How to get out of the secure mode in Windows 7


Exit SAFE MODE in Windows 7

Manipulation over a system running in "Safe Mode" allows you to eliminate many problems associated with its performance, as well as solve some other tasks. But still such an order of work cannot be called full-featured, since it is turned off by a number of services, drivers and other Windows components are disabled. In this regard, after troubleshooting or solving other tasks, a question arises from the "secure regime". Find out how to do this using various actions algorithms.

Method 2: "Command Line"

If the above way does not work, this means that, most likely, you activated the launch of the device in "Safe Mode" by default. This can be done through the "Command Line" or using the "System Configuration". Initially, we study the procedure for the emergence of the first situation.

  1. Click "Start" and open "all programs".
  2. Go to section All programs through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Now come to the directory called "Standard".
  4. Go to the standard folder from the All Programs section through the Start menu in Windows 7

  5. Having found the "Command Line" object, click the right mouse button. Click on the "Launch of the Administrator" position.
  6. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator using the context menu from the standard folder through the Start menu in Windows 7

  7. The shell is activated, in which you need to drive the following:

    BCDEDIT / SET Default BootMenupolicy

    Click ENTER.

  8. Deactivate computer startup in secure mode using command input in the command line interface in Windows 7

  9. Reboot the computer in the same way as it was specified in the first way. OS should start standardly.

Lesson: Activation of the "Command Line" in Windows 7

Method 3: "System Configuration"

The following method will be suitable if you set the default "SAFE MODE" activation via the "System Configuration".

  1. Click "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Choose "System and Security".
  4. Go to System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Now click Administration.
  6. Go to Administration section from section System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. In the list of items that opens, press the System Configuration.

    Running the System Configuration window from the Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

    There is another option to start the "system configuration". Use the Win + R combination. In the window that appears, enter:


    Click "OK".

  8. Running the system configuration window by entering a command to run in Windows 7

  9. The tool shell will be activated. Move to the "Load" section.
  10. Go to the Load tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  11. If the "Safe Mode" activation was set by default via the "System Configuration" shell, then the Checkbox checkbox must be selected in the "Safe Mode" area.
  12. The input to the default secure mode is activated in the Loading tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  13. Remove this mark, and then press "Apply" and "OK".
  14. Deactivation of the entry into secure default mode in the Load tab in the System Configuration window in Windows 7

  15. The "System Setup" window opens. In it, the OS will offer to restart the device. Click "Restart".
  16. Confirmation of the system restarting in the System Setup dialog box in Windows 7

  17. The PC will be rebooted and will turn on in the usual mode of operation.

Method 4: Select mode while turning on the computer

There are also such situations when the "Safe Mode" download is installed on the computer, but the user is required to turn on the PC in the usual mode. It happens quite rarely, but still happens. For example, if the problem with the performance of the system is not completely solved, but the user wants to test the launch of the computer with a standard way. In this case, it makes no sense to reinstall the default load type, but you can select the desired option directly during the start of the OS.

  1. Restart the computer running in "Safe Mode" as described in the method 1. After activating the BIOS, the signal will sound. Immediately, how the sound will be published, you must produce several clicks on F8. In rare cases, some devices may also have a different way. For example, on a number of laptops it is necessary to apply a combination of Fn + F8.
  2. Computer launch window

  3. A list with a selection of system start-up types. By pressing the down arrow on the keyboard, select the "Normal Windows Load" item.
  4. Choosing a normal computer start mode when loading the system in Windows 7

  5. The computer will be launched in the usual operation mode. But already next launch, if nothing is done, the OS is again activated in "Safe Mode".

There are several ways to exit SAFE MODE. Two of the above produces a globally output, that is, change the default settings. The last one we studied is only a one-time output. In addition, there is a way to reboot that most users use, but it can only be applied if the "secure mode" is not specified as the default load. Thus, when choosing a specific algorithm for action, it is necessary to take into account how exactly "Safe Mode" was activated, as well as to decide, one time you wish to change the type of launch or for a long period.

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