

Error type "Failed to Load The Launcher.dll" most often occurs when trying to start the game on the Source engine: Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source and others. The emergence of such a message suggests that the specified dynamic library is absent in the desired location. Failure occurs on Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8, but most often appears on XP.


This is a rather specific error, and the paths of its corrections differ from other DLLs. The first and most simple way will reinstall the game, it is desirable to another physical or logical disk. The second method - checking the integrity of the game's cache in Steam (only uses users of this platform).

Please note that independent download and the installation of the missing library in this case will be ineffective!

Method 1: Reinstalling the game

A universal way to solve this problem is a complete reinstalling game with a registry cleaner.

  1. Before starting manipulations, we recommend checking the integrity of the game distribution a game, for example, by reconciling hash-sums using special programs: there is a chance that the installer is loaded or copied with an error, because of which all files are installed. In case of problems, upload the distribution anew.
  2. If the previous step has shown that everything is in order, you can delete the game. You can do this in many ways, but the most convenient are described in this article. Verse users should become familiar with the material below.

    Read more: Removing the game in the style

  3. Clean the registry from outdated records and garbage information. The most simple variants of this procedure are described in the relevant instruction. You can also refer to the special software for CCleaner.

    Lesson: Cleaning the registry using CCleaner

  4. Install the game again, preferably to another disk. Carefully monitor the behavior of the installer - any errors during the installation talk about problems with the distribution, and you will most likely have to find alternative.
  5. In the absence of problems in step 4, the installation must be completed successfully, and the subsequent launch of the game will happen without any problems.

Method 2: Checking the integrity of the game of the game in Steam

Since most games in which there is a problem with loading Launcher.dll, sold in the stima, the current solution to the problem is to check the availability of the necessary files in the application cache. It's no secret that because of the problems with PC or the Internet connection, the game software from Steam is possible, so it is worth checking downloaded files. With the guidance on this procedure, you can get acquainted in the material below.

Read more: Checking the integrity of the grade cache

The disadvantage of this method is obvious - only users can take advantage of them. However, in this case, the positive result is practically guaranteed.

We remind you of the advantage of using the licensing software with legally acquired products, the likelihood of errors seeks to zero!

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