How to return windows 10 to the factory settings


How to return windows 10 to the factory settings

This article is intended for those users who purchased or only plan to buy a computer / laptop with a pre-installed Windows 10 operating system. Of course, it is possible to perform the following actions and those who installed themselves alone, but the pre-installed systems in this case have one advantage about Which we told below. Today we will tell you about how to return Windows 10 to the factory state, and about what the described operation is different from standard rollback.

Return Windows 10 to factory settings

Earlier, we described ways to roll back the OS to an earlier state. They are very similar to those methods of recovery that we will talk about today. The only difference is that the actions described below will allow you to save all Windows activation keys, as well as applications laid by the manufacturer. This means that you will not need to look for them manually when reinstalling the licensed operating system.

It is also worth noting that the methods described below are applicable only on Windows 10 in the editors of Home and Professional. In addition, the OS assembly should be no less than 1703. Now let's start directly to the description of the methods themselves. There are only two of them. In both cases, the result will be somewhat different.

Method 1: The official utility from Microsoft

In this case, we resort to the help of special software, which is designed specifically for clean installation of Windows 10. The procedure will be as follows:

Download Windows 10 Recovery Tool

  1. We go to the official loading page of the utility. If desired, you can familiarize yourself with all the requirements for the system and learn about the consequences of such a recovery. At the bottom of the page you will see the "download tool now" button. Press it.
  2. Press the download tool for the Windows Recovery tool

  3. Instantly start downloading the desired software. At the end of the process, open the downloads folder and start the saved file. By default, it is called "Refreshwindowstool".
  4. Run on the computer refreshwindowstool file

  5. Next, you will see the Account Control Window on the screen. Click it on the "Yes" button.
  6. Click the button yes in the Account Control Window

  7. After that, the software automatically removes the files you need and starts the installer. Now you will be offered to familiarize yourself with the terms of the license. We read the text at will and click the "Accept" button.
  8. We accept license terms when restoring Windows 10

  9. The next step will be the selection of the installation type OS. You can save your personal information or delete everything completely. Mark the same line in the dialog box that matches your choice. After that, click the Start button.
  10. Save or delete personal data when restoring Windows 10

  11. Now it is necessary to wait. First, the preparation of the system will begin. This will be said in a new window.
  12. Preparation of Windows 10 to restore

  13. Then follows the download of Windows 10 installation files from the Internet.
  14. Loading files to restore Windows 10

  15. Next, the utility will need to check all downloaded files.
  16. Check downloaded files to restore Windows 10

  17. After that, automatic image creation will begin, which the system will use for a clean installation. This image will remain on the hard disk after installation.
  18. Creating an image to restore Windows 10 to factory settings

  19. And after that, the operating system installation will be launched directly. Exactly up to this point you can use a computer or laptop. But all further actions will be performed already outside the system, so it is better to close all programs in advance and save the necessary information. During the installation, your device will reboot several times. Do not worry, it should be.
  20. Installing clean Windows 10 with factory settings

  21. After some time (about 20-30 minutes), the installation will be completed, and a window will appear on the screen with pre-settings of the system. Here you can immediately select the type of account used and set security settings.
  22. Pre-settings Windows 10 before logging in

  23. Upon completion, you will find yourself on the desktop of the recovered operating system. Please note that two additional folders will appear on the system disk: "Windows.old" and "ESD". The Windows.old folder will contain the files of the previous operating system. If after restoring the system, there will be a failure, you can return to the previous version of the OS thanks to this folder. If everything will work without complaints, then you can remove it. Especially since it takes several gigabytes on the hard disk. We were told about how to uninstall such a folder in a separate article.

    Read more: Delete Windows.old in Windows 10

    The "ESD" folder, in turn, is in the same way that the utility automatically created during the installation of Windows. If you wish, you can copy it to an external medium for further use or simply delete.

  24. Additional folders on the system disk after Windows 10 recovery

You can only set the desired software and you can start using a computer / laptop. Please note that as a result of the use of the described method, your operating system will be restored to that assembly of Windows 10, which is laid by the manufacturer. This means that in the future you will have to start finding OS updates in order to use the current version of the system.

Method 2: Built-in Recovery Function

When using this method, you will receive a clean operating system with the latest updates. You will also do not need to swing through the utilities in the process. This is how your actions will look like:

  1. Click on the "Start" button at the bottom of the desktop. A window will open in which you should click on the "Parameters" button. Similar functions performs the Key + I keys.
  2. Open the window options in Windows 10

  3. Next, you need to go to the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Go to the Update and Security section in Windows 10

  5. On the left, press the Location "Recovery". Next to the right, press LKM on the text, which in the screenshot is noted below the number "2".
  6. Go to Windows 10 recovery parameters to factory settings

  7. A window will appear on the screen in which you need to confirm the switch to the Security Center program. To do this, press the "Yes" button.
  8. Confirm the switching to the Security Center in Windows 10

  9. Immediately after this, the tab you need will open in the Windows Defender Security Center. To start recovery, click the "Getting Started" button.
  10. Press the start button to start Windows 10 recovery

  11. You will see a warning on the screen that the process will take about 20 minutes. You will also remind you that all third-party software and part of your personal data will be irrevocably removed. To continue click "Next".
  12. Click the button Next to continue Windows 10 Recovery

  13. Now it is necessary to wait a bit until the preparation process is completed.
  14. Preparation of Windows 10 to reset to factory settings

  15. At the next stage, you will see a list of that software that will be uninstalled from the computer during the recovery process. If you agree with everyone, then again press "Next".
  16. Window with a list of remote control during recovery

  17. The screen will appear the latest tips and recommendations. In order to start directly the recovery process, click the Start button.
  18. Click on the start button to start the Windows 10 recovery process

  19. This will follow the next stage of system preparation. On the screen you can track the progress of the operation.
  20. The next step of preparation for Windows 10 recovery

  21. After preparation, the system will restart and automatically run the update process.
  22. Update device running Windows 10

  23. When the update is completed, the last phase will begin - setting the clean operating system.
  24. Installation of clean Windows 10 with factory settings

  25. After 20-30 minutes everything will be ready. Before you begin work, you will only have to set several basic parameters of the account type, region and so on. After that, you will find yourself on the desktop. There will be a file in which the system carefully listed all remote programs.
  26. File with a list of remote software during recovery

  27. As in the previous method, the "windows.old" folder will be located on the system section of the hard disk. Leave it to the safety net or delete - to solve only you.
  28. Leave or delete the folder with the previous version of Windows

As a result of such simple manipulations, you will receive a clean operating system with all activation keys, factory software and the latest updates.

On this, our article came to an end. As you can see, restore the operating system to factory settings is not so difficult. Especially useful these actions will be in cases where you do not have the ability to reinstall the OS standard methods.

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