How to find out the computer ID: 2 simple ways


How to find out the computer id

The desire to know everything about your computer is the feature of many curious users. True, sometimes we are moving not only curiosity. Information about the hardware, installed programs, serial numbers of discs, etc., may be very useful, and needed for different purposes. In this article, let's talk about the computer ID - how to find out and how to change if necessary.

We know the ID of PC

The computer identifier is its physical MAC address on the network, or rather its network card. This address is unique to each machine and can be used by administrators or providers for various purposes - from remote control and activation of software before the network access is prohibited.

Find out your MAC address is quite simple. For this, there are two ways - "Device Manager" and "Command Line".

Method 1: "Device Manager"

As mentioned above, the ID is the address of a specific device, that is, a PC network adapter.

  1. We go to the Device Manager. You can get access to it from the "Run" menu, typing command


    Launch Device Manager with Menu Run Menu in Windows 7

  2. Open the "Network Adapters" section and are looking for the name of your card.

    Search for a network adapter in the Windows 7 Device Manager sections

  3. Double-click on the adapter and, in the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab. In the list of "Property", click on the "Network Address" item and in the "Value" field we receive a MAC computer.
  4. Network Address value in the adapter properties in Windows 7

    If for some reason the value is presented in the form of zeros or the switch is in the "missing" position, then define the ID will help the following method.

Method 2: "Command Line"

Using the Windows console, you can make various actions and execute commands without contacting the graphic shell.

  1. Open the "Command Line" using the All the same menu "Run". In the "Open" field


    Run a command line using the Run Menu in Windows 7

  2. The console will open in which you need to register the following command and click OK:

    IPConfig / All.

    Enter a command to check the computer's MAC address to the command line in Windows 7

  3. The system will give a list of all network adapters, including virtual (we have seen them in the Device Manager). Everyone will indicate their data, including the physical address. We are interested in that adapter with which we are connected to the Internet. It is his Mac that the people he needed.

    List of network adapters and MAC addresses with Windows 7 batch

ID change

Change the computer's MAC address is easy, but there is one nuance here. If your provider provides any services, settings or licenses based on ID, the connection can be broken. In this case, you will have to inform him about changing the address.

Methods of changing MAC addresses are several. We will talk about the easiest and proven.

Option 1: Network Map

This is the most obvious option, since when replacing the network card, ID changes in the computer. This also applies to those devices that perform the network adapter functions, such as Wi-Fi module or modem.

External Network Map PCI-E for Computer

Option 2: System Settings

This method is a simple replacement of values ​​in device properties.

  1. Open the "Device Manager" (see above) and find your network adapter (map).
  2. Click twice, go to the "Advanced" tab and put the switch to the "value" position, if not.

    Switching to enter a network address in Windows 7 Device Manager

  3. Next, you must register the address to the appropriate field. Mac is a set of six groups of hexadecimal numbers.



    2A: 54: F8: 43: 6D: 22

    There is also a nuance here. In Windows, there are restrictions on assigning addresses to adapters "taken from the head". True, there is a trick that allows this ban to get around - use the template. Four them:

    * A - ** - ** - ** - ** - **

    * 2 - ** - ** - ** - ** - **

    * E - ** - ** - ** - ** - **

    * 6 - ** - ** - ** - ** - **

    Instead of stars, it is necessary to substitute any hexadecimal number. These are numbers from 0 to 9 and the letters from a to F (Latin), total sixteen characters.


    Enter the MAC address without separators, in one line.


    Entering a new network card address in Windows 7 Device Manager

    After rebooting, the adapter will be assigned a new address.


As you can see, learn and replace the computer ID in the network is quite simple. It is worth saying that it is not desirable to do without an extreme need. Do not hooligan in the network so as not to be blocked by Mac, and everything will be fine.

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