How to put a password to the folder in android


How to put a password to the folder in android

The safety of the Android operating system is not ideal. Now, although it is possible to establish various PIN codes, but they completely block the device. Sometimes it is necessary to protect a separate folder from strangers. It is impossible to do this using standard functions, so you have to resort to installing additional software.

Installing the password on the folder in Android

There are many different applications and utilities that are designed to improve the protection of your device by installing passwords. We will look at several best and most reliable options. Following our instructions, you can easily put protection against the directory with important data in any of the following programs.

Method 1: AppLock

The known to many AppLock allows not only to block certain applications, but also put protection on folders with photos, video, or restrict access to the conductor. It is done in just a few simple steps:

Download AppLock with Play Market

  1. Load the application to your device.
  2. Download AppLock with Google Play Market

  3. First, you will need to install one common PIN code, in the future it will be applied to folders and applications.
  4. Installing a PIN code in AppLock

  5. Move the folders from the photo and video to AppLock to set protection on them.
  6. Protection of video and photos in AppLock

  7. If required, put the lock on the conductor - so the outsider will not be able to go to the file repository.
  8. Conductor lock via applock

Method 2: File and Folder Secure

If you need to quickly and securely protect the selected folders using the password setting, we recommend using File and Folder Secure. Working with this program is very simple, and the setting is performed by several actions:

Download File and Folder Secure with Play Market

  1. Install the application on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Download File and Folder Secure

  3. Install a new PIN code that will be applied to directories.
  4. Installing a PIN code in File and Folder Secure

  5. It will be necessary to specify email, it will be useful in the event of a password.
  6. Select the necessary folders to lock by pressing the lock.
  7. Lock folders in File and Folder Secure

Method 3: ES Explorer

ES Explorer is a free application that performs the functions of an extended conductor, application manager and task manager. With it, you can also set the blocking to certain directory. This is done as follows:

  1. Download the application.
  2. Download ES Guide Google Play Market

  3. Go to the home folder and select "Create", then create an empty folder.
  4. Create folder in ES conductor

  5. Next, you have to transfer important files to it and click on "encrypt".
  6. Encryption in ES Explorer

  7. Enter the password, and you can also select the sending password to email.
  8. Setting the password to the folder in the ES conductor

When installing protection, please note that the ES conductor allows you to encrypt only directories within which there are files, so first you need to transfer them there or already put the password to the completed folder.

See also: How to put a password for an app in android

This instruction could include a number of programs, but all of them are identical and operate in the same principle. We tried to select a number of the best and most reliable applications for installing protection to files in the Android operating system.

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