We study the "job scheduler" in Windows 7


Job scheduler in the Windows 7 operating system

In the systems of the Windows family, there is a special built-in component, which allows you to schedule the challenge or assign a periodic execution of various procedures on the PC. It is called the "task scheduler." Let's find out the nuances of this tool in Windows 7.

Job Planner Interface in Windows 7

Method 2: "Control Panel"

Also, "Task Scheduler" can be launched through the "Control Panel".

  1. Click "Start" again and go to the inscription "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Come in the "System and Security" section.
  4. Switch to the System and Security section from the Control Panel in Windows 7

  5. Now click "Administration".
  6. Go to Administration section from section System and Security in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  7. In the discontinuing list of tools, select "Task Scheduler".
  8. Launch of the task scheduler interface from the Administration section in the Control Panel in Windows 7

  9. The shell "Task Scheduler" will be launched.

Method 3: Search field

Although the two Task Scheduler opening methods described are generally intuitive, nevertheless, not every user can immediately remember the entire algorithm of actions. There is a simpler option.

  1. Click "Start". Install the cursor in the Find Programs and Files field.
  2. Field Find programs and files in the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. Enter the following expression there:

    Task Scheduler

    You can even fit completely, but only a part of the expression, since the search results will be displayed on the panel. In the "Programs" block, click on the displayed name "Task Scheduler".

  4. Launch of the task scheduler interface by entering the expression in the Find Programs and Files field in the Start menu in Windows 7

  5. The component will be launched.

Method 4: "Run" window

The launch operation can also be implemented through the "Run" window.

  1. Type Win + R. In the field of the shell opened, enter:


    Click "OK".

  2. Run the task scheduler interface by entering the command to run in Windows 7

  3. The tool shell will be launched.

Method 5: "Command String"

In some cases, if there are viruses in the system or malfunctions, it is not necessary to start the "Task Scheduler" launch. Then this procedure can be tried to execute using the "command line" activated with the authority of the administrator.

  1. Using the Start menu, in the All Programs section, move to the "Standard" folder. How to do this, it was indicated when explaining the very first method. Watch out the "Command Line" name and click on it with the right mouse button (PCM). In the displayed list, select the option of starting from the person of the administrator.
  2. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in the standard folder using the context menu through the Start menu in Windows 7

  3. The "Command Line" opens. Drive it:

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Taskschd.msc

    Click ENTER.

  4. Running the Operation Planker Interface RUTHE command in the command line shell in Windows 7

  5. After that, the "scheduler" will start.

Lesson: Run "Command Line"

Method 6: Direct Start

Finally, the "Task Scheduler" interface can be activated by directly launching its file - Taskschd.msc.

  1. Open the "Explorer".
  2. Running Windows Explorer from Taskbar in Windows 7

  3. In its address bar, write:

    C: \ Windows \ System32 \

    Click the icon in the form of an arrow to the right of the specified string.

  4. Go to the System32 folder by entering the directory address to the Windows 7 Explorer line in Windows 7

  5. The "System32" folder will be opened. Lay in it the file Taskschd.msc. Since it is a lot of items in this directory, then for a more convenient search, you need to store them in order of alphabet, by clicking the name of the "Name" field. Having found the desired file, click on it twice with the left mouse button (LKM).
  6. Running task scheduler interface by activating the Taskschd.msc file from the System32 folder in Windows 7 Wires

  7. "Planner" will start.

Opportunities "Task Scheduler"

Now, after we figured out how to run the "scheduler", let's find out what he can do, as well as define the user actions algorithm to achieve specific goals.

Among the main actions performed by the "Task Scheduler" should be allocated as follows:

  • Creating a task;
  • Creating a simple task;
  • Import;
  • Export;
  • Inclusion of the magazine;
  • Displays all tasks performed;
  • Creating a folder;
  • Remove the task.

Next about some of these functions, we will talk more objectively.

Creating a simple task

First of all, consider how to form a simple task in Task Scheduler.

  1. In the "Task Scheduler" interface on the right side of the shell is the area "Actions". Click on the position "Create a simple task ...".
  2. Go to creating a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  3. The shell of creating a simple task is launched. In the "Name" area, be sure to enter the name of the element being created. You can enter any arbitrary name here, but it is desirable to briefly describe the procedure so that you can immediately understand that it represents. The "Description" field is optional to fill, but here, if you wish, you can describe the procedure performed in more detail. After the first field is filled, the "Next" button becomes active. Click on it.
  4. Assigning a task name in the creation window of a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  5. Now the "Trigger" section opens. In it, by moving the radio channel, you can specify which frequency the activated procedure will be launched:
    • When activating windows;
    • When starting a PC;
    • When logging in the log of the selected event;
    • Every month;
    • Every day;
    • Every week;
    • Once.

    After you have made a choice, press "Next".

  6. Specifying the periodicity of the procedure in the Trigger section in the form of a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  7. Then, if you specified not a specific event, after which the procedure is launched, and you have selected one of the four items, you need to specify the date and time of startup, as well as the frequency if not one-time execution has been scheduled. This can be done in the corresponding fields. After the specified data is entered, press "Next".
  8. Specifying the date and time of the beginning and reimbursement of the procedure in the Trigger section in the creation window of the simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  9. After that, by moving the radio channels near the relevant items, you need to select one of three actions that will be performed:
    • Launch an application;
    • Sending email messages;
    • Displaying a message.

    After selecting the option, click "Next".

  10. Selecting an action in the action section in the creation window of a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  11. If the program launch was selected at the previous stage, the subsection will open in which to specify a specific application intended for activation. To do this, click on the "Overview ..." button.
  12. Go to the selection of the program started in the action section in the option of creating a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  13. The standard object selection window opens. It needs to go to the directory where the program is located, a script or another item you want to run. If you are going to activate a third-party application, most likely, it will be posted in one of the Program Files folder directories in the root directory of the C drive. After the object is noted, press "Open".
  14. Select the program in the Open window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  15. After that, automatic returns to the "Task Scheduler" interface. The corresponding field displays the full path to the selected application. Click on the "Next" button.
  16. The program is launched in the action section in the creation window of a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  17. A window will now open, where summary information will be presented on the formed task on the basis of the data entered by the user at the previous stages. If something does not suit you, click the "Back" button and edit at your discretion.

    Go to re-editing the task in the Finish section in the creation window of the simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

    If everything is in order, then to complete the formation of the task, press "ready".

  18. Completing the task formation in the Finish section in the creation window of a simple task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  19. Now the task is created. It will appear in the "job scheduler library".

Created task in the job scheduler library in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

Creating a task

Now we'll figure it out how to create an ordinary task. Unlike the simple analogue considered by us above, it will be possible to set more complex conditions.

  1. In the right area of ​​the "Task Scheduler" interface, press "create a task ...".
  2. Go to creating a task in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  3. The "General" section opens. Its purpose is very similar to the function of the partition where we set the name of the procedure when creating a simple task. Here in the "Name" field also need to specify the name. But unlike the previous version, except for this item and the possibility of making data in the "Description" field, you can produce a number of other settings if necessary, namely:
    • Assign the highest rights procedure;
    • Specify the user's profile, at the entrance to which this operation will be relevant;
    • Hide the procedure;
    • Specify compatibility settings with other OS.

    But the obligatory in this section is only the introduction of a name. After here all the settings are completed, click on the name of the Triger tabs.

  4. Assigning a task name in the General section in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  5. In the "Triggers" section, the start time of the procedure is set, its frequency or situation at which it is activated. To go to the formation of the specified parameters, click "Create ...".
  6. Go to specify the launch conditions for the procedure in the Triggers section in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  7. A trigger creation shell opens. First of all, from the drop-down list you need to select the conditions for activation of the procedure:
    • When starting;
    • At an event;
    • With simple;
    • When entering the system;
    • On schedule (default), etc.

    When you select the last of the listed options in the window in the "Parameters" block, it is required by activating the radio channels indicate the frequency:

    • Once (default);
    • Weekly;
    • Daily;
    • Monthly.

    Next, you need to enter the date, time and period in the corresponding fields.

    In addition, in the same window, you can configure a number of additional, but not required parameters:

    • Validity;
    • Delay;
    • Repetition, etc.

    After specifying all the necessary settings, click "OK".

  8. Settings in the trigger creation window in the Triggers section in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  9. After that, the "Trigger" tab of the task window is returned. The trigger settings will immediately be displayed according to the data entered at the previous stage. Click on the name of the "Actions" tab.
  10. Go to the Actions tab from the Trigger section in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  11. Going to the above section to specify a specific procedure that will be performed, click on the "Create ..." button.
  12. Go to creating a new action in the action tab in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  13. The action creation window appears. From the drop-down list, select one of three options:
    • Sending email;
    • Post output;
    • Starting the program.

    If you select the launch of the application, you must specify the location of its executable file. To do this, click "Review ...".

  14. Go to the selection of the executable file in the Create action window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  15. The Open window is started, which is identically observed by the object by us when creating a simple task. In it, you also need to go to the file location directory, highlight it and click "Open".
  16. Select the executable file in the Open window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  17. After that, the path to the selected object will be displayed in the "Program or Script" field in the "Creating Action" window. We can only click on the "OK" button.
  18. Shutdown in the Create action window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  19. Now, when the appropriate action is displayed in the main task creation window, go to the "Conditions" tab.
  20. Transition to the Conditions tab from the action section in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  21. In the opening section, there is an opportunity to set a number of conditions, namely:
    • Specify the power settings;
    • Awaken a PC to perform the procedure;
    • Specify the network;
    • Configure the start of the process at easy, etc.

    All these settings are not mandatory and apply only for special cases. Next, you can go to the "Parameters" tab.

  22. Go to the Settings tab from the Terms section in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  23. In the above section, you can change the range of parameters:
    • Allow the implementation of the procedure on request;
    • Stop the procedure performed more than the specified time;
    • Forced to complete the procedure if it fails on request;
    • Immediately start the procedure if the planned activation is missing;
    • If you fail to restart the procedure;
    • Delete the task after a certain time if the repeat is not scheduled.

    The first three default parameters are activated, and the remaining three are disabled.

    After specifying all the necessary settings to create a new task, click on the "OK" button.

  24. Completion of the formation of a task in the Repears tab in the task creation window in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  25. The task will be created and will appear in the Library list.

New task in the job scheduler library in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

Removing the task

If necessary, the created task can be removed from "Task Scheduler". This is especially important if you did not create it yourself, but some third-party program. Often, there are also cases when in the "scheduler" the implementation of the procedure prescribes viral software. In case of detection of this, the task should be removed immediately.

  1. On the left side of the "Task Scheduler" interface, click on the "job scheduler library".
  2. Go to the task scheduler library in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  3. At the top of the central area of ​​the window will open the list of scheduled procedures. Find the one of them you want to remove, click on it PCM and select "Delete".
  4. Go to deleting a task through the context menu in the task scheduler library in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  5. A dialog box is displayed, where to confirm its solution by pressing "Yes".
  6. Confirmation of the task deletion in the task scheduler library through the dialog box in the task scheduler interface in Windows 7

  7. The planned procedure will be removed from the "library".

Disable "job scheduler"

"Task Scheduler" is extremely recommended to disable, as in Windows 7, unlike XP and earlier versions, it serves a number of system processes. Therefore, the deactivation of the "scheduler" can lead to incorrect operation of the system and a number of unpleasant consequences. It is for this reason that the standard shutdown is not provided in the "Service Manager" of the service that is responsible for the operation of this OS component. Nevertheless, in special cases it is temporarily required to deactivate "Task Scheduler". This can be done by manipulation in the system registry.

  1. Click Win + R. In the field displayed object, enter:


    Click "OK".

  2. Run the system registry editor window by entering a command to run in Windows 7

  3. The registry editor is activated. In the left area of ​​its interface, click the name of the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" section.
  4. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section in the system registry editor window in Windows 7

  5. Go to the "SYSTEM" folder.
  6. Switching System Folder from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section in the Windows Registry Editor window in Windows 7

  7. Open the CurrentControlSet directory.
  8. Go to the CurrentControlset directory from the System folder in the system registry editor window in Windows 7

  9. Next click on the name of the "Services" section.
  10. Go to the Services section from the CurrentControlset directory in the Windows Registry Editor window in Windows 7

  11. Finally, in the Long List of Directors, find the "Schedule" folder and highlight it.
  12. Go to the Schedule folder from the Services section in the Windows Registry Editor window in Windows 7

  13. Now we move on the right side of the editor's interface. Here you need to find the "Start" parameter. Click on it twice LKM.
  14. Go to the Start parameter properties window in the Schedule folder in the Windows registry editor window in Windows 7

  15. The "Start" parameter editing is opens. In the "Value" field instead of the number "2" put "4". And press "OK".
  16. Changing the START parameter in the DWORD Setup window in the System Registry Editor in Windows 7

  17. After that, there will be a refund to the main window "Editor". The "Start" parameter value will be changed. Close the "editor" by clicking on the standard closing button.
  18. Closing the system registry editor window in Windows 7

  19. Now you need to restart the PC. Click "Start". Then click on the triangular figure to the right of the "Completion" object. In the displayed list, choose "Reboot".
  20. Go to restart PC via Start menu in Windows 7

  21. A restart of PC will be performed. When it is re-enabling the "Task Scheduler" will be deactivated. But, as mentioned above, it costs for a long time without "Task Scheduler" is not recommended. Therefore, after the problems required it, the problems will be eliminated, go to the "Schedule" section in the Registry Editor window and open the "Start" parameter change. In the "Value" field, change the number "4" to "2" and press OK.
  22. Re-change the START parameter in the DWORD parameter window in the System Registry Editor in Windows 7

  23. After rebooting the Task Scheduler PC will again be activated.

Using the "job scheduler", the user can schedule the implementation of almost any one-time or periodic procedure performed on the PC. But this tool is also used for the internal need of the system. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable it. Although at the highest need there is a way to do this, and this is a change in the system registry.

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