How to buy on Aliexpress: step by step instructions



Order with Aliexpress is simply, quickly and efficiently. But here, in order to avoid misunderstandings, the process of ordering the goods is made multi-stage to control each aspect of the transaction. They should consider them so that there are no problems subsequently.

On Ali, there are appropriate measures to protect both parties to eliminate fraud. For example, the Seller may require the acceptance of an operation if, after receiving the goods, too much time has passed too much time and the latter did not confirm the fact of completion of the transaction (the seller will not receive money until confirmation). In turn, the buyer is wave to return the goods when receiving, if the quality does not suit it, or the final version is significantly different from the one that was presented on the site.

Official site Aliexpress

Search process

It is quite logical that it should first find it before buying goods.

  1. Initially, you should enter your account on Ali, or register if it is not. Otherwise, the goods can only be found and see, but not order.
  2. Lesson: Registration on Aliexpress


  3. The search can be carried out in two ways.


    • The first is a search string where you want to enter a request. This method is suitable if a specific product or model is needed. The same method is suitable in cases where the user finds it difficult to choose a category and product name.
    • The second way is the consideration of product categories. Each of them has its own subcategories to specify the request. This option is suitable for those cases when the buyer does not know exactly what he needs, even at the level of what group includes goods. For example, the user is just looking for something interesting to buy.

After selecting a category or introduction of a query, the user will appear the appropriate range. Here you can get a quick familiar with the name and prices of each product. If some kind of specific one, it should be selected to obtain more detailed information.

Studying goods

On the item page you can find a detailed description with all the characteristics. If you scroll down below, you can find two main items used to assess the lot.

  • The first is a "product description." Here you can find the detailed technical characteristics of the subject. Especially large list is represented by all sorts of electronics.

  • The second is "reviews." No one will tell about the product better than other buyers. Here you can find as brief abstracts, like the "parcel received, the quality arranged, thank you," and the detailed analysis and analysis. It also displays the assessment of buyers on a five-point scale. This section allows the best way to assess the purchase before it is made, because many users here report not only about the quality of the subject, but also about the delivery, timing, communication with the seller. It should not be lazy and read as more reviews as possible before making a decision.

If everything suits, then you should buy. On the main screen of goods can be:

  • View the appearance of the lot on the attached photos. Experienced sellers exhibit as many pictures as possible, showing goods from all sides. If we are talking about collapsible things or sets, it is often set to photos with full display of contents and details.
  • You should choose a complete set, if they are offered. The package may include the most different choice - for example, different related models of goods, or options for configuration, packaging, etc.
  • In some cases, you can choose the quality of the warranty coupon. Of course, the more expensive, the better - the most expensive service agreements offer the most professional and widespread branches.
  • You can specify the amount of the goods ordered. Often there is a discount on wholesale purchases, which is specified separately.


The last item is a choice between "Buy Now" options or "Add to Cart".

The first option immediately translates the purchase page. This will be said below.

The second option allows you to postpone the goods for a time to make a purchase later. Subsequently, you can go from the main page of AliExpress to your basket.

Aliexpress Purchase

It is also worth noting that if the goods liked, but it is not possible to make a purchase yet, you can add a lot to the "wish list".

Subsequently, it will be possible to look from the profile page to the Lots pending. It is worth noting that this method does not book a product, and it is possible that after some time it will stop it.


After selecting the desired lot, it remains only to issue a purchase fact. Regardless of the selection set earlier ("Buy now", or "add to the basket"), both options are eventually transferred to the purchase page. Here everything is divided into three main points.

  1. First you need to specify or confirm the address. This information is initially configured at the first purchase itself, or in the user profile. At the time of making a specific purchase, you can change the address, or select a new one from the list entered earlier.
  2. Aliexpress Address Setup Address

  3. Next you need to get acquainted with the details of the order. Here it is necessary to check the number of pieces once, the lot itself, the description, and so on. You can also leave a comment for the seller with some separate wishes. He can answer the comment subsequently through correspondence.
  4. Checking the details of the order on Aliexpress

  5. Now you need to select the payment type and enter the appropriate data. Depending on the selected option, additional commissions may operate - it depends on the policy of payment services and banking systems.


Customize payment on Aliexpress

In the end, it remains only to put a tick about agreement with the provision of an email address to the seller for further contact (optional), as well as click the Confirm and Pay button. You can also apply discount coupons if available to reduce the price.

Shopping on Aliexpress.

After registration

For some time, after confirming the purchase, the service will write from the specified source the required amount of money. It will be blocked on Aliexpress to confirm the goods by the buyer. The seller will receive a notice of making the payment and address of the client, after which it will begin its work - the collection, packaging and sending the parcel. If necessary, the supplier will contact the buyer. For example, he may notify any likely delays or some other nuances.

On the site you can track the goods. Usually, it is monitored until it is in delivery to the country, it can later be monitored independently through other services (for example, through the official website of the Russian Post with the help of a track code). It is important to say that not all delivery services provide information on Ali, many should track their own official sites.

In the event that the parcel does not come long, while it will not be tracked, you can "open a dispute" to refuse the product and return to yourself. As a rule, with the right decoration of the claim, the administration of the resource prefers to get up to the side of the buyer. Money is returned to where they are received by the service - that is, when paying from the bank card, the funds will be listed there.

Lesson: How to open a dispute on Aliexpress

After receiving the parcel, it should be confirmed by the fact of its arrival. After that, the seller will receive his money. Also, the service will offer to leave a review. This will help other users correctly evaluate the quality of things and delivery before placing the order. It should be right when receiving in the mail carefully opened and examine the package to send it back here if something does not suit. In this case, it will also be necessary to notify the service of refusal to receive and return the blocked cash.

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