How to update the Internet Explorer



Internet Explorer (IE) is one of the fastest and safest applications for browsing online pages. Every year, the developers worked hard to improve this browser and add a new functionality to it, so it is quite important to update IE in time to the latest version. This will fully experience all the advantages of this program.

Internet Explorer 11 update (Windows 7, Windows 10)

IE 11 - the final version of the browser. Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 is not as follows in previous versions of this program. You don't need to use the user for this at all, since the default updates must be installed automatically. In order to make sure this is enough to perform the following sequence of commands.

  • Open Internet Explorer and in the upper right corner of the browser, click the icon Service In the form of a gear (or a combination of the ALT + X keys). Then in the menu that opens select the item About the program
  • In the window About Internet Explorer need to make sure the checkbox Install new versions automatically


Similarly, you can update the Internet Explorer 10 browser for Windows 7. Earlier versions of Internet Explorer (8, 9) are updated via system updates. That is, to update IE 9, you must open the Windows Update Service ( Windows Update. ) And in the list of available updates to choose those concerning the browser.

IE update

Obviously, thanks to the efforts of developers, update Internet Explorer is easy enough, so each user will independently fulfill this simple procedure.

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