How to Clean the story in Mozile


How to Clean the story in Mozile

Each browser accumulates the history of visits, which retains in a separate journal. This useful feature will allow you to return to the site that you ever visited. But if you suddenly needed to remove the history of Mozilla Firefox, then we will look at how this task can be implemented.

Clearing Firefox History

To, when entering the previously visited sites, visited in the address bar, you must remove the history in the Mozile. In addition, the procedure for cleaning the journal visits is recommended to perform once every six months, because Accumulated history can reduce browser performance.

Method 1: Browser Settings

This is a standard option for cleaning the running browser from history. To delete unnecessary data, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the menu button and select "Library".
  2. Library in Mozilla Firefox

  3. In the new list, click on the "Journal" option.
  4. Magazine in Mozilla Firefox

  5. The history of visited sites and other parameters will appear. Of these, you need to choose "Clean the story".
  6. Button Delete History in Mozilla Firefox

  7. A small dialog box opens, click on "Details".
  8. Settings for removing history in Mozilla Firefox

  9. The form with the parameters that you can clean are unfold. Remove the checkboxes from those items that do not want to delete. If you want to get rid of the history of the sites that you started earlier, leave a tick opposite the "Journal of visits and download" item, all other checkboxes can be removed.

    Then specify the time period for which you want to clean. The default option is the option "Over the last hour", but if you wish, you can choose another segment. It remains to click on the "Delete Now" button.

  10. MOZILLA Firefox Delete Parameters

Method 2: Third Party Utilities

If you do not want to open a browser for various reasons (it slows down when you start or you need to clear the session with open tabs before downloading pages), you can clean the story without launching Firefox. This will require you to use any popular optimizer program. We will consider cleaning on the example of CCleaner.

  1. Being in the "Cleaning" section, switch to the Application tab.
  2. Applications in CCleaner

  3. Tick ​​those items that would like to delete, and click on the "Cleaning" button.
  4. Deleting the history of Mozilla Firefox via CCleaner

  5. In the confirmation window, select "OK".
  6. Consent to CCleaner

From now on, the entire history of your browser will be deleted. So, Mozilla Firefox will start recording the log of visits and other parameters from the very beginning.

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