The smaller the execution time between operations (timings), the faster the memory will work. The characteristics indicate the four main timings, of which the main value is the latency value (CL). DDR3 is characterized by latency 9-11, and for DDR 4 - 15-16. The value rises together with the frequency of RAM.



RAM is capable of working in single-channel and multichannel mode (two, three or four-channel). In the second mode, the information record occurs simultaneously into each module, it provides an increase in speed. System boards on DDR2 and DDR do not support multi-channel. Buy only the same modules to enable this mode, normal operation with dies of different manufacturers is not guaranteed.

Work of RAM in multikanal mode

To enable two-channel mode, you will need 2 or 4 RAM strips, three-channel - 3 or 6, four-channel - 4 or 8 dies. As for the two-channel mode of operation, it is supported by almost all modern system boards, and the other two are only expensive models. During the installation of the dies, look at the connectors. The switching on the two-channel mode is carried out by installing the planks through one (often connectors have different color, it will help to connect correctly).

Turning on multi-channel mode

The presence of heat exchanger

The presence of this component is not always necessary. It is greatly heated only by the DDR3 memory with high frequency. Modern DDR4 cold, and radiators are used only as decor. The manufacturers themselves are well as high as the price of the model with such a supplement. It is on this that we recommend saving when choosing a board. Radiators can also interfere with the installation and quickly clogged with dust, it will complicate the process of cleaning the system unit.

Radiators on RAM

Pay attention to the backlit modules on the heat exchangers, if it is important for you to have a beautiful assembly with the lighting of everything that is possible. However, the prices of such models are very high, so you have to overpay, if they still decided to acquire the original solution.

Software connectors

Each listed type of memory corresponds to its type of connector on the system board. Be sure to compare these two characteristics when buying components. Recall once again that the system boards for DDR2 are no longer produced, the only solution is to choose an outdated model in the store or choose from used options.

Best manufacturers

On the market is not so many RAM manufacturers now, therefore, it is not possible to highlight the best. CRUCIAL manufactures optimal modules. Each user will be able to choose the perfect option, the price will also be pleasantly surprised.


The most popular and recognizable brand is Corsair. They produce good memory, however, the price for it can be slightly overestimated, and most of the models have a built-in radiator.


It is also worth noting Goodram, AMD and Transcend. They produce low-cost models that show themselves well, for a long time and stably work. It is only worth noting that AMD most often conflicts with other modules when trying to enable multichannel mode. We do not recommend that Samsung's acquisition is due to frequent fakes and Kingston - due to poor build and low quality.

We reviewed the basic characteristics to pay attention to when selecting RAM. Check out them, and you will definitely make the right purchase. Once again I want to pay attention to the compatibility of modules with motherboards, be sure to consider it.

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