How to update Mozilla Firefox browser


How to update Mozilla Firefox browser

Mozilla Firefox is an actively developing web browser, which, with each update, becomes all new improvements. And in order for users to receive new browser features and improved security, developers regularly release updates.

Firefox update methods

Each Mozilla Firefox browser user must be installed new updates for this web browser. This is due not so much with the appearance of the new browser capabilities, how much so that many viruses are directed to the defeat of browsers, and with each new update Firefox developers remove all detected flaws in safety.

Method 1: Dialog box "About Firefox"

A simple way to check for updates and find out the current browser version - through the help menu in the settings.

  1. Click the menu button in the upper right corner. From the drop-down list, select "Help".
  2. Help in Mozilla Firefox

  3. In the same area, another menu will float in which you will need to click on the "Firefox" item.
  4. About Firefox in Mozilla Firefox

  5. A window will open on the screen in which the browser will start searching for new updates. If they are not detected, you will see the message "The latest version of Firefox is installed."

    Browser version dialog box in Mozilla Firefox

    If the browser detects updates, it will immediately start installing them, after which you need to restart Firefox.

Method 2: Enabling automatic update

If each time you have to execute the procedure described above, we can conclude that the automatic search and installation of updates is disabled in your browser. To check this, do the following:

  1. Click in the upper right corner along the menu button and in the displayed window, go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Menu settings in Mozilla Firefox

  3. Being on the "Main" tab, scroll to the Firefox Update section. Mark the point "Automatically install updates" item. Additionally, you can put a tick about items "Use the background service to install updates" and "automatically update search engines".
  4. Setting up automatic update through settings in Mozilla Firefox

By activating the automatic installation of updates in Mozilla Firefox, you will provide your browser best performance, safety and functionality.

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