Why the Internet does not work on the computer


Why the Internet does not work on the computer

Any PC user with great experience (and not only) faced problems associated with Internet connection. They can take different forms: may not work network only in the browser or in all applications, various system alerts are issued. Next, we will talk about why the Internet does not work and how to deal with it.

Internet does not work

To begin with, we will analyze the main reasons for the lack of connection, but first of all it is worth checking the reliability of connecting a network cable to a computer and a router if the connection is performed with it.

  • Network connections settings. They may be initially incorrect, to be confused due to malfunctions in the operating system, do not correspond to the parameters of the new provider.
  • Network adapter drivers. The incorrect operation of the drivers or their damage can lead to the impossibility of connecting to the network.
  • Network card can be disabled in the BIOS settings.

The most "incomprehensible" and fairly common problem: all applications, such as messengers, work normally, and pages in the browser refuse to load, giving a well-known message - "The computer is not connected to the network" or similar. At the same time, the network icon on the taskbar says that the connection is and the network works.

Browser message about the inability to connect to the Internet

The reasons for this behavior of the computer are in the confused settings of network connections and proxy, which may be the result of actions of various programs, including malicious. In some cases, the "hooligan" can antivirus, or rather, a firewall, which is part of some antivirus bags.

Cause 1: Antivirus

First of all, it is necessary to completely turn off the antivirus, as there have been cases when this program prevented the page loading, and sometimes completely overlapped access to the Internet. You can check this assumption very simple: run the browser from Microsoft - Internet Explorer or EDGE and try to open some site. If he boot, there is an incorrect work of antivirus.

Read more: Disable antivirus

The reasons for such behavior can explain only specialists or developers. If you are not, then the most effective way to combat this problem is reinstalling the program.

Read more: Deleting Anti-Virus from Computer

Reason 2: key in the system registry

The next step (if there is still no Internet) - edit the system registry. Some applications can change the system settings, including networks, replacing the "native" documents with their, or rather, the keys indicating the OS, which files should be used in one way or another.

  1. Go to the registry branch

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows \

    Here we are interested in the key called


    Read more: How to open the registry editor

    Transition to the registry key change to solve Internet problems in Windows 10

  2. If some value is spelled next to it, and specifically the location of the DLL library, then double-click by parameter, delete all the information and click OK. After rebooting, check the possibility of accessing the Internet.

    Change the registry key to solve the Internet problem in WindWOS 10

Cause 3: Hosts file

Next follow the secondary factors. The first is to change the Hosts file to which the browser is drawn primarily, and then to the DNS server. Make new data to this file can all the same programs - malicious and not very. The principle of operation is simple: Inquiries designed to connect you with some site are redirected to a local server, on which, of course, there is no such address. You can find this document on the next way:

C: \ Windows \ System32 \ DRIVERS \ ETC

Hosts file location in Windows 10 system folder

If you independently did not make changes, or not installed "cracked" programs that require connections with developer servers, then "clean" hosts should look like this:

Original Hosts file for Windows 10

If any lines are added to hosts (see Screenshot), you must be deleted.

Read more: How to change the Hosts file in Windows 10

Excess line in the Hosts file in Windows 10

In order for the edited file normally, it is necessary to remove the donkey opposite the "read only" attribute (PCM on the file - "properties"), and after saving, place it in place. Please note that this attribute must be included in the mandatory - this makes it difficult to change it with malicious programs.

Changing the Hosts file attribute in Windows 10

Cause 4: Network Settings

Next reason - incorrect (knocked) IP and DNS settings in the network connection properties. If it's about DNS, then, most likely, the browser will report it. This happens for two reasons: the action of applications or the change of the Internet provider, many of which provide their addresses to connect to the network.

  1. Go to "Network Parameters" (click on the network icon and go to reference).

    Switch to network connections in Windows 10

  2. Open "Setting the Adapter Settings".

    Go to settings for network adapters in Windows 10

  3. Click on the PCM on the connection used and select "Properties".

    Properties of the active network adapter in Windows 10

  4. We find the component specified in the screenshot, and again click "Properties".

    TCP-IP Protocol Properties in Windows 10

  5. If your provider does not specify that it is clear that you need to enter certain IP and DNS addresses, but they are spelled out, and the manual setting (as on the screen) is activated, then you must enable automatic receipt of this data.

    Switching to automatic receipt of IP and DNS addresses in Windows 10

  6. If the Internet provider provided addresses, you do not need to switch to automatic input - simply enter the data into the appropriate fields.

Cause 5: Proxy

Another factor that can affect the connection is to install a proxy in the browser or system properties. If the addresses prescribed in the settings are more unavailable, then the Internet will not get out. Various computer pests are also guilty here. This is usually done in order to intercept information broadcast by your computer to the network. Most often these are passwords from accounts, mailboxes or electronic wallets. You should not write off the bills and the situation when you yourself, with some circumstances, changed the settings, and then "safely" forgot about it.

  1. First of all, we go to the "control panel" and open the "browser properties" (or browser in XP and Vista).

    Go to the configuration of the browser parameter in the Windows 10 control panel

  2. Next, go to the "Connections" tab and click the "Network Setup" button.

    Go to network settings in Windows 10

  3. If you have a daw and the address and port (port may not be registered in the Proxy block (the port may not be), then remove it and switch to "automatic determination of parameters". After completing everywhere we click OK.

    Setting the LAN settings and proxy server in Windows 10

  4. Now you need to check the network settings in your browser. Google Chrome, Opera and Internet Explorer (EDGE) use proxy system settings. Firefox need to go to the section "Proxy server".

    Read more: Proxy setting in Firefox

    Go to the proxy server settings in Firefox browser

    The switch specified on the screen must be in the "without proxy" position.

    Disable the use of a proxy server in Firefox browser

Cause 6: TCP / IP Protocol Settings

The last solution (in this paragraph), if other attempts to restore the Internet did not lead to a positive result - reset TCP / IP protocol settings and cleaning the DNS cache.

  1. Run a "command line" on behalf of the administrator.

    Run a command line in the Start menu on behalf of the administrator in Windows 10

    Read more: Run "Command Line" in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

  2. After launch, alternately enter the command and after each press Enter.

    Netsh Winsock Reset.

    Netsh int ip reset

    Ipconfig / Flushdns.

    ipconfig / registerdns

    Ipconfig / Release.

    ipconfig / renew.

    RESET WINSOCK directory in Windows 10

  3. We will not be able to restart the client.

    We go to the "Control Panel" - "Administration".

    Transition to the computer administration from the Windows 10 control panel

    In the opening, go to the "services".

    Go to the system services settings in Windows 10

    We are looking for the necessary service, by clicking the right mouse button by its name and select the "Restart" item.

  4. Restarting the DNS client in Windows 10

    In Windows 10, a new feature has also appeared to reset network parameters, you can try to use it.

    Read more: Correction of problems with the absence of the Internet in Windows 10

Cause 7: Drivers

Drivers - programs controlling equipment, like any other, can be subject to various failures and malfunctions. They can be outdated, conflict between themselves and simply be damaged or even removed as a result of viral attacks or user actions. To eliminate this reason, you need to update the network adapter drivers.

Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

Reason 8: BIOS

In some cases, the network card can be disabled in the BIOS motherboard. This setting fully deprives the computer connection to any network, including the Internet. Output This: Check the parameters and, if required, enable the adapter.

Read more: turn on the network card in BIOS


The causes of the absence of the Internet on PC are quite a lot, but, in most cases, the problem is solved quite simply. Sometimes it is enough to do a few clicks with the mouse, in some cases it will have to tinker a little. We hope that this article will help you cope with the non-working Internet and avoid trouble in the future.

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