How to increase the font on the computer screen


How to increase the font on the computer screen

Increasing the font size on the computer screen may be aware of the user. All people have individual features, including various visual sharpness. In addition, they use monitors from different manufacturers with different screen diagonal and resolution. In order to maximize all these factors, the operating system provides the ability to change the font size and icons in order to select the most comfortable display for the user.

Ways to change the size of fonts

To pick up the best size of the fonts displayed on the screen, the user is provided with several ways. They include using certain key combinations, computer mouse and on-screen magnifiers. In addition, the ability to change the scale of the displayed page is provided in all browsers. Popular social networks also have similar functionality. Consider all this.

Method 1: Keyboard

The keyboard is the main user tool when working with a computer. Creating only certain shortcuts of the keys, you can change the size of all that is displayed on the screen. These are labels, signatures under them, or other text. To make them more or less, combinations can be used:

  • Ctrl + Alt + [+];
  • Ctrl + Alt + [-];
  • Ctrl + Alt + [0] (zero).

For people with weak vision, the optimal solution can be a screen magnifier.

Magnifier on the desktop windows

It simulates the lens effect when hovering on a specific area of ​​the screen. You can call it using the Win + [+] key combination.

You can change the scope of the open page of the browser using the CTRL + [+] and Ctrl + [-] key combination, or the same rotation of the mouse wheel when the Ctrl key is pressed.

Read more: Increase computer screen using keyboard

Method 2: Mouse

In combination of the keyboard with the mouse, changing the size of the icons and fonts is even easier. Just pressing the "Ctrl" key to rotate the mouse wheel to yourself or from yourself so that the scale of the desktop or the conductor changes in one direction or the other side. If the user has a laptop and it does not use the mouse in the work - the imitation of rotation of its wheel is present in the functions of the touchpad. To do this, you need to make such movements with your fingers along its surface:

Increase icons on the computer screen using a touchpad

By changing the direction of movement, you can increase or decrease the contents of the screen.

Read more: change the size of the desktop icons

Method 3: Browser Settings

If you have a need to change the content size of the web page being viewed, then in addition to the keyboard shortcuts described above, you can use the settings of the browser itself. It is enough to open the settings window and find the "Scale" section there. This is how it looks in Google Chrome:

Changing the webpage in the Google Chrome settings

It remains only to choose the most suitable scale for yourself. At the same time, all web page objects will increase, including fonts.

In other popular browsers, such an operation occurs in a similar way.

In addition to scale scaling, it is possible to increase only the size of the text, leaving all other elements unchanged. On the example of Yandex.Bauser it looks like this:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Transition to the settings of the Yandex browser

  3. Through the setup search string, find the section on fonts and select the desired size.

    Changing the size of the font in the settings of the Yandex browser

As well as the scaling of the page, this operation occurs almost the same in all web browsers.

Read more: How to enlarge the page in the browser

Method 4: Changing the size of the font in social networks

Lovers for a long time to hang in social networks may also not arrange the size of the fonts, which is used there by default. But since, in essence, social networks also represent web pages, to solve this problem there may be the same methods that were described in previous sections. Any of its specific ways to increase the font size or scale the developers of the interface of these resources did not provide.

Read more:

Scaling font VKontakte

We increase text on pages in classmates

Thus, the operating system provides a variety of features to change the size of the font and icons on the computer screen. The flexibility of settings allows you to satisfy the requests of the most demanding user.

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