Why there is no sound on youtube


Solving the problem No sound on YouTube

One of the problems that meets in many users is a loss of sound in the videos on YouTube. There are several reasons that could lead to it. Let's look at them in turn and find a solution.

Causes of Loss of Sound on YouTube

There are few main reasons, so you will be able to check them all in a short time and find the most, due to which this problem has happened. This may be connected with the hardware part of your computer and with software. We will analyze everything in order.

Cause 1: Sound problems on the computer

Check the sound settings in the system - what needs to be done first, since the sound in the system can be lifted by itself, which could lead to this problem. Check the volume mixer, for this:

  1. In the taskbar, find the speakers and click on them with the right mouse button, then select "Open the volume mixer".
  2. Open Windows 7 Volume Mixer

  3. Next you need to check the service. Open any video on YouTube, not forgetting to turn on the volume on the player itself.
  4. Video Video YouTube

  5. Now look at the channel of your browser's mixer, where video is enabled. If everything works properly, there must be a green strip jumping up and down.

Windows 7 mixer

If everything works, but you still do not hear sound, it means that the fault in something else or you just moved the plug from the speakers or headphones. Check it as well.

Cause 2: Incorrect Audio Server Settings

The settings failure of the audio cards that work with Realtek HD is the second reason that can provoke a loss of sound on YouTube. There is a way that can help. In particular, this concerns owners of 5.1 audio systems. Editing takes place in a few clicks, you just need:

  1. Go to the Realtek HD Manager, the icon of which is in the taskbar.
  2. Open Realtek HD Windows 7

  3. In the "Speaker Configuration" tab, make sure that the "Stereo" mode is selected.
  4. Realtek HD Speaker Configuration

  5. And if you owner 5.1 speakers, then you need to turn off the central loudspeaker or try also go to stereo mode.
  6. Turning off the central speaker REALTEK HD

Cause 3: incorrect work HTML5 player

After youtube go to work with the HTML5 player, users have increasingly problems with sound in some or in all rollers. Several simple actions will help correct this problem:

  1. Go to the Google online store and set the Disable YouTube HTML5 Player extension.
  2. Install Disable YouTube HTML5 Player

    Download Disable Youtube HTML5 Player extension

  3. Restart the browser and go to the "Extensions Management" menu.
  4. Extensions Management

  5. Enable Disable YouTube HTML5 Player extension.
  6. Enable YouTube HTML5 Player

This addition disables HTML5 Player and YouTube uses the old Adobe Flash Player, so in some cases it may need to install it in order for the video to be played without errors.

Read more: How to install Adobe Flash Player on a computer

Cause 4: Failure in the Registry

Perhaps the sound disappeared not only on YouTube, but in the whole browser, then you need to edit one parameter in the registry. This can be done like this:

  1. Press the Win + R keys combination to open "Run" and enter the REGEDIT there, then click OK.
  2. Run Windows 7.

  3. Go along the way:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ Currentversion \ DRIVERS32

    Find there the name "WAWEMAPPER", whose value "msacm32.drv".

Search Wawemapper Windows 7

In the case when there is no such name, it is necessary to proceed to its creation:

  1. In the menu on the right, where there are names and values, by pressing the right mouse button, go to the creation of a string parameter.
  2. Creating a Windows 7 string parameter

  3. Name it "Wavemapper", click on it twice and enter "MSACM32.DRV" in the "MSACM32.DRV" field.
  4. Assignment of the value of the Windows 7 parameter

After that, restart the computer and try watching the video again. Creating this parameter must solve the problem.

The above solutions are the main and help most users. If you have nothing happened after applying any way - do not despair, and try each. Although one, but should help cope with this problem.

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