How to promote video in tiktok


How to promote video in tiktok

Understanding the principle of work recommendations

Recommendations - the main engine of popularity in Titstok. No one knows exactly how they work, besides there is an assumption that the algorithms of roller promotion are changed from time to time. Surprisingly, even a new user of this social network, downloading only one roller, maybe the IMG becomes popular only because it has successfully fell into recommendations and the video has become viral. There are several common factors positively affecting the promotion of clips. Let's look at them so that you understand what the factors of your creativity can be improved.

  1. Author content. In Tyktok, there are built-in tools designed to check the content on authorship. They track whether such a video laid out somewhere, whether there are coincidences on the video detection and general content. Sometimes even the format and codecs with rollers are compared, for example, loaded from YouTube. It is impossible to say exactly what other characteristics are compared, but it is known that the means defining plagiarism are available. The best rollers are best moved, where your face is visible in the frame and the story of life history occurs. As practice shows, such clips are most often flying into the river.
  2. Fill a profile. Tickot reluctantly promotes those video, the authors of which did not fill the profile and did not change the default username. First, so, no one will not pay attention to the author, and secondly, the chance of getting into recommendations is reduced. We advise you to add an avatar, to make a memorable login and write basic information about yourself, after which it is already engaged in promoting content.
  3. Adding hashtegov. In Tiktok, many videos are automatically divided into different categories depending on what is shown on them. However, the use of hashtegov allows you to even better separate them into categories and recommend specific user groups. Be sure to put at least a few hashtegs to the clip that belong to its subject.

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This is only the basic information that can be outrageous over time, so we recommend paying attention to those authors who talk about promotion into Titstok leads permanent experiments and leads visual statistics on how the recommendations are currently working. All this will help to understand how to improve the video and ensure its promotion.

Acquisition of advertising

Acquisition of advertising is the easiest way to promote any product, brand or whatever it is on the Internet. This also includes clips from Titock. At the same time, you do not need to distribute advertising somewhere on external sources, as this will not bring the desired effect. You can record a short video until 15 seconds, lay it on the channel right in Tiktok and purchase official advertising. Your video will appear in the recommendations of other users as advertising. They will be able to see it, evaluate and go to the channel to familiarize yourself with all the rest of the content or subscribe.

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The only difficulty in implementing this method of promotion is to choose a suitable video. The fact is that the user immediately sees, advertising is a clip or not, and can simply strike it immediately, not delight into the contents. You need to interest the viewer from the first seconds so that he has a desire to move to other clips without watching this one. As part of this article, all tips on how the advertising video should be, just do not fit, because everything directly depends on the target audience and the subject of the channel. Try to think about it yourself or sit down a bit in the recommendations, browsing similar advertising videos from other authors to learn something new.

Collaboration with other bloggers

The interaction of different authors allows them to be trained in the form of a set of views and new subscribers. In collaborations enter both famous bloggers and not very. Sometimes this happens in the form of a promotional contract, when a less popular author has already proposed a star to help with the promotion of its content, writing a duet. The price tag, each person puts his own or generally refuses to carry out such advertising campaigns, since its channel format does not provide for the possibility of recording such clips. However, you can write to more successful bloggers according to similar subjects, having agreed with them about promoting video on mutually beneficial conditions.

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Sometimes it even sufficiently record a simple duet on the clip you specified, so that in the frame there was a person and the audience saw the reaction of the blogger. Many of them move to the original to rate it, read the comments or learn more about the author. Use this method to promote the video you need, just consider that all the conditions here are set by the tictoker to which you appeal to advertising.

Connecting other platforms

This recommendation to promote your own video is relevant only for those users who came to Titstok, already having any background in other social networks. It can be an account in Instagram or Youtyube (by the way, they are easiest to bring them to your profile to Titstok to share videos and news). You will need to associate all your platforms and mention in posts or video that you are on each of them, agitate the users to subscribe, attracting them with an exclusive material.

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As for the promotion of their clips in Titstok, then on other platforms you have enough to create a small message, lay out a storage or somehow differently notify users that now you are shooting the rollers in a short format. Ask for them to support and distribute clips, which will give you a big push at the start and will allow you to fly faster in the river.

Understanding trend

The audience in the social network under consideration lives trends. They appear and disappear literally every day, because of which their tracking becomes incredibly difficult. However, if you have your own sources or you are engaged in content analytics, you can upload the moment and release a clip with current sound, effect or dance at the right moment when it will look at the maximum number of users, going through the hasties or through the "Interesting" section.

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Yes, this method of promoting your own video is very complex and it is hardly possible to implement it, if it comes to a specific video already laid out, since the emphasis here is on the trend roller and channel activity as a whole. However, nothing prevents you in a trend clip, removed specifically for recommendations, add an inscription or allocate a couple of seconds at the end, saying that there is another video that deserves the attention on your channel. This will break down a few new users and will have a positive effect on promotion.

Titsok Haws

Titstok Haws - a phenomenon is quite new, which appeared a little over a year ago in the CIS. The largest hauses are located in Russia, but each month they open in other European countries, collecting the most popular and promising authors. The essence of the Tyktok House is that a group of bloggers with Organizers or without them rent a house or creates a special platform, where various clips are laid out for several days or weeks, collaborate and discusses new ideas. This is a great method of promoting the video that you have long wanted to remove and lay out this social network, but there is one big but.

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You must be personally familiar with those who will call to the Titstok House or will make a membership fee, joining the community to the rights of a full-fledged participant. Usually, such houses do not take anyone unknown bloggers, as it is just unprofitable. You need at least some kind of permanent audience and activity. However, such shooting sites are becoming increasingly popular, they are created for commercial purposes and in completely different cities, where there are no more stars. This will allow almost every author to get to the "Hut" and write there at least some rollers. Read the information about it on the Internet, the monitor situation in your city. Search for communication with the organizers and participants, learning details of such events and the conditions of entry into them.

Improving quality content

Some of the above methods allow you to almost instantly promote the roller in Tiktok, attaching certain efforts. However, it is worth understanding that there will be no interesting interesting and unreasonable content to anyone. Try to constantly improve the quality of the clips, take a good camera, lighting, update the equipment in accordance with your income and the goals you want to achieve on the social network. Think out a video script, create a schedule to spread them with a certain frequency.

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Some authors even hire teams of specialists who are followed by the account or help in shooting rollers. These can be stylists, make-up artists, scripts, and even directors, if the series of thematic rollers is meant on a specific topic that will definitely raise millions of views. Virtually the entire content is investing certain amounts of money, if you want to not just shoot a few days in Titstok, and strengthen as a top blogger and become a recognizable personality.

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