What to do if the main page in Skype is not available


The main page is not available in the Skype program

As with any other computer program, users can occur with Skype with various problems associated with Skype's internal problems and external negative factors. One such problem is the inaccessibility of the main page in the most popular application for communication. Let's find out what to do if the main page in the Skype program is not available.

Communication problems

The most common reason for the inaccessibility of the main page in Skype is the lack of an Internet connection. Therefore, first of all, you need to check if your modem works, or another means connecting to the World Wide Web. Even if the modem is not turned off, try to open any web page in the browser, if it is also unavailable, then this means that, indeed, the problem lies in the absence of an Internet connection.

Skype home page is not available

In this case, it is necessary to identify a specific reason for the lack of communication, and already, based on it, plan your actions. The Internet may be absent in the following most common reasons:

  • hardware breakdown (modem, router, network card, etc.);
  • Incorrect network setup in Windows;
  • viral infection;
  • Problems on the side of the provider.

In the first case, if you, of course, not a professional master, should include a defective node in the service center. In case of incorrect configuration of the Windows network, it is required to make it configuration, according to the recommendations of the provider. If you can not do it yourself, again, contact a specialist. In the case of viral infection of the system, it is necessary to scan the computer with an antivirus utility.

Also, from the network you can be disabled by the provider. This situation may cause technical problems. In this case, it remains only to wait until the operator decides. Also, disconnection from communication can be caused by non-payment for communication services. You will not be connected to the Internet until you pay the set amount. In any case, to clarify the causes of the lack of communication, you need to contact the operator providing communication services.

Changing status in Skype

First of all, check what your status is in Skype. It can be viewed in the upper left corner of the window, near your name and avatar. The fact is that sometimes problems with the availability of the main page are when the user is set "not online". In this case, click on the status icon, in the form of a green mug, and change it to the status "on the network".

Changing status in the Skype program

Settings Internet Explorer

Not every user knows that Skype works using the Internet Explorer browser engine. Therefore, the wrong settings of this web browser can lead to the unavailability of the main page in the Skype program.

Before, start working with IE settings, completely close the Skype application. Next, launch the IE browser. Then, open the section "File" menu. We check that you did not stand in front of the item "work autonomously", that is, the autonomous mode was not turned on. If it is still on, then you need to take a tick.

Turning off the vehicle in IE

If everything is in order with the autonomous mode, then the cause of the problem in the other. I click on the sign of the gear in the upper right corner of the browser, and select the item "Observer Properties".

Transition to IE Observer Properties

In the observer properties window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab, and we click on the "Reset" button.

Reset settings in IE

In a new window, we install a tick opposite the "Delete Personal Settings" values, and confirm your desire to reset the browser by clicking on the "Reset" button.

Reset personal settings in IE

After that, the browser settings will drop to the fact that they were when installed by default, which may possibly contribute to the resumption of the heading of the main page in Skype. It should be noted that at the same time you will lose all the settings that exhibited after installing IE. But, at the same time, now we have quite a few users use this browser, so, most likely, the reset will not negatively affect anything.

You may just need to update Internet Explorer to the latest version.

Deleting Shared file

The cause of the problem can be wounded in one of the Skype files called Shared.xml, in which all conversations are stored. We will have to delete this file. To do this, you should get to the program profile folder. To do this, call the "Run" window by pressing the Win + R key combination. In the window that appears, we enter the expression "% APPDATA% \ Skype", and press the "OK" button.

Run the window in Windows

The Explorer window opens in the Skype folder. We find the file shared.xml, click on it with the right mouse button, and in the menu that opens, select "Delete" item.

Deleting Shared file

Attention! You must realize that by deleting the shared.xml file, it is possible to resume the performance of the main Skype page, but at the same time, you will lose your entire history of messages.

Viral Attack

Another reason why the main page in Skype may be inaccessible, is the presence of a malicious code on the hard disk. Many viruses block individual connection channels, or even completely Internet access, upset applications. Therefore, be sure to check the PC antivirus program. It is advisable to scan from another device or from a flash drive.

Scanning Viruses in Avast

Update or reinstall Skype

If you do not use the latest version of the program, then refresh the Skype. Using an outdated version can also cause the unavailability of the main page.

Skype installation

Sometimes a Skype reinstalling Skype also helps in solving this problem.

Skype installation screen

As you can see, the reasons for the inaccessibility of the main page in Skype can be completely different, and they also have solutions, respectively, have different. Chief Tip: Do not rush to remove something at once, and use the most simple solutions, for example, change the status. And already, if these simple solutions do not help, then gradually complicate them: reset the Internet Explorer settings, delete the shared.xml file, reinstall Skype, etc. But, in some cases, even a simple reboot of Skype helps to solve the problem with the main page.

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