How to make money on YouTube, laying out video


How to make money on YouTube

YouTube has become so popular by no means in the same place. The most important role was played by the factant that this site provides the opportunity to earn real money to everyone, and in this article the most popular methods of earnings on YouTube will be listed.

Earnings on YouTube

Before you disassemble every method separately, it is worth saying that there will be no detailed instructions below, only the possibilities of earnings will be posted. In order to find success in the monetization of their content, it is important for you to know other nuances of the YouTube site itself. All the necessary information you can find on our website.

Method 1: Affiliate Programs

Earnings on the affiliate program includes several aspects:

  • Direct cooperation with Yutnub (Monetization YouTube);
  • Medianeti;
  • Reference programs.

So that confusion does not arise, we will understand each separately.

Monetization YouTube.

Monetization implies direct cooperation with Yutnub. This is the most common way to earn it. By connecting monetization, advertising will be inserted into your video, for which you will receive income. For more information about this form, you can read on our website.

Read more: How to enable monetization on your channel


Medianeti is a second option of how you can make money on YouTube. It is not much different from the monetization - you will also pay money for watching partner advertising. But the main difference lies in another - cooperation will be held not with the youth itself, but with partners beyond its borders. This, in turn, promises other suggestions, opportunities and another way of cooperation.

Lesson: How to connect to the media network on YouTube

Here is the list of the most popular mediolese today:

  • Admitad;
  • AIR;
  • X-Media Digital.

Referral programs

The referral program is another way to make money on YouTube, of course, it is worth saying that it will come that it will bring less than the two methods listed, however, the earnings on the referral system from mediats can be regarded as an additional income. Let's figure it out in detail how it works.

With a referral system in one way or another, almost every user is familiar. This approach is in service with many services, sites and sites, and its essence is to attract more registered users with you.

It works very simple - you place your unique referral link that will translate the user to the registration page in the media network, and you will receive a percentage from the income of each registered person. But it is worth highlighting a few moments. The fact is that each mediation has its own referral system with various execution. So, one can have a three-level program, and the other one-level one.

Scheme of the referral program in the media network

In the first case, you will receive a percentage not only from users who registered according to your link, but also from those that registered by the link of your referrals. Also the percentage of payment is different. On some services it can be 5%, and others reach 20%. As in the previous case, it is necessary to determine here to independently determine the referral system in which you will be better.

The referral program largely loses monetization and direct cooperation with mediats, as it does not work out to make a lot of money. However, if you prefer to connect to the media network, you can get an additional income.

As for the question: "What to choose: to medivate or monetization of YouTube?", That is not so simple here. Each author of his material must decide for himself. It is worth analyzing two options and determine what conditions are more suitable. It is also necessary to take into account the factors that periodically the conditions of the affiliate program are changed.

Method 2: Direct orders from advertisers

Having understood with the affiliate program and all the types of earnings available in it, go to the next method. It implies interaction with partners directly. Initially, it may seem that it is better than the previous option, but there are pitfalls here.

As the last time, this way of earning we will dismiss on key aspects, namely:

  • Promotional inserts in video;
  • References in the description for video;
  • Overview of services or goods;
  • Product Playment;
  • Comments and huskies.

In contrast to the conditions of the affiliate program, the above actions can be executed in parallel, which significantly increases earnings on YouTube.

Advertising inserts in video

This option is the most closest of all above presented. Right now, going to YouTube and enabling a video of some popular video unit, almost one hundred percent probability, you will see an advertising insert. Usually it goes at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the video, and, accordingly, the price for it is different. Here, for example, the screenshot of the roller of one author, which at the beginning of the video advertises the RanBox website:

Advertising insert in the video on YouTube

But let's consider this way in more detail.

First, immediately after registering your own channel, no advertiser will come to you. For this you need, as they say, promote your channel. Secondly, the price for advertising is directly proportional to your popularity. In general, only these two aspects affect the success of this method.

To increase the chance of attracting advertisers to you, it is advised to post the contact details in the description of the channel with the mark that you provide this service. It is also nice to use your social networks (groups, publics, etc.), placing a similar message there.

After the advertiser contacts you, it remains only to discuss the terms of the transaction. Usually the insert in the video of the commercial can be performed in two options:

  • The advertiser himself provides you with promotional material (video) and you insert it into your ready-made video (cheap method);
  • You yourself make promotional video and introduce it into your roller (expensive way).

You are installing the price yourself, but it is important to remember that you take 50000 ₽ when you are signed only 30,000 people, meaningless.

Links in the description for video

It can be said that earnings on YouTube with the help of advertising links in the description is practically no different from the insertion of commercials in the video itself. The main difference is only at the location. By the way, video blocks often immediately indicate the possibility of advertising using references in the description, and most advertisers are buying both options at once, for a more effective PR of their products or services.

You can give an example with the same author of the video as before. The description immediately indicates the link to the site:

Promotional Links for Videos on YouTube

Services of services and goods

This type of earnings is great for those channels whose content consists of reviews of various services and products. However, this does not mean that channels distant from this subject can not earn in this way.

The essence lies in simple. You conclude an agreement with the advertiser who implies the release of a separate video dedicated to fully their products or the product. Depending on the conditions, in the video, you will directly talk to the audience that this is an advertisement or, on the contrary, to make hidden advertising. The second option, by the way, is an order of magnitude more expensive.

Tip: Before the conclusion of the contract, it is worth considering the goods that you will advertise and evaluate, it is worth it or not. Otherwise, subscribers can respond sharply on such an advertisement, subsequently unsubscribing from you.

Product Pleist

Product PlayStim is practically no different from the previous method of earnings. His essence is that the author in his video personally recommended one or another product. Most often, the advertiser will specifically provide him with his product so that in the video he was able to show it to the subscribers.

Also, the globacy can be hidden. In this case, the author simply has a product somewhere nearby, but openly does not offer the audience to use them. But all the conditions are negotiated with the advertiser at the time of the conclusion of the contract.

Here is an example of such an advertisement:

Product Playment in the video on YouTube

Comments and Likes

Perhaps advertising through comments and the author's husks are the lowest advertising. This is not good, because the effect of it is the most minimal. But this is the easiest way to implement. In fact, the advertiser pays you for money for you licked or commented on his video.


Summing up all of the above, it can be noted that the options for earning to directly ordered from advertisers are much more than in the affiliate program, but this does not mean that money is also more. Of course, in both cases, the amount depends on the popularity of the channel and its subjects. And only the ability to like the audience decides how much you will earn on YouTube.

However, if you combine all of the above methods of earnings, and successfully be able to sell them to the advertiser, you will undoubtedly be able to "break the bank". Also, on the Internet there are special services where the channel owner will be able to easily find the advertiser. One of these is considered to be EpicStars.

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