Error 0xC000000F when booting Windows


Error 0xC000000F when booting Windows

Windows 10.

An error with code 0xC000000F in Windows 10 appears even until the desktop is loaded, and the reasons for how it happens in such situations, several. It is impossible to say that it appears, it is impossible, so the user will need to consistently perform various manipulations, thereby finding the key to the solution. Influenced by its occurrence, as minor problems, such as incorrect assembly of the operating system downloaded on the distribution of an amateur author, and a problem hard disk, because of which an error with any code may appear in principle.

Most likely, a loading flash drive / disk with a fully working operating system will need to eliminate the problem, and if there are no devices at hand, you will have to ask for friends to lend it or create it. This is necessary because all the ways to solve the error besides the BIOS configuration will require access to the operating system in special modes: to start the recovery mode or the "command line". About what options a problem 0xc000000f is eliminated in the "top ten", we told in a separate article on the link below.

Read more: Methods for eliminating Error 0xC000000F when running Windows 10

Windows 10 installation window

Windows 7.

For Windows 7, the reasons for the appearance of the failure under consideration are practically no different from those that are characterized by Windows 10. Here, everything can be both problems with the operating system and incorrect BIOS settings or even damage to the hard disk, weighing logical or physical character. In the link on the reference, we further reviewed possible ways to eliminate it, located in order of simple to complex. To perform some methods, do not do without a boot flash drive or boot disk that will help return Windows performance without running it, but referring to its system files through different recovery modes. This will also be mentioned in the manual, but in more detailed format.

Read more: Correct the 0xC000000F error in Windows 7

Restoring Windows 7 using the installation media

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