How much Youtube pays for watching video


how much pays YouTube for watching

On YouTube for a long time, people have learned how to make money. By the way, it is this factor - one of the reasons for such an incredible popularity of this video blind site. Meanwhile, ways to make money on YouTube, a lot. For example, many people think that YouTube pays authors for the number of views of their videos, but it is not quite so. In this article we will try to deal with this issue.

First step to make a profit from views

Initially, it is worth understanding that by registering on YouTube and starting to download their videos there, you will not get a penny for watching, even if there are more than 100,000. For this, you need to make an affiliate program. This can be both a partnership directly with YouTube (Monetization) and with an affiliate network (media).

See also:

How to enable monetization on YouTube

How to connect an affiliate network on YouTube

The essence of the affiliate program

So, it is already known that money for the views will be received only after the affiliates are issued. Now let's figure it out for what money is paid.

Once you have connected to the media network or connected the monetization on YouTube, in your videos that you poured on hosting, advertising will appear. It can be a primitive overlay at the bottom of the player window.

Prime Advertising Overlay in YouTube Player

Or a full-fledged advertising video, which will automatically turn on before the start of the main video.

Advertising on YouTube before the video

It is important to know one thing - no one will pay money for their viewing. You will receive them only when the viewer goes through the advertisement itself by pressing the left mouse button along the advertising unit.

This is how the affiliate program works. By connecting it, you allow your partners to post advertisements in your rollers, and they, in turn, will make payment for each user who moved to the advertiser's website.

Cost for the transition

Knowing how it is possible to earn with the help of an affiliate program, an reasonable question will have a reasonable question from any blogger: "How much does Yutube pay or mediate in one transition of the viewer for the advertising link?". But here not everything is so simple, so you need to disassemble everything in the details.

Calculate the cost of one transition is almost impossible, since each advertising unit has its cost. Even more, the number of advertising itself varies in price, and the region of the user played a particularly important role, which moved along the advertising link in your video. And the cost of all variables in each partner network is different, and no one is in a hurry to disclose accurate figures, and even if they are known, then due to the instability of this market, after some time the price will change.

It is possible to designate that the lowest price for the transition from Overleigh in the player, while the transcendent is the most paid ones at the beginning of the video. But here there is one nuance. Currently, YouTube removed the insertion of such videos without the possibility of passing it, but this is if using the monetization of YouTube itself. But after connecting any affiliate, such an advertisement will be present, and its price will be at times higher than the rest.

Tip: An abuse of advertising in his videos can be fraught, as the viewer can acutely react to it, and simply stop watching the video. Thus, you can lose part of your audience, and statistics will only fall.

See also: How to find out the channel statistics on YouTube

Cost 1000 views

So, we talked about the cost for the transition, but most people who just come to YouTube to make money, are interested in the question, how much YouTube pays for views. Although no one is exactly able to answer this question, but there are still relative statistics. Now we will consider it and simultaneously try to provide the formula for the relative calculation of earnings from 1000 views.

Initially, it is necessary to understand that from 1000 views not all viewers will move along the advertising link, even moreover, few people go. Most often, the approximate number is taken from 10 to 15. That is, be prepared that from 1000 views you will receive money only for 13 people (on average).

Now you need to find out what averaged price for one transition. Such data is, although it is also not worth taking them for the truth in the last instance. Many sources say that in one joutub transition pays from $ 0.2 to $ 0.9. We take something average - $ 0.5 to make it easier to count.

Now it remains only to take the number of people transferred and multiply the price for the transition, and in the end you will get an approximate earnings forecast with thousands of views.

Formula for calculating the relative income on YouTube from 1000 views


As you can understand, find out how much you will pay for views, it is impossible. You can only take our own statistics on yourself, and only when you start making money on an affiliate program. Until that, no one will give you an accurate answer. But the main one - for watching Youtube money pays, and this is a good reason to try your hand in this type of earnings.

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